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I have read that for most people, symptoms of BPD dissapate with age.  I am 46.  Is my information wrong?


I am in my early fifties.

Nothing has dissipated, but for the last ten years I have learned to manage myself. That's the best way I can put it.

I still get the same impulses and states but I learned to substitute. I think I have defined most of my triggers and when I see one and feel one of those familiar feelings come up, I have something ready to do instead. It becomes a habit to substitue, and it lets me avoid most problems.

I still have phases of complete inertia - I haven't been able to recognize the onset early enough to escape. Also, trust issues - I can't resolve them as a whole, only one person at a time.

The most important things I have learned to manage are rage, alcohol and - marginally - food. I even can pull away from depression when I recognize it coming on soon enough.

It hasn't been easy - the start was very difficult. I am much better now though - much.

I am not fixed - I just know how to avoid many of the bumps in the road I used to trip over. I still have problems. I don't have complete control.

I am not sure if remembering my childhood was instrumantal or not - but that is what happened ten years ago and that is when I started to learn to control things better.

Hormonal change seems to have helped - I am post menopausal and while menopause added hurdles I now am very happy I don't have all those hormoses flowing anymore. They confuse the issues.

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Don't know about others but mine seemed to for a while. I am now 56 (have been saying 57 but I was wrong, I did the math lol.

From 35- until about 54 was pretty smooth. This last year has brought a horrible depression, much depersonalization, and an increase in hearing voices. Very close to suicidal and and destroying a 37 year marriage. Marriage is still not decided... I will do what I want... if i ever figure that out.

Sorry if this is discouraging to you.... I guess 9 good years for one year of nighmares... maybe i should be gratefull... i just hope the next 8 years aren't like the last one.

Good luck...


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