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Consider This...


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Consider this;

If you agree we have an image of ourselves we deem horrible so therefore we project a positive, false image to different people, then in a relationship of two, you will find 4 images, the man will hide what he don't like and project it's other to his woman, she will do the same. So we see there, 4 images, (or personalities)... It get's worse! - The woman will have an image of what the man is and will try to make him fit that and the man the same, so now we have 6 images of totally different people!! Wow! Is it a wonder we don't really know our spouses? and say to them "I never thought you could do that" - Well, the image they have doesn't do that, but to the person, it's the truth, we see however, it's a lie.

Miguel Ruiz exposes this and offers it's solution...

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