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i don't know about it but i'm sure other members do. it probably has different names so the other members may not recognise it.

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its great

better than diazapam

but it makes me feel sleepy

buty at least it calms me down


i have a cool dr lol

but it says it is for schizophrenia ?

all the best take care


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hi emma , chlorpromazine- marketed in the uk/irl as largactil and in the us as thorazine is often referred to as "the chemical cosh"

i was on it a lot at the start of my whole mental health trip- past 9-10 years. in NY i took too much and ended up getting severe akatasia and uncontrollable muscle spasms. 2 days in hospital. so if you ever feel your toungue is getting bigger, your jaw clenching, shoulder movements you cannot control- there is an antidote- benadryl iv. go directly to a&e and ask for the antidote. you would be very panicy and anxious also- thats how you know youv'e gotten it.

it was one of the 1950's medications, im curious why they are giving it out to you , its side effect profile isn't the best.-akatasia can become permanent and is then called Tardive Dyskenisa- an irreversible neurological condition typically charachterised by 'toungue darting', grimacing, spasm.

have you not had success with the newer antipsychotics? eg seroquel, risperdal, geodon, zyprexa (horrible weight gain but a good med) or abilifly?

chlorpomazine at anything lower than 100mg per dose will not give the avg person 'akatasia'- or, as we called it in hospital- the heebie jeebies, cos one felt like one was about to jump outta ones skin.

also, dont go out in the sun on this drug. you will be lobster red after 10 mins- lash on suncream - a high factor. and liable to sunstroke.

another thing, one can get terribly lazy on it, well, its like your body is gravity x 2, so i usent bother to move. plus the weight gain profile it there too. i gained on it over 4 months- but for me zyprexa was much worse.

about it prescribed for schitzophrenia; all neuroleptic / anti psychotic meds are given to schitzophrenics, bipolars, bpd, and more besides.

sorry about my typos. one thing about anti-psychotics is that they are pretty sedating, i find esp in the morning if i have taken one the night before.

i hope it suits you - good luck with it. just telling you how i found it for suspected bi-polar (not) . later d'xed with bpd.

take care

Aine Maire (anne marie)

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aine maire--

Your posts on meds is invaluable. I have read more in the last month than ever before. I finally feel like I have isolated why I am terrified of a pdoc giving me a cocktail. I can't count the number of times I've walked out of somewhere with a fist full of scripts.

The only thing that keeps me ok is my ocd and adhd. After I strip away all of the awful adult life antics I am left with the same crazy immature being I have been as long as I can remember. The only thing that has saved me from su, or getting locked up is my ocd interjections and then the millenniums of time it takes to satisfy them because of the adhd. It gets me up in the morning, fills the day, wears me out and sends me to sleep at night.

I'm terrified meds will take away how I cope, flatten me out so I'm not driven by compulsions or they won't be so difficult to complete. I got positive compulsions, no point in listing them. But no one could possibly take as long as I do to complete something:

1. because I have to follow a routine, it has to be done perfect [ridiculously perfect]

2. the routine is over slowed or I get all frustrated, or I have to do countless tests of trial and error to get it right, perfect it

What would I have to help me get out of bed or distract myself when I am sad, or mad? What would I think about if I didn't have these methodical things racing around in my mind all jumbled up? Who would I be?

Does anyone feel this way? That meds will fix the co morbid disorders and not touch the bpd, schizotypal, and bipolar II? And then you will be left without any coping mechanisms? Is your ocd, ed, sh, adhd, part of your box of coping mechanisms? Are they like your toys to sooth you?

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Cripes, sounds really exhausting. But yeah worried about that too. Like what if I forget to list everything green, will that mean that I won't cope or k now where the positive avenues are. I don't know but meds didn't stop my Si, actually don't really think meds help much at all, thinking of weaning myself off. Some meds have left me a bit flat and feeling like i havea box around myself and can't reach out to other people.

Had that thing where your tongue swells up, they had to give me some kind of emergency injection. The things we go through eh. Lovin you all.

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I am currently on 150-300mg of chlorpromazine. It is by far the best drug I have ever been prescribed antipsychotic-wise. I do not suffer from akatasia or TD (tardive dyskinesia). Apart from having the effects of stabilising me hallucination-wise, it also settles me down and makes me less jumpy (hence no heebie jeebies) that others experience.

I know I cannot go outside in the sun for long periods of time without sunblock of preferably factor 30 or I will burn terribly. Having had sunstroke before I am also more likely to get it again also.

It isn't always used in the treatment of schizophrenia either.

Other than that I would recommend this drug. It has succeeded where others (haloperidol, zyprexa, risperdal etc etc) have failed.

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thank you tripper

was getting paranoid that i had schiz with out them telling me

i too have found it has calmed me down within 20 mins

and god ive needed it this weekend

ive had major problems i was so uptight anxious and over the top towards my boyfriend

i hit him and dug my nails in him

he was trying to calm me down by holding my arms i now have bruises

and then he LET me take the meds

so i calmed down

he now realizes i have to take them

i hope anyway

all the best

god bless


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hiya! Over the years I've used either Chlorpromazine or Prochlorperazine on an as needed basis for things like racing thoughts and anxiety. (I do hear voice sometimes to, but I usually just back talk to them to make them quiet down.) I find either of them to be good at calming my mind unless I am in an extremely agitated state (which I've not found a cure for yet), but that's just me.


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OMgoodness Dolphin, hope you're ok, did you get the paralysis thing? Ive done that before and all it did was NOT put me to sleep but left me awake and couldnt control any body parts.... you really should be careful with this as is really really not a good idea, what happened to make you want to do this, i hope you're ok

tc Louxxx

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