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Depakote - Side Effects And Help


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My wife has been taking depakote for about 7-10 days now as well as Abilify (which she has been on again for 2 months after a recent 'relapse'). Following taking the depakote she is really suffering from terrible drowsiness, so much so she sleeps about 12-15 hours a day.

She seems to be showing all of the following side effects:-

Drowsiness - I would describe it as a 'drunken state' but definately without any alcohol

Loss of appetite - feels sick and not face up to food

Blurred vision - Cannot read or type on a keyboard well

dizzyness - lack of co-ordination and clumsy

Has anyone else suffered these sort of side effects, did they get better after a reasonable stint on the medication. It is nice to see my wife a little calmer but I cant help feeling terrible seeing her in a state of tiredness almost 24/7

I also read of some terrible other side effects with this mood stabilizer. Has anyone any tips on preventative action to prevent some of the side effects. I have read about vitamins to avoid any hair loss etc.

Any responses, positive or negative would be greatly appreciated.


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i have never been on this meds but if the side effects are that bad i would talk to her doctor and let him know whats going on.

i hope your wife starts feeling better soon. and btw welcome to the group i see it your first post :) hope you find us helpful here.

and you wife is lucky to have such a loving husband



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i was on depakote for about 2 months. they took me off it as i was unable to live my life on it with out needing a 'carer'- my ex fiancee, or i could not cook for or mind our 2 boys properly. they were about 6 and 10 then. my other half was working and had to take time off as i was worse than the children.

firstly - total confusion. like handing in a fifty note in the shop and getting back the 35, but leaving it on the counter. leaving shopping at the bus stop while i boarded the bus.

when i was home, i would ask my ex- D, so will you go down to the shop as i cant, then id look away, look at him again, and say, oh great you're back. did you get the paper. 1 min later. it was like total time distortion. i couldnt remember the most basic things- i still cant remember it, just tiny little bits that im telling you. apparantly i had to be looked after by a sane adult. at 28!

i remember sleeping a lot, mostly till 2pm, and not being able to go onine, or read, which was a constant source of frustration.

i was also on zyprexa at this time, and instead of not eating, id be stumbling out to the kitchen to make anthing edible. i nearly burnt the place down twice.

my psych was a nice guy at that time, an D came to my next appt, and i was taken off the depakote as i was barely able to string an intelligent sentance together.

so theres my experience on depakote / epilim. i cant rem the dosages, i think it was 600mg. this drug works for some - my last boyfriend took it as he was epileptic, and no side effects.

(the psych med that has given me the nastiest side effects is halopriodol/ haldol / serenace.- instant akatasia).ugg. never ever again!

so she is not alone,

tell your dr she cant handle it- as she dosent appear to be doing so well on it. there are several other mood stabilisers out tere - lamactil being the one with the least side effects profile, also there is lithium, and tegretol-

. i responded the same way to tegretol as i did to epilim. badly. also there is topamax, and apprantly seroquel has 'mood stabilising qualities

they all have different side effects and profiles, so i really do suggest you bring your wife back to her dr ad get a re-evaluation.


aine maire

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