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Criminal Injuries Compensation Board (uk)


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Hey everyone...

I am compelled to write here tonight after watching Lock Up on Reality TV (Sky) - Tonight deals with sexual offenders in a Hospital in the US and some footage from [the offenders] prospective, which quite frankly is getting to me.

I have a current claim for CICA action, which is 8 months old and accepted. --That is I am claiming compensation for what I suffered as a child, I am not a greedy person, I dont really know hat my motives are for this, only as a show for what damage another person's selfish actions cause to not only one solitary individual, but their future children, wives/husbands, friends and quality of life. Let it be known this offender has reoffended after pleading guilty to the crimes i charged him with.

So who here has successful claims, or one on going? - For me the jail time was insufficient (6 years and release after 3) - compensation seems insufficient, and recently I heard of Chemical Castration being tested in England for the worst offenders - This raises for me the qualification issue of my abuser; if I am allowed to claim compo from a system that DID NOT abuse me per se; then am I allowed to ask for this treatment as a member of 'that' group who relates to [his] caseload?

What are your opinions?

If you cant tell I have quite a change from yesterday's flow of knowledge and intellect, so my questions above might seem in opposition to the elevated talking I had yesterday; Anyone for Modes on toast? hehe


PS I've been a member here a Year Today! Yay, what do I get?

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