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Sleeping Tablets


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Hey Guys,

Was just wondering if this happens to anyone else.....

When I take sleeping tablets, zopiclone or zolpidem, instead of calming me down and inducing sleep,they make me hyper.

They seem to slow my brain down enough to mean that it doesn't quite 'work' properly but not enough to make me sleep. I take one while I'm in bed, as I know they are unlikely to work if you are still active, but after about 20mins I sit bolt upright and think of all the other things I should be doing instead.

Unfortunately I often start to get horrible thoughts aswell and seem more likely to act on them, I guess because they suppress some part of my brain which thinks more than acts,if that makes sense?!

I have told my doctor about this and he's prescribed me zaleplon instead. They don't always make me sleep but, equally, don't make me hyper etc. luckily.

Does anybody else have any experience of this? I have Bi-Polar so don't know if it only affects me because of that?!


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i have had zopiclone and the second one before i did not have those reactions though my reactions were good i slept with in 30 mins of taking it but it depended on the drink if it was a cold drink it would work slow

with a hot drink it worked quicker

i have not tried the 3rd one so can not comment sorry

hope u r ok

all the best


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