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Discrimination By Employers In This Town


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Well, here I sit with no job yet. I have been turning in apps all around town and I haven't gotten called back and one emailed me saying they found someone with better skill then me. At least this one did have the guts to respond back to me.

I learned from one of the members on my mh staff that other mh staff members have been telling her that they have been trying to get jobs for other people who are in the group homes by calling around places and seeing what is available. And as soon as they say our companie's name over the phone, they say, "Oh, we don't need any help anymore." Talk about discrimination! And, in this community there are probably 4 or 5 different companies dealing with Developmentally Disabled People and/or the Mentally Ill which is huge. And there have been community incidents and they are perhaps connecting it to those that have been going on. So, it's making it virtually impossible for any of us to get a community job at all and to make it worse, our sheltered workshop has permanently shut down and we have no additional income anymore. I only get a small income of 110 US dollars a month and about 40-50 dollars of that goes to my bills each month alone. There's nothing to do during the day and I just sit in my house, visit my bo, or come out here by you guys, and my day needs structure and Im losing my head over it. I need to do something. I don't want to volunteer anymore since there's not good opps in this town and it makes me think of the last volunteer job I walked off out of and it would be too painful to start another one at this point with a set of different people. I had volunteered at the other place for 4 years being down here, but I left since a lady and I didn't get along with each other and I pinned everything on her and got pissed off at her. And I was the bitch to begin with when I met her about 3 years before that since I saw something I didn't like in her right away and reacted. I keep dreaming at night I am back there talking to those people or running into them and them telling me to come back to work with them. It's been that way since Summer in June-those dreams popping in and out during the nights I sleep. But I will not go back there to face them, and I've been volunteering since 11 yrs of age and have put in many good amounts of hours, time and effort and its just not my gig anymore. Of course if your average joe, you do need a job to have income and to possibly reach your dreams of owning your own business someday. So that you can't escape. What adds into it is that my individual job history is horrible too since I walked off all 3 of my previous community jobs basically. Though I could take some of the credit for it, bosses should take the other credit since they treated me crappy to begin with- worse then other employees and as if they were my childhood abusers all over again. And one misunderstood me and thought I was giving her shit and sent me home when really I wasn't giving her shit and I needed help and couldnt speak up since the factory was loud as it was. She thought I was purposely yelling at her!This is America by name, but I don't think this is America the way it should be and how they say they run things on an equal opportunity employment basis. It's complete bullshit! :angry: Those bosses get away with pushing us around and treating us abusively and like two yr olds behind the scenes until we go off and their's a reason we get pissed and walk off or get fired eventually! :angry: And there's another situation related to one of my ethnicities' that has me tagged in this town for something else too besides! And there's rumors flying around now! It wasn't my choice to be in these small towns! I was whisked away from the city at 2 and put in a small town with abusive adoptive parents and after I moved out, I was stuck in a group home and now an apt that's in another small town which I thought would even be better, but it is worse then the first place and this is a college town! :angry: And they say I'm voluntary, and I'm not on paper, but I know the county's game and how they are going to try and get me back to that other small town even if they say I have a choice in a year. And if I go back and play their game, then, my family will try their best to make sure I don't move to a bigger city at all since they think I can't make it which is bullshit since I've been in cities during the day or nights already all by myself, and lived in Milwaukee at my grandparents house and left unbeknownst to them and have made it on the streets. And I have people of my ethnic background in the city besides some of whom I know. And I'm street smart so there's no problem there. I'm not like these people in these small towns and the desire has been flowing thru me all of my life to move to a city and others have told me I would do well, and I'm definitely not like the small towners and seem more city even if I've been placed in small towns. (People Outside of my family)

One more year of Insanity I hope being here before I move to the city! Hope and Pray!

Well, this is getting quite long, so I shall stop!


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