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What Is Anorexia?


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Anorexia, also called Anorexia Nervosa, is a compulsion to starve. People with Anorexia are obsessed with being thin. Although they are constantly hungry and obsessed with food, they won't give in to their strong desire to eat, out of fear of becoming fat. They have a distorted body image and believe they're disgustingly fat. They may even think they're fat when they're dangerously underweight.

They are terrified of putting on weight and apart from starving themselves, they often exercise compulsively for long hours, and display strange rituals when preparing or ingesting food. They won't eat certain foods, or they combine foods in peculiar ways (carrots with mustard, for instance).

People with anorexia typically look like skeletons and are withdrawn, irritable and depressed.

Up to 40 % of anorexics may develop bulimia.

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hi alicia,

do you mind if i ask you something, do you have an eating disorder?

i do, and a lot of ppl here have ed issues.

how are you feeling today?


Anne Marie

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hi alicia,

do you mind if i ask you something, do you have an eating disorder?

i do, and a lot of ppl here have ed issues.

how are you feeling today?


Anne Marie

Hi Anne,

I'm feeling good.......thanks for asking

I'm really sorry to know that you are suffering from eating disorder, hope that you could find something useful here and to manage this soon

Me too suffered from eating disorder for some time but I could come over that and now I'm OK

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Actually Anorexia is the term used for 'decreased sensation of appetite'. Anorexia is often used interchangeably with anorexia nervosa. Also I wanted to mention the two defined subtypes of anorexia nervosa:

Restricting Type. This subtype describes presentations in which weight loss is accomplished primarily through dieting, fasting, or excessive exercise. During the current episode, these individuals have not regularly engaged in binge eating or purging.

Binge-Eating/Purging Type. This subtype is used when the individual has regularly engaged in binge eating or purging (or both) during the current episode. Most individuals with Anorexia Nervosa who binge eat also purge through self-induced vomiting or the misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas. Some individuals included in this subtype do not binge eat, but do regularly purge after the consumption of small amounts of food. It appears that most individuals with Binge-Eating/Purging Type engage in these behaviors at least weekly, but sufficient information is not available to justify the specification of a minimum frequency.

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I am a little perplexed by this post. Alicia what is your purpose for posting?

Also I'd love to know, what kind of things have you done to recovery from you're eating disorder?


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I am a little perplexed by this post. Alicia what is your purpose for posting?

Also I'd love to know, what kind of things have you done to recovery from you're eating disorder?


i could over come anorexia by follow a good diet chart that includes every nutritious food and avoid taking unnecessary stress and tension

besides these i was follow instructions, there are various home remedies to cure anorexia these are quite easy to practice

1. Ginger: Ginger has certain elements that help you regain your lost appetite. So including a good amount of ginger can help you to come out of your disorder.

2. Lime: It is also one of the valuable remedies for anorexia as it helps you in restoring your normal appetite. Lime mixed with ginger proves very effective in this.

3. Oranges: Oranges help to stimulate the production of various digestive juices in the stomach and thus improves your whole digestive system. The outcome is clearly an increased appetite.

4. Garlic: Garlic has a direct impact on your whole digestive system and thus increases your appetite.

in addition to treatments that are used to cure anorexia are warm water enema and application of ice bags on your stomach. You should always avoid taking excess of alcohol and refrain from smoking, as these are the agents that increase your chances of suffering from anorexia.

thanks to you for your questions!!

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Alica, you say you could overcome it, have you had anorexia?

I'm asking because, you have covered other subjects, and I know I asked about teenage suicide.

Its always best to talk from personal life experience.

Would you like to talk about yourself?

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I am a little perplexed by this post. Alicia what is your purpose for posting?

Also I'd love to know, what kind of things have you done to recovery from you're eating disorder?


i could over come anorexia by follow a good diet chart that includes every nutritious food and avoid taking unnecessary stress and tension

besides these i was follow instructions, there are various home remedies to cure anorexia these are quite easy to practice

1. Ginger: Ginger has certain elements that help you regain your lost appetite. So including a good amount of ginger can help you to come out of your disorder.

2. Lime: It is also one of the valuable remedies for anorexia as it helps you in restoring your normal appetite. Lime mixed with ginger proves very effective in this.

3. Oranges: Oranges help to stimulate the production of various digestive juices in the stomach and thus improves your whole digestive system. The outcome is clearly an increased appetite.

4. Garlic: Garlic has a direct impact on your whole digestive system and thus increases your appetite.

in addition to treatments that are used to cure anorexia are warm water enema and application of ice bags on your stomach. You should always avoid taking excess of alcohol and refrain from smoking, as these are the agents that increase your chances of suffering from anorexia.

thanks to you for your questions!!

of course as we live, we face some circumstances that affect our life. I spent about 3 months suffering from depression in my teenage, I'm now 28. and few months ago suffered from eating disorder and started to apply the previous tips to get rid of that and it worked perfectly.

thanks for asking again and hope that I could reveal something about my self..........It is your turn now ;)

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I'm sorry, but are you saying the cure for anorexia is to eat 4 different types of food? That the reason people suffer so severely is merely a loss of appetite? Do you know much about eating disorders? The interpretation is a LITERAL one of the latin name, eating disorders develop due to psychological distress, pressure that cannot be dealt with in any other way.

I am glad you were able to treat your food struggles with garlic and ginger, but I am not sure that it would be as effective as you are suggesting. It seems that you suffered for a short amount of time, when in reality most sufferers of eating disorders have struggled for years on end.

I'm quite baffled and cross by this thread to be honest


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having spent 14 months in an eating disorder unit and only seeing one of those people who has left and is now doing "ok" and even that being someone who is proud they managed to eat a few chips on one occasion, i do not believe it is possible to recover full from true anorexia nervosa, and it is something which you learn to live with, there may be phases in the process of the illness where someone may have a remission in symptoms to a small affect but almost always it comes back and more severe,the amount of people i have seen who have been "fed up" to maintenance, only to return 1 month later with a bmi of less then 10 only to be fed up, finally discharged have a month outand then back again even lower.

true anorexia you are usually hungry deep down altho you try not to deny it, a true anorexic would do everything in there power to eat/drink things which suppress there appetite rather then increase it. many peoples anorexia is stemmed from either a severe phobia of food, a repulsion of self, a need to control, or a repulsion of what food does to you, altho usually a mix of all of them. many people suffer from a lack of appetite, and a low sense of self due to depression, this could cause mild ed symptoms, altho you have to fit a very strong criteria to be diagnosed with anorexia nervosa, and many people fit better into the ednos criteria

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I do agree with you lostinme that people who suffer with Anorexia Nervosa are denying their hunger deep down inside.

However, one interesting point that you bring up, is whether or not one can truly recover from an eating disorder.

It sounds like you have had a lot of experience with people trying to recovery from their eds.

As for myself I have also had some experience (inpatient,outpatient, day programs for 5 years and different cities etc).

For myself I have been fortunate to see some people, whom I believe had great recovries. Otherwise I honestly would've stopped trying a long time ago. Nonetheless I have seen many people over and over being admitted to hospital or retracting. This is a hard and complicated disease.

Best hopes to you.

Recovery is possible (all relative of course)

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  • 2 months later...

Here are some causes of Anorexia:

  • Extreme weight loss
  • Fatigue
  • Wearing baggy clothing or many layers
  • Skipping meals
  • Dry skin
  • Susceptibility to cold
  • Dehydration
  • Thinning hair
  • Constantly worrying or complaining about being overweight
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