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Hiya peeps

I've recently been put on olanzapine, (am also on diazepam, and fluoxetine, and sometimes zopiclone) but I've heard loads about it making people gain weight. Is this going to happen to me? I haven't put on any so far, (I've only been on it about a week and a half though) but am really freaked about this side effect. Does it happen cos it makes you feel constantly starving so you binge? Or is it something to do with slowing down your metabolism? The former I can cope with, but obviously if its the metabolism it affects then that makes me panic, cos I have body/eating issues. :unsure:

Has anyone been on it and NOT gained weight? I know it sounds silly to worry about the size effects, especially cos it seems to be working really well so far, but I can't put it out my mind so thought I'd ask.

Please post with any info, even if its contrary to what I want to hear.

Thank you :)


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I will be honest with you about olanzapine i am on it been on this time for 4 montrhs and havent put on a huge amount of weight just a bit, it des make me hungry not starving just the munchies but i try to snack on healthy food, well i usually eat porridge or fruit when i want to snack, for me its a good drug it helps me a lot with my moods and sleep, dont worry about the side effects too much they are dofferent for each person as our metabolisms are all dofferent and it affects us all differently.


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Hi Steph

I am on the same combination of meds as you - Olanzapine, Prozac, diazepam and zopiclone. Olanzapine made my weight go up to 15 stones. I was continually hungry and had the appetite of about three people. I am on 25mgs of Olanzapine and by cutting out carbohydrates (bread, potatoes, pasta, rice, sweets, chocolate) I have lost 3 and a half stones. The main thing with olanzapine is to watch out for the carbs - it messes with the way you process them and can cause diabetes. It's hard ditching them at first - you get terrible cravings but when you get into the routine it becomes easier. Olanzapine doesn't have to equal a life of weight gain.

nuclearwinter x

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Thank you both so much for your replies, I really appreciate them, and the info you've both provided about food! Can I just go off on a tangent here, and ask whether either of you experienced really weird dreams when you first started taking it? I suffer from nightmares anyway, but now on top of that I'm having very odd dreams!

Ty both again

Steph xx

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Hi Steph,

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but i put on about 15-20% of weight on Olanzapine. It's like it switched off the part of your brain that tells you you're full. I just ate and ate, though i guess part of that was the boredom of being in hospital with nothing else to do. Every-one i know put stacks of weight on with it. The plus point is that it does drop off again once you stop taking it.

I too have some wierd dreams, and think they may just be a reflection of the fact there's a lot going off in my head atm?

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hiya steph

I was on olanzapine for 4yrs and put on 2 and a half stone!!

I needed to gain weight tho as I wasnt eating enough!!

Now Im off it Im steadily losing the weight

Thank god!!!

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i have been on it a month now although only on a low dose until the gp knows whether it will affect my weight or not as he knows it is a great issue for me. so far, through exercise and controlling my eating (for example substituting a snack for drinking a vegetable oxo cube - really nice) i have not really gained anything. the fact that i have an active job i think helps and im pretty sure that if i was not at work i would have gained some weight.


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Hi. I was on olanzipine beginning of last year and just ate and ate - always hungry. Considering I have had eating disorders since I was about 13 my gp was pretty stupid to put me on a tablet renowned for weight gain and I complained and got it changed. All I can say is see how it goes. Different chemicals affect people in different ways. Could be it doesn't make you put on any weight at all. Just don't be afraid to speak up if you are unhappy on it as there are alternatives.

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Hi, they changed my meds so many times list year that, I'm sorry, but I can't remember. I am now on lithium, lofepramine (antidepressant), propanolol (for anxiety) and sleepers. Hope you OK. Here if you need to chat.

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