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When You Go To A N E/ Tell Someone About Self Harm Urges


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Why do people tell you to do this? Its not like they do anything. You go along to AnE or out of hours GP. You get asked a load of intrusive questions by crisis team and then you are sent home perhaps with the offer of a phone call every few hours. But what on earth use is a phone call. Its not like the crisis team are people who are ever particualrly nice...it might be 'attention' you are getting from them, but it is negative attention. i dont see how it is meant to help. They dont help you problem solve or anyhting, they dont help with any solutions. Even though they are meant to, they dont get yoru care plan improved. So, why whenver you feel suicidal do people say 'go to your nearest AnE and contact a doctor.'

-no emotional support or help with coping

- no practical support

- no problem solving

- no longer term improvement in care plan

-criticism, humiliation, disapproval, condescension

So why is this ALWAYS what people tell you to do for 'help'

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well for starters, not all crisis teams can be total imcompetent fools. in my opinion, the reason people tell you to do that is because they themselves don't know how else to help. whether its negative attention or not that you get from the crisis team, they are still physically there to prevent anything from happening. but hey, if i could help out instead of sending someone to their crisis team, trust me i would. :)

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Yeah thats true about them not knowing how to help, I suppose I meant more...why is that the only option. You get told to go to crisis team and hten they dont relaly want anyhting to do with you, when yo uare only told what youve been told to do. If all the psych professionals say to you is 'if yo ufeel suicidal call crisis team' then why is crisis team so irritatited whenever you do that. you are just doing what youve been told, and if htey think you should have done something else instead, then why dont the tell care coordinators and people to tell you to do that rather han just always referring you to crisis team.

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I've only ever had one event with the crisis response team...and to be fair they advised me about voluntary placement into the local MH hospital which I did for 2 weeks. In there, they met me and they sat down with a coffee (always good start with me) and gave me one piece of amazing advice I hold to this day...

you have no right to change or control the way someone thinks or feels about you...you have only the right to change or control the way YOU feel and think about YOU...

most amazing piece of advice in my life.

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I can so see why you feel like you do. Last time I went to A&E (in Sweden we have one especially for people with MH issues/drug abuse problems) I was feeling very suicidal and was told the following: "Sweetie, we don't admit people with your diagnosis (BPD) here so you might as well just go home". I was so shocked at the doctors response I just walked out and went home. My experience with psych A&E have never been good. They have never offered any kind of support or anything since I'm never ill enough. Suicidal isn't ill enough apparently. I am sure there are wonderful A&E's and staff that work at them, I've just never experienced any of them personally. I'm never ever going back to A&E after I got that response.

So when people tell me to contact A&E (and I do know it's because they feel at a loss as what else to do) I just feel helpless since they won't help me. So I totally get you. I also get why people say it, feeling powerless is not a nice feeling.

I do think there should be other options, or rather that people at A&E should know how to treat people with MH issues better. I guess it all comes down to money though, or rather, a lack of it in the MH system. Still, that is no excuse for turning people away or treating them like crap.

I'm glad to see that there still are people have good experiences with A&E. I only wish that was the norm instead of the exception.


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Im sorry to hear about your experience Ulrica. Yes that is the kind of thing Im talking about.

Still I suppose the crisi team is a support to people. I havent seen them for ages now, but when I did, I did actauly find the fact i was having phonecalls/visits helpful, if you know what i mean. Like even if the phonecall itself wasnt helpful, being able to tell myself I was getting one between calls kept me going.

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I have been told that I cannot contact the crisis team as I do not have a care plan with the CMHT. The CMHT wont treat me as they hate me and I have a reputation with them (they are a bunch of useless wankers anyway) so what do I do ? Are the crisis team conected to the CMHT then ? Our one seems to be with the local psych hospital and not the CMHT. I did get admitted to hospital last year by the crisis team and I have BPD. So I am confused. Even when I did have an enhanced CPA it told me to go to A&E and no mention of a crisis team.

NO-ONE would want to go to A&E and admit that you were desperately suicidal, its crazy- what they dont realise is that you will be more likely just to harm yourself rather than go to A&E and it could be too late by then.

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Hey i know exactly what you mean. I haev always been told to go to A n E when feeling suicidal etc.

When feeling like that are you going to get on a bus or drive your car etc to get there?

They just dont get it.........

Could rant on about this for ages but i will stop now ........... :o

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I think a lot of people on this site will feel the same. Unless you have been through it yourself the "professional" people just don't understand. I hate all "professionals" if I ever get through all this I want to help other people like me as I WILL know what it feels like to be constantly suicidal...........

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The last time i went to A&E i was given a number to ring if i get to crisis point rather than going to the hospital. I think it might be the crisis team, haven't had to use it yet.

I have never been treated badly at A&E, just told if i leave they will call the police!!


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I suppose I'm lucky in that i have access to a crisis line, and they are great at calming me down when I'm hyper. However I tend to not ring them when I want to self harm for the simple reason that I want to self harm, not get talked into not doing it. Last time I was in a&e the on call psychiatrist told me i could come back anytime i felt like i might hurt myself and just sit there for a few hours until I felt calmer. But an a&e waiting room is not a calm relaxing place. It's usually full of drunk people and the mates who've accompanied them. And whilst I have found some staff to be considerate, others are not, and I would feel embarrassed having to go in and explain at the very public reception desk that I was feeling suicidal or needing to self harm.

It's not as though the on call shrink actually does any good either. They just tell me to go back to my gp and ask for another psych referral. I know this is silly but I often feel that I shouldn't go there unless i have hurt myself, so i will cut myself purposefully just to be able to spend a few hours somewhere safe and away from my own thoughts.

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I no what you mean.

I have contact crisis in the past, and even been laughed at by them.... and no that ismt me being paranoid, the guys reason for laughing apparently was because I was smiling at him???

Crisis team, make me feel nervous and like im causing them hastle.

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I have no experience of the crisis team, though I have felt suicidal in the middle of the night, and when I was 18-19 the emergency doctor was out on a couple of occasions. When I get really bad, I just wether the storm until I've calmed. It often puts my sleep pattern well out of sync.

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i have to tell them i'm suicidal, or they wont treat me. very often its a mood flip- and i dont feel safe at home, images of blades, knives, tablets, rope flash around in my head- but the thought

of another ordeal of an od, explaining to my mother, my kids, my ex, my friends...

this technique has kept me from in-patient for a year. i go in, say im suicidal -(i really do want to od or hurt myself, so its not a lie, per se), ad they give me trolley to lie on in a cubicle,, i take a xanax, and try sleep or out think my own madness. when my anger / upset has lowered sufficiently i go home. could be 1 hour, could be 24. but n od's, si, etc looks better on my chart as i am a mum.

i o agree the system here sucks- no on-ward psych beds available if i needed one. i should b so lucky...

and hospital is sooo depressing, well maybe that has to do with that im going in for depression anyway.

im 7 months hospital free, 3 months tv free, and 17 days street drugs free . just thought id thro that in!

its rotten when one is ill 'out of hours'

is one supposed to only have emotional responses 9-5 mon-fri?

i also agree that a&e is no place for a freaked out suicidal person. they have a little alcove for the lunars like me in our place.or ask to sit in a spare office.

ulrica, i too am sorry to hear your bad experiences. jeez, bpd, on min its a mental illness, then its not- well its horrible anyway.

take care all


ann marie

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  • 1 month later...

my psco therapist always says go to a and e or phone the psch centre if it is during the day, but when i'm having a crises i am unable to answer the phone let alone ring someone. i get trapped in my black hole and usually end up overdosing on xanax or cutting til the drugs start working and i fall asleep. i have been like this so long i can't find any other way of dealing with my head when i'm in crises. only once did i seek help and anded up in mental hospital for five weeks which stopped me drinking and controlled my self medicating.3 months later i'm back where i started and ts august and in france where i live everyone is on holiday. i wouldn't know what to say anyway. i've been od-ing a lot lately cos my best friend has gone away and no one else seems to understand.all my psch team are also on holiday. good for them

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