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Refuse Treatment

nobody special

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Ok I've been searching for answers on the internet, but can't really fing what I'm looking for, so i thought I'd come and ask all you lovelies on here.

I've been suffering from Bulimia for 8yrs. Last friday I was admitted to hospital with Severe Dehydration and Electrolyte imbalances, on admission I had not eaten or drunk anything in over 24hrs my pulse was around 180 and b/p 186/? I was so out of it, ( my bf was with me) and cant remember much of that night, the next mornin i awoke to find that they had put IV fluids in me, I asked for them to be removed, but the nurses kept putting off doing it until the bag had almost gone through, For the next 2 days i refused food and drinks, I was trying to dehydrate myself to lose weight as i have read that in 48hrs you can lose up to 15lbs!!!!!! By monday I was in a lot of pain, they thought my kidneys were failing, but luckily, I was ok. This one nurse came and sat on my bed, she looked so sad, she said that i looked sad, and that my eyes were empty, she said that i was scaring her and the rest of the staff, the werent used to people refusing there help, they coulnt just stand there and watch my die through dehydration and they had no option but to call the doctors back u to see me ( I had a feeling they were going to section me) So i reluctantly agreed to have a bag of fluid, they said one, but through the day an night they talked me into havin 5 bags!!!!!!!! I am so bloated i look about 9 months pregnant! Psych came to see me yesterday before i was discharged, they offered to admit me, but i didnt think going into a psych hospital would be beneficial! She phoned my CMHT, at the moment i am on a waiting list for OP treatment and am monitored closely by my GP and councillor, CMHT said they were happy with the support netwprk that i had in place and werent prepared to offer anything more! Liaison psych was not happy but there was nothing she could do as i didnt want lp from the crisis service or to go into hospital!

Now that I am at home I am even more determined not to eat o'r drink, at the moment the thought of putting anything into my mouth or having anything in my stomach makes me feel so sick! I am sipping water every so often but even that feels like too much!!!!!!

So I guess my question is, in my current attempt at starving and dehydrating, if I passed out again etc and was admitted to hospital would I have the right to refuse IV fluids, and if I did is there any way the drs can force me into having treatment?

thanks! You probably think its insane, but i see it as my only option to change who i am, and become something better, change begins on the inside thats what people tell me, so thats what im doing, if i dont put anything bad in, then everything bad has to come out right?


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They will not let you die, if the result of not eating or drinking equals death, which it does, you will be sectioned.

You deserve better, this extreme self punishment will not change who you are, just make you very ill. I hope you get some good help to get you back on track. Please take good care of yourself. Water is not "bad", it is essential for all life. You are not "bad" also.

Fairy xxx

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Yeah, what Fairy said. They will not let you die. It would be very much like someone being rushed in after a suicide attempt, and them just saying 'oh just let him/her die, he/she doesn't want to be helped'. They will always fight for your life.

I understand what it is to have an eating disorder, I know the struggle. But please accept the help, your life is obviously in danger and you need to give your body a break, care for it, don't destroy it. And especially DON'T stop drinking water. It is extremely dangerous not to drink water! Well, it is also extremely dangerous not to eat, obviously. But not drinking water will only kill you faster. Sorry to be so blunt.

Oh, and I think depending on where you live, you can also be forced into treatment. I'm not sure though.

Furthermore I wanted to tell you that what you do to your body by starving and dehydrating yourself, doesn't change who you are as a person. It will only bring on more problems, as your body deteriorates.

Please do accept help, please do.



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1) It wont cause any lasting weight loss. your body will just go into starvation mood, mess up your metabolism PERMANENTLY and forever after it will be much much harder to lose weight even if you are doing it sensibly. ....and any weight you lose through this attempt will go straight back on. You are just being totally stupid. Go to weight watchers and lose it sensibily. Dramatic weight loss attempts cant be sustained and they dont chagne you. What chagnes you is losing wieght slowely and sensibly so that you have good lasting changes in lifestyle and eating habits, and for that you NEED the extra length of tiem it takes to lose the weight because it takes quite a while to get into new habits.

2) I am not sure about this, but i actually think you CAN refuse treatment. If they section you they are only allowed to give you treatment for your mental health needs. Food isnt a mental health treatment. I was told once that if someone signed a thing saying they didnt want treatment after and OD, they couldnt give you hte treatment even if you were sectioned subsequently.

But again, id say, if you want to lose weight you really are going about it in an incredibly stupid way

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Sundries - I think that you have a valid point, however do you need to be so harsh? people with eatind disorders find it extremely difficult to see the seriousness of the ways in which they lose weight! calling her or the extreme methods in which she uses stupid, is not gonna help, only make her feel worse about her self, she is a young girl suffering froma serious and debilitating mental ilness!

nobody special - I am concerned that you feel the need to punish yourself in such a extreme way! I am ecovering from bulimia, I know how hard it is, and also ow desperate you get to try and lose weight however, not drinking is not an option! they will section you, as your refusal to eat and drink is harming you and threatening your life, the mental ilness is making you refuse and they can section you to treat you for phyisical ilnesses if they think that your MI is to blame! You are such a beautiful person, your only 21, you have the rest of your life ahead of you, being thin is not the end of the world! youare not fat your BMI is in the healthy range! please do not punish yourself in this way, you are worth so much more! risking your health and life isnt worth it!

please look after yourself! talk to your concillor etc, thats what their there for hun!



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Ok I've been searching for answers on the internet, but can't really fing what I'm looking for, so i thought I'd come and ask all you lovelies on here.

I've been suffering from Bulimia for 8yrs. Last friday I was admitted to hospital with Severe Dehydration and Electrolyte imbalances, on admission I had not eaten or drunk anything in over 24hrs my pulse was around 180 and b/p 186/? I was so out of it, ( my bf was with me) and cant remember much of that night, the next mornin i awoke to find that they had put IV fluids in me, I asked for them to be removed, but the nurses kept putting off doing it until the bag had almost gone through, For the next 2 days i refused food and drinks, I was trying to dehydrate myself to lose weight as i have read that in 48hrs you can lose up to 15lbs!!!!!! By monday I was in a lot of pain, they thought my kidneys were failing, but luckily, I was ok. This one nurse came and sat on my bed, she looked so sad, she said that i looked sad, and that my eyes were empty, she said that i was scaring her and the rest of the staff, the werent used to people refusing there help, they coulnt just stand there and watch my die through dehydration and they had no option but to call the doctors back u to see me ( I had a feeling they were going to section me) So i reluctantly agreed to have a bag of fluid, they said one, but through the day an night they talked me into havin 5 bags!!!!!!!! I am so bloated i look about 9 months pregnant! Psych came to see me yesterday before i was discharged, they offered to admit me, but i didnt think going into a psych hospital would be beneficial! She phoned my CMHT, at the moment i am on a waiting list for OP treatment and am monitored closely by my GP and councillor, CMHT said they were happy with the support netwprk that i had in place and werent prepared to offer anything more! Liaison psych was not happy but there was nothing she could do as i didnt want lp from the crisis service or to go into hospital!

Now that I am at home I am even more determined not to eat o'r drink, at the moment the thought of putting anything into my mouth or having anything in my stomach makes me feel so sick! I am sipping water every so often but even that feels like too much!!!!!!

So I guess my question is, in my current attempt at starving and dehydrating, if I passed out again etc and was admitted to hospital would I have the right to refuse IV fluids, and if I did is there any way the drs can force me into having treatment?

thanks! You probably think its insane, but i see it as my only option to change who i am, and become something better, change begins on the inside thats what people tell me, so thats what im doing, if i dont put anything bad in, then everything bad has to come out right?


Interesting that you say that if you dont put anything bad in, then everything bad has to come out.

Food and water, are not bad, they are good and necessary to sustain life.

What if there is no bad in you? Only a bad self image? That cannot be got rid of through not eating or drinking.

Do you think that the fact you are losing the support of your therapist is involved in this?

I can see that not only are you rejecting food and drink, but also support from others who can help, the doctors, the crisis team, and psychiatric hospital.

Are you angry at them?

You sound like you have a lot of fight in you, its just misdirected at the moment.

Is it possible to use that fight in a positive way?

Good luck, and look after yourself.

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While I don't condone what you are doing in Queensland, where I am from the Mental Health Act 2000 states it can only intervene with mental health issues. You have the right to refuse treatment for non mental health related conditions. I noticed this point while an involuntary patient in hospital.

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In the UK you can be sectioned for anorexia or other eating disorders which are threatening your life at the time.

I hope you are feeling a little better now at least.

Fairy xxx

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thankyou for your replys! I do understand the serious of what i was doing! And i understand that some of you cannot condone what I did!

I was admitted againt my will on monday after my Gp came to see me! I was forced into having IV fluids and supplements etc, but the liaison psych said that i did not need to go to a psych hospital! after receiving treatment i do feel better, Dr thinks that the malnutrition/dehydration was impairing my decision making etc! but im not gonna let a set back, even if it was a big one, impact on all the positive steps ive made towards recovery! I find it so hard to ask for help and the MH system scare me and i have no trust in them from past experiences, but i need to let them help me! I wont let this thing beat me!


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Well done you, that is brilliant news. :D

I so glad you are feeling better enough to take these really positive steps. I hope you are very proud of yourself.

Fairy xxx

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Wow I am glad you are ok !!!!

You are safe here and many of us can hear and feel the pain you are going through with your ed getting to this level. It is such a powerful hook and it doesn't get much worse than what you are going through. This is a forum and it can only do so much. People log on and log off and I don't want you to reach out and feel rejected when you don't get an immediate answer.

When someone reaches the point you are with the bulimia you've got to first believe that you can get relief from this pain inside you. My ed isn't anywhere near this point and it is still painful. But it isn't agony and the self talk isn't as bad as used to be. I see more in the mirror besides fat or skinny. Even if you just read through the ed forums you will see there is relief. You have to believe if there is relief for even one other person there is relief for you too. It is fundamentally incorrect, a complete lie, a false belief that any human being is more entitled to relief than you. Those are incorrect thoughts because first you are a human being and we are all equal no matter what the fucked up world tells us or how they treat us.

Let's consider it this way. You have lived all these years with full blown bulimia. These 8 years have to have been, at best, real full-blown agony. Bulimia is agony. Ok, you have done this for 8 years and this week you have bumped it up to complete starvation, not much to throw up when you sip water. So this is it, you have reached the absolute bottom. How about before you take it any farther you consider, try another way.

Give in, give up, make an intellectual choice to reach out to the MH system and get help. Put down your fears and your ideas and do something another mind tells you to do. You have had absolute control and you remain in agony, this path you are on takes you to agony. Decide you will give another way the energy you have given to starve yourself, the same determination you given to this, give in to the suggestions given to you to get better.

Believe you are incredible, a miracle, filled with the determination we all would love to have and believe no one will ever know about it, benefit from it, if you let it be used to this end. How about determined to live, survive, recover ?????????????

We get so much more, all the best of this life, NOT from being loved but by loving........loving is the best drug in the whole world

Please think about it, think about it differently

big big big hugs

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Im so glad ur feelin better sweety! and you know where I am if you need me! And im free next week if you want to go for coffee or somethin?


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