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Karma - Reproducing Whatever You Send Out


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Sorry you feel that way.

It is very sad indeed.


*love is the greatest power and energy, so why not focus on that.*

Why not indeed.


All seems a bit heavy for me, .......

and to the powers that be, yes there should be a trigger warning to this post...

We can all aquire knowledge from text books, internet and so on, but knowledge is only power when used with wisdom, and wisdom is learnt...

so be kind, respectful, and cool this aggressive stance..



i agree mr d. that you, joy, seem to take pleasure in starting and contributing in an aggressive way. you seem to get a kick out of "stirring the pot" as yorkie gal said and i agree. i come on this forum because i can relate to all the people here. why are you here??????

i try to be positive and when i've been having a hard time i've found the love and understanding i miss in "offline" life.

you make me feel angry and stressed, something i don't want to experience. the people here are special and a lot of us feel too much, are supersensitive and need re assuring that this is a safe place to come. i'm with yorkie and i will avoid your threads in the future. which is a shame. and i agree with drew "does a 4 year old deserve to be raped?"maybe you should look through your hippy ideas and try to see things from a "real life " point of view


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I have noticed something about Joy, and I don't know if others have to. Joy brings up contriversal subjects, we all get fired up and reply, but have you noticed those who have replied challenging her theory or have point blank proved her wrong, she does not reply to. SHE seems to IGNORE them posts and moves on to ones she can challenage.

I think you Joy, just like to be nasty and vindictive, (this isn't a personal attack this is my opinion), and like to stir up things. Like others have said we come to the boards for support not to be upset and stressed by some women, who can't even answer posts that PROVE her to be talking out of her arse! I am all for giving Joy support and help she needed, which she obvioulsy needs for her to come here so long as she stops been so vindictive and taking pleasure out of pain she causes.

So come on Joy tell me, I was raped, beaten and abused from the age of 13 till 21 why did Karma do this to me? What can a 13 year old have done to have that happen to her?

Or have I just proved your theory to be one of complete and utter bull shit?

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I have no idea why you're suffering. Millions of people are suffering because of their thoughts and their thoughts about their thoughts. It's a mode of being. Self inquiry helps millions of people with these issues.


Hang on, I am suffering today because of money, flashbacks and nightmares, yeah the money I might have brought on by myself but the flashbacks and nightmares which involve abuse, rape and violence are brought on by karma, which means that the abuse i suffered was brought on by Karma. What the fuck did I do that was so wrong, if this is karma then I really must have fucked up oh wait how could I was 13? You can't fuck up that badly at 13 to have brought this much bad karma on to myself!

Your talking alot of bullshit Joy!

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For you to win, that makes me very happy indeed.



Oh but Joy you have done it again, ignoring another posts that shoves your theorys were the sun don't shine!

I win.

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No just proved my point with you. You can't answer to posts that challenge and prove your theory to be bull shit. That has made me very happy indeed, that includes the posts in loopys post that you hijacked. Your pathetic Joy if causing upset and chaos is what you do best then i think you should leave, you want help and support we will give it, but until then I and alot of people know that you just take pleasure from hurting people.

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It makes me very happy that you've proven your point. Relish it. Love it. Roll around in it. Bathe in it. It's victory. It's winning. It's yours. How much fun is that? It's almost as good as climbing the Everest.

Enjoyment definition - deriving pleasure from an experience.

The thrill of winning. It's the Olympics of emotions.


No just proved my point with you. You can't answer to posts that challenge and prove your theory to be bull shit. That has made me very happy indeed, that includes the posts in loopys post that you hijacked. Your pathetic Joy if causing upset and chaos is what you do best then i think you should leave, you want help and support we will give it, but until then I and alot of people know that you just take pleasure from hurting people.

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If you have been upset, or frustrated by what Joy has posted, I dont think its fair to be rude to her.

Equally, if you believe she is a troll, the best thing would be not to respond to her posts.

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Just how much you are looking for attention is clear. You're like the naked guy on Times Square with the billboard. You seem to have a lot on your plate and have been consistently at the receiving end of pain. Yet you don't think twice in trying to inflict it on others. Why do you think that is. Or have you lost your tongue and can only post inane photos like a child. Untwiist your mind for minute. Try to communicate from you mind that is unencumbered with your program. I would imagine that you are very emotional - so here's the thing - I'm not. And there is little you can do to rattle me or un-do me. It is simply, I am not anything you can put in a label or under a heading. It's nothing you've ever experienced. You accuse others of being narrow minded? And you - are doing just this. So - does that make you a hypocrite? The highest standard of a balanced mind is open mindedness. If you're unbalanced - accept that -and accept that there are people different from you - and that you'll never agree with them or see eye to eye and move on. No one is forcing you to read my posts. You know *drew*?



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yes i love attention dont u

yes u get on my nervres and perhaps my response was child ish but hey its karma and iam sure i have had enough shit in my life to do a bit more shit

i can sleep at night

can u

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Can we simmer down here folks please.

We don't all share the same beliefs, and that is one of the things that makes this world a less boring place.

Be thankful for our differences because it may just broaden our horizons or make us more sure of what we already believed. Either way, lets be respectful of each other and take this opportunity to really think about why we find something challenging as that always tells us something about ourselves...it's not about the other person, it's about us!

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I don't want to get involved in this topic, but somwthing was bugging me, and its really silly, but i felt compelled to post,

We do know why water is wet.

Has no relevance i know sorry.

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1 I sympathize with having your nerves getting compressed. That is a real trip in itself. Makes people do the most insane things.

2 - Attention as a word is confusing. I think many people seek attention because they can't stand life going on around them without them *in* it. I'm an observer that relays messages in a way that gets attention without that being the intention.

3 - Since the inception of the internet - and I've been on it since 92 - biological clocks have been erratic - with sleep being compromised. This seems to be common to millions of users.


yes i love attention dont u

yes u get on my nervres and perhaps my response was child ish but hey its karma and iam sure i have had enough shit in my life to do a bit more shit

i can sleep at night

can u

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i have a question joy...

i read this whole topic but can you tell me why you felt the need to post it?? what relevance has it to this site??

your free to post as you wish and i hope this is helping you in some manner but it also upsetting many others

so maybe you could explain why you felt the need to bring this topic up?

oh and for the record i dont think anyone no matter what they have done deserve to be raped...

i was raped and to the person who raped me i wouldnt even wish it happen to him as it is a terrible crime and no one

but NO ONE deserve for anything to be raped.. MY OPINION..

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Sure - I will answer - but can you also answer me this? Do you believe that we ourselves are responsible for our own happiness and misery> That we create our own Heaven? That we create our own Hell and that we are the architects of our own fate?


i have a question joy...

i read this whole topic but can you tell me why you felt the need to post it?? what relevance has it to this site??

your free to post as you wish and i hope this is helping you in some manner but it also upsetting many others

so maybe you could explain why you felt the need to bring this topic up?

oh and for the record i dont think anyone no matter what they have done deserve to be raped...

i was raped and to the person who raped me i wouldnt even wish it happen to him as it is a terrible crime and no one

but NO ONE deserve for anything to be raped.. MY OPINION..

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i dont see what my beliefs in this life have to do with anyone else this is a mental health forum not religious or political and i see this

karma thing as religion!!! but ill givwe you a simple answer i believe life throws things at us and we have to deal with them good bad

whatever my mother always says god wont give you anything you cant handle. i dont think we get something bad cause we did something

bad i just think life happens. it has it up and down it life deal with it as it comes and make the best of it LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT :)

now answer my question or will you avoid them again for a thrid time!!

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The forum is not a place for preaching but it is a place for raising questions and discussing. Karma is not a religion as such but a belief, people who believe in karma may have differing ideas on how it works even, and we all have beliefs of some kind or another.

Rather than trying to find ammunition to silence what you find challenging, why not look at what finding this so challenging tells you about yourselves. You don't have to reply to this thread, you make that choice and please be respectful in so doing.

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The forum is not a place for preaching but it is a place for raising questions and discussing. Karma is not a religion as such but a belief, people who believe in karma may have differing ideas on how it works even, and we all have beliefs of some kind or another.

Rather than trying to find ammunition to silence what you find challenging, why not look at what finding this so challenging tells you about yourselves. You don't have to reply to this thread, you make that choice and please be respectful in so doing.

Brilliantly said, completely agree!

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Well, dialogue goes 2 ways. If you want an answer, it's only proper that you answer my questions. Unless you're interviewing me or perhaps interrogating?

I don't know if I'm understanding what exactly it is you're trying to convey here - but apparently you think that all action and experience are random without order or direction. Great. Thanks for sharing.

Regarding a religious aspect to karma. I think it's already been mentioned 4 times or more - with sources cited that it's a concept that runs that gamut through philosophy, physical and quantum law and is embraced by world religions as being relative to the consequences of one's actions.

If anyone is bringing God into this - it's you.


i dont see what my beliefs in this life have to do with anyone else this is a mental health forum not religious or political and i see this

karma thing as religion!!! but ill givwe you a simple answer i believe life throws things at us and we have to deal with them good bad

whatever my mother always says god wont give you anything you cant handle. i dont think we get something bad cause we did something

bad i just think life happens. it has it up and down it life deal with it as it comes and make the best of it LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT :)

now answer my question or will you avoid them again for a thrid time!!

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Just how much you are looking for attention is clear. You're like the naked guy on Times Square with the billboard. You seem to have a lot on your plate and have been consistently at the receiving end of pain. Yet you don't think twice in trying to inflict it on others. Why do you think that is. Or have you lost your tongue and can only post inane photos like a child. Untwiist your mind for minute. Try to communicate from you mind that is unencumbered with your program. I would imagine that you are very emotional - so here's the thing - I'm not. And there is little you can do to rattle me or un-do me. It is simply, I am not anything you can put in a label or under a heading. It's nothing you've ever experienced. You accuse others of being narrow minded? And you - are doing just this. So - does that make you a hypocrite? The highest standard of a balanced mind is open mindedness. If you're unbalanced - accept that -and accept that there are people different from you - and that you'll never agree with them or see eye to eye and move on. No one is forcing you to read my posts. You know *drew*?


You may not be anything you can put in a label or under a heading, but I am sure you're something I'd find under a rock.

'It's nothing you've ever experienced'?? Lol..Lucky Drew.

P.S..crap doesn't rattle it splatters.And that's something you're so full of 'I imagine' you're eyes are brown.(That wasn't really you in the photo, was it.Come on, fess up.It was the love child you had with Aleister Crowley)

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I am becoming increasingly tired of my team warning members to be respectful of each other and not to personally attack each other. Should this not stop then warnings will be issued and the rules of this forum will have to be enforced. We have tried our up most to avoid this but for the sake of the whole community this has to stop.

If you do not get on with someone then choose not to respond to them etc.

Try taking a few seconds before respoding to things whilst in an emotional state.

Im sorry its come to this people but there will be no further warnings.

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