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What Meds Do You Take?


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HI everyone, I am new. Just reading down the list, and like to say that not all docs would prescribe meds immediately perhaps. And they can be really expensive so count yourself lucky in a way..

I take quetiapine and sertraline, and diazapam as needed

and that mix works well for me..

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I am not allowed any meds 'cos the psychiatrists have said that it wont help with BPD but yet all of the above people are on meds for BPD so it doesn't make sense ?..........

Yes I've been told that too. I was only given the Effexor because I was, according to the pdoc, ''mildly depressed'' last year. So mildly depressed in fact that I tried to end my life twice, but we all know that people with bpd don't get proper depression lol.

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I am not allowed any meds 'cos the psychiatrists have said that it wont help with BPD but yet all of the above people are on meds for BPD so it doesn't make sense ?..........

Yes I've been told that too. I was only given the Effexor because I was, according to the pdoc, ''mildly depressed'' last year. So mildly depressed in fact that I tried to end my life twice, but we all know that people with bpd don't get proper depression lol.

they will prescribe meds to help with depression or anxiety, or to control mood swings or impulsivity. The antidepressants, atypical antipsychotics and other mood stabilsers are used, but in terms of helping with what the core of BPD is, no meds dont help. They just control symptoms.


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what does it matter what u take what good is it telling some one else ne xt we will have a thread that says how big are your scars

sorry but this thread annoys me

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what does it matter what u take what good is it telling some one else ne xt we will have a thread that says how big are your scars

sorry but this thread annoys me

i know what you mean!!!by the way thanks for the welcome hello,i know it was in april but i found it just now!!!!

anyway thanks and i hope you're havng a nice day

helen x

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I have actually found this thread very interesting! It is reassuring to see soo many different medications out there, which seem to work for different people.

I have struggled to find medication that actually works, or that keeps working, so this thread had given me hope! I will find one eventually!!

I started out on an antidepressant (Lustral) which helped me when I had Post Natal Depression after my 1st little boy.. only this time (4 years later), it didn't work!

Then I tried Citalopram... It worked quite well (eventually) but soon started to lose its effects.... Bigger dose, worked well.. stopped working.

I tried a different one (can't remember its name, it is given to 'calm you down' apparently) and it sent me Psycho.. I just wanted to kill myself and was in a 24/7 black hole.

Now I am on Trazodone, I take it at night cos it helps me sleep. It worked well at first but recently started to lose its effects and I could feel myself creeping backwards. I have had the dose doubled, but I'm scared it will just stop working again. I'm scared no medication will help me long term!!

I also used to take an antipsychotic - Zyprexa (Olanzapine).. But only 1 doc would prescribe it and if that doc was on holiday or something then I couldn't get it. I have found a GP that I like and trust now and he is helping me with the antidepressants, but is staying away from antipsychotics for now.

The Trazadone helps me in that I don't cry as much anymore, that's it. I do still cry though, and I still feel like killing myself sometimes, and my mood is still up down up down, I still get into hysterical states.. But I'm not crying aaaall the time anymore.

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i take effexor 150gm

Zyprexa 20mg

xanax 200 mg

stilnox 10 mg and

tercian 65mg to stop me drinking but i have to chose not to drink and i can't


hey lets have a pharmecutical party!!!good idea

helen x

and p.s. it still doesn't stop me from feeling loneley and depressed!

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I take:

Citalopram 20mg

Diazepam 2mg when needed

I think i need a higher does of citalopram as I dont feel much from it anymore.

Prozac I reacted on really badly that I was convinced I was suppressing a monster inside of me...thankfully that monster has not reappeared with Citalopram :)

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They say I am NOT depressed even though I have tried serious methods of suicide other than overdoses. I have no reason to take my own life other than the fact that I AM DEPRESSED but I just can't get through to anyone now as they have pigeon holed me into BPD. WHAT DO YOU DO ?!!! The psych's wont see me as they think I am a typical BPDer and have passed me onto a personality disorder team. So this means I will never ever be able to have any meds for depression as I have BPD and they just don't believe me that I feel depressed. I cannot have meds for anything else either my GP has put a notice on my file warning other doctors to not prescribe to me , I am so angry - HOW DO THEY KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON IN MY HEAD !!!!

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PS They know I have terrible anxiety as its on my file too but I am not allowed anything for that too. Its just cruelty, a animal wouldn't be treated like this.

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Forgot to add I have been on Citalopram, trazadone, lithium, quitapine, lamotrigine, diazepam, amytriptyline,and some others but THEY kept changing the meds and never gave anything any time to work. The psych's are just idiots.......

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I like this thread. It feels nice to know that you are not alone with the drugs, and as long as you don't make it into a competision i think it's a healty subject to talk about.

I'm on 40 mg fluoxitin, a buttload of diazepam, lergigan, theralen and zopiclone (ok i'm not sure if the names are correct in english)

but what mostly works...

weed everyday

coke, speed, ketamin, subutex, alcohol or just any drug that will make my brain work a little different, if so only for a moment. When I need it though, not everyday. That would ruin me. and get me addicted. and inscrease the probability to overdose. >_<

Am I weird for choosing non legal drugs instead of the drugs my doctors prescribe?

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I've been prescribed Effexor 300mg and Valium 5mg as needed.

I also self medicate with codeine and alcohol, Know I shouldn't but hey it helps!

i also take effexor and valium, but when i was using alcohol and other substances my mood became dangerously low and took an o/d, not recommended,

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Hi, I am on zispin soltab 30mg; prozac 40mg, diazapam 9mg (3mg three times a day tho I take it all together), seroquel 200mg, methadone 60mml and zimovane 15mg. I dont know if they help at all. Sometimes i regret ever agreeing to take medication. I never feel myself or I dont even know who I really am because the medicine has changed my personality totally. I hope to start coming off everything in the new year and hopefully by the end of 2009 will be drug free. At least that is what I am aiming for. Best regards, Lisa

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Like the Idea of an international pharm party! Better still, how much of a collective fortune we'd make if we pooled all our supplies (legal and illegal) and set up a stall at, say, a local nightlub.

Now, seriously. It's been interesting to learn what other meds are around and how they affect people differently.

Saw, my G.P the other week, once again I got told it's not a good idea to create my own cocktail. Why not? Last time I had fun, got totally wasted, rang up my hubby (we're seperated) and let him know what I thought. Must say, can't remember much of what I said but the report is I wasn't very nice and in the 21 years I've known him he's not known me to get that wasted.

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Like the Idea of an international pharm party! Better still, how much of a collective fortune we'd make if we pooled all our supplies (legal and illegal) and set up a stall at, say, a local nightlub.

Now, seriously. It's been interesting to learn what other meds are around and how they affect people differently.

Saw, my G.P the other week, once again I got told it's not a good idea to create my own cocktail. Why not? Last time I had fun, got totally wasted, rang up my hubby (we're seperated) and let him know what I thought. Must say, can't remember much of what I said but the report is I wasn't very nice and in the 21 years I've known him he's not known me to get that wasted.

Isn't it great what we do when we're wasted, last time i got totally, totally out of it, I text my best mate, who gas flirted around me for years, (I'm not the only one who's commented on, so know it's not just me), and confessed my love for her, she text me back to say she was straight and i should get over her, that was about a year and a half ago, I text to say sorry the nest day and that I was wasted she replied and said OK, but I haven't heard from her since, really miss her too.

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Yeah, it's awful what we come out with after a drink or 10...

The meds I'm on are:

Amitriptyline - 100mg

Risperidone - 2mg

They do help, but I've gained weight as a direct result. Once I have learned how to tolerate the intrusive thoughts, I'll have the doses lowered. That is my aim at the moment, be well enough to have them altered. x

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  • 2 weeks later...

might as well add my current cocktail to the list:

85mls methadone

1.5mg xanax - for panic attacks

300mg effexor.

15mg zimovane

seroquel, valium/klonopin/ativan as much as and whenever needed.

works for me usually. but then again, as lisa2008 poined out, i would love to be off all this shit by the new year. and hopefully will be.

Anne Marie

cant drink at all, no interest in it, and i become either violent or morose after 4 :)

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Citalopram 60mg

Zopiclone 7.5mg

I used to be on venlafaxine and olanzapine which worked great for when I hear voices and stuff and was helping with the depression and anxiety, but they took me of the venlafaxine cause of my blood pressure problems :( then took me of antipsychotics cause they did not work wekk without the venlafaxine....go figure?

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originally on seroxat

then venlafaxine

taken myself off 3 times

stopped venlafaxine in feb - over 2 months!! (didnt tell gp!) - i think it just stopped working, I felt SOOOOO bad

walked out of work 4 days later

put on 2 stone each time i was on venlafaxine

wont take meds now

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My meds were increased a while ago.

Now i take 1000mg epilim (sodium valporate)

500mg in morn and 500mg at night

and duolexitine 60mg in the morning.

And i have noticed a difference in my moods, over the last 3 weeks (ish) I mean for the better......

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