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i am either getting on sleep or way too much sleep, like today i woke up at 1230 and went back to sleep at like 3 and just woke up, and im still tired, i feel exhausted and i havent been doing anything!! its the same as everytthing with me all or nothing i guess, i am soooo tired, i really want to sleep, cant get motivated to do anything and i have so much to do. maybe i am avoiding it !

oh well noone seems to understand me that i need more sleep and tough i am going to get more!lol

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I am the same, all or nothing. At the moment enjoing a sleep phase, when thats passed I wil struggle to get four hours a night, when I NEED ten.

I have this for so long, much can be done to help, but, and it is a big but, it means giving up beautiful restful sleep binging.

Fairy xxx

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Maybe its your body telling you to take better care of yourself.... ;)

Maybe getting to sleep earlier on a regular schedule might help.

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i agree i need to take a lil bit more care of myself, like taking my iron tablets might help and my anti d's lol i keep forgetting!!!!

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In May I had three weeks during which I never slept more than 3 or 4 hours per night. i was in a bad crisis and too tense to sleep and even the little sleep I got wasn't a deep, restful sleep. Only when my t started hypnosis with me, my sleeping got better. Now I manage 6 to 7 hours per night (still have sleepless nights, but not that often anymore) which is okay. But I also had times when I slept until 4pm if I didn't have to go to university or to work that day.

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  • 1 month later...

I have severe sleep problems also! :(

I think ive got a disorder called "delayed sleep phaze syndrome" (DSPS) its basically were your sleep is delayed! + you cant get 2 sleep untill about 3 or 4am, but quite oftern its 5 Or 6am , specially in this hot weather!!!!!! before I can get 2 sleep! :(

Im just wondering does any one else suffer from DSPS and offer any advice? I really dont like 2 take sleeping medications ie zopiclone ect

Or does any know of any good sleep hypnosis tapes or anything? OR ANY OTHER ADVICE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Has any one tried the sleep hormone "melatonin" ? + did it work? any side effects?

Thanks :)

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Hey Steven -

Welcome to the site. When you get a chance you may want to introduce

yourself to everyone.

As far as going to sleep have you tried to listen to relaxation tapes, or tried

deep breathing techniques? Also try to get yourself into a routine, like

prepare yourself for sleep. What time are you getting up in the morning?


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Hi thanx marchmadness 4 the welcome! :)

Well as 4 what time I get up in the mornings? I dont! I get up at about 12pm or after!

I dont get 2 sleep till 4.30 - 5 am soes I need 2 stay in bed as I need some sleep! Im only in bed 4 about the same amount of time as other people its just my sleep is at different times!

Yes ive tried relaxation tapes, some of which are quite good but i need 2 try some other ones.

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