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I've Got Big Problems


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I'm well overweight for a 5' 11' bloke, some but not all through meds.

I have M.E. so can't do a lot activity-wise. I also have motor coordination problems.

Social services have refused occupational therapy and home help on instructions from a person from the MHT who wasn't in my case.

There is now urgent pressure to get certain business done in order to benefit me & a family member, I have trouble placing paperwork anywhere I can deal with it due to:

- visual processing problems like dyslexia that worsened when I stopped working (I had a highly structured job) and I have never been good at housework or paperwork and this is the most challenging situation I've ever been in

- OCD and apparent absence seizures mean I get stuck in the previous activity and can't start a new one no matter how eager my mind is to get started on it.

I have been diagnosed GERD even though I have a horror of throwing up, stuff sort of oozes up and now I read from you people it causes the teeth problems I've had.

Come to think of it the chest problems 30 years ago were probably an earlier sign of it. I was extremely emaciated as a child & teenager and my family were threatened with prosecution, then there was going to be remedial education which I would have been delighted with but it was withdrawn, catapulting me into worlds that have overstrained me just because I was clever in a narrow way.

I also have pain from certain foods and have received confusing advice about that.

I need a couple of hours help every day with paperwork and housework for a few weeks, then probably an hour a day or several hours several times a week indefinitely.

'Friends' find it all a bit too visceral for their liking, they prefer more polite interacting.

It has now come to an emergency and I need actual company at my actual side applying for benefits as well.

I would like to simply not eat, it would probably help the budget as well as the GERD.

Thanks for your posts rest of you, has given me the courage ...

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What is M.E. and GERD? Please explain. Have you ever tried reflexology on the feet? Do you know what reflexology is????? I am a licensed massage therapist and do this treatment on my clients. I have had great success with this eastern medicine accupressure style treatment. I had one client that had a severe case of heart burn (hunched over and contemplating the emergency room) when I was able to stop the attack completely with the treatment. Also, there are abdominal massage treatments and cupping treatment (which I also do) that can create balance in the digestive systems.

Hope you are having a great day.


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are you not prescribed anything? ranitidine is good for settling the refluxing also (and i probably shouldnt be recommending this sorry) ipecac.. you have to order online will actually make you throw up, its a vomit inducing medicine designed for anyone whos ingested poison however i will say itis not particularly nice and can for some have serious side effects!

btw not eating (fasting) will NOT help with the gerd it will actually excerbate it, you will become dehydrated , as a result your tounge swells so you naturally produce more and more saliva which of course you swallow which just adds to the acid you already have and on goes the cycle.

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What is M.E. and GERD? Please explain. Have you ever tried reflexology on the feet? Do you know what reflexology is????? I am a licensed massage therapist and do this treatment on my clients. I have had great success with this eastern medicine accupressure style treatment. I had one client that had a severe case of heart burn (hunched over and contemplating the emergency room) when I was able to stop the attack completely with the treatment. Also, there are abdominal massage treatments and cupping treatment (which I also do) that can create balance in the digestive systems.

Hope you are having a great day.


m.e is myalgic encepholomelitis.. its a chronic condition which gives you pain, lots of funny horrid symptoms, and makes you generally feel like you have a combination of flu, a hangover and have just been run over by a nice big lorry.. its sometimes reffered to as chronic fatigue syndrome or post viral fatigue althought those are generally reffered to for milder or shorter term versions of the illness..

gerd i *think* is short for gerdia and is a paracytic gut condition which gives symptoms similar (again i think) to coeliacs disiease.. (im only saying that because they ruled gerd out whilst deciding i probably have coeliacs..

hope you dont mind me replyin for you miko (i also have m.e and chronic stomach probs)

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