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Medication Or Not?


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Tomorrow i'm getting spoken to about possibly having medication for anxiety.

Which is really worrying me.

How Ironic.

Anyway, though i haven't heard what this bloke has to say to me about it, i'm really apprehensive about it as;

1) Nobody in my family, let alone my parents, would know about it

2) If i did tell them they would be really angry

3) If i just tell my Dad and my Mum finds out then it would be terrible

I'm just a bit, well, very, worried that nobody would know i was on them, and what other peoples experience of anti-anxiety meds have been like, though i dont know which one it would be yet.

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Must be hard to do this without your parents knowing. I think its brave of you to consider it though seeing as its a though one for you with your parents so against it.

Your doc would know though you are on the meds and a good doc will keep regular appointments to make sure you are going ok with it until you are stabelized.

My experience with anti anxiety meds is good. I have Xanax with is a tranqelizer for emergency situations and that usually does the job. I have daily Zoloft for anxiety and that has made my anxiety overall much less.


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Honestly, it depends on you as a person and your brain and body. Everyone has a different reaction to medications, for some... it helps alot, for others, it only makes it worse. So, I, personally, look at it as a huge gamble. But, at the same time I have had my fair share of experiences with plenty of meds. I fall into the category of those that meds do not help. As a matter of fact, I am just coming off of a new med called 'Pristiq'. I had not taken pills for 5 years before I tried the new one. I would rather not be on the meds to be honest. Thats just my personal opinion. I dont want to scare you out of trying. Always try, even withouth pills. But, how do you see it, as an opportunity or a gamble? If you do see it as a gamble, weight out your pros and cons and go from there. That is the most simple answer. And if your parents dont have to know, so be it... have they been there for you every step of the way? Odds are they havent considering what you have said. But, I could be wrong. I do hope I am. Though something tells me I am not. Either way, make sure this is what you want to do. And just know this, if you do try meds, be sure to give it atleast 2 weeks to a month to kick in. It takes a while for the side affects (if there are any at all) to rid, mainly, it takes your brain and body time to deal with such a drastic change. If you decide not to go on meds, continue talking to someone and trying taking your thoughts towards a new approach. You can never go wrong with teaching yourself and being fully aware and knowlegeable about what your doctor says, I can nearly guarantee they wont tell you everything. Again, personal opinion. Best wishes. Keep me posted!

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Well cos i was so nervous he decided to put me on a 'kind' one first, that wouldnt be too hard to come off if its not for me, citalopram or somthing. Anyway, i'm not looking forward to taking them, but i might as well give them a try.

Sadly, you're correct that my parents havent been there every step of the way, in fact that have been really nasty about it. but thats another story.

I will keeo posted about them, as i havent been to get them yet, will go tomorrow.

the psych was lovely tho, he drew a picture of my brain any everything, and he was a really caring bloke, which i have had no experience of before, so that screwed me up a little, but im ok.

thanks to both of you for replying, means alot :D

Rach xxx

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Glad your doc was nice!! And good luck with the meds.

I do not know if he told you but the kind of med you are taking it will take upto two weeks to take effect so you have to be patient also in the beginning you might have some side effects but they usually also lessen in those two weeks.


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Well good luck to you with that pill. Make sure you take it accordingly, follow the directions and what not.

Another that I have noticed (even though the pills never really worked for me) And ofcoarse this is all obvious, but when you eat healthier and do a bit of exercise... it does help. Good food, good exercise = Good endorphins being released from your brain, which also means - better moods. And possibly better for your nerves. I dont have the best nerves, but I also know that avoiding caffine is good to do when you have a nervous condition... So, aside from just taking the pills try to do something else that you can personally benefit from. The best part about that is, you wont need a prescription to these things!

Though if you are addicted to caffine, it may be hard to come off of... so certainly dont stop your intake on caffine completely... you can actually suffer from withdrawal symptoms, the most common one (that I have read about) are head aches. So, you can gradually descrease your intake. If you would like. Happy trails!

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Yeah, its usually the obvious things like exercise and a healthy diet that help the most ((that i avoid the most :lol: ))

I have Depersonalisation disorder (which no one seems to have heard of!) also, which is pretty terribble, so hopefully when i start the meds at least i wont have to worry about the anxiety and can concentrate on getting better! Yay!


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i understand depersonalised disorder.. its on the spectrum of dissociative disorders.. ive just been put on citalopram too.. 10 mg a month ago and im just staring 20mg.. to warn u tho, sometimes anti depressants can make u feel more anxious for a few days, so try noty to worry if it does.. it will sttle down, and hopefully theyve started u on a low dose.. glad the psyc was so good!

hugs faerie x

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Woo Hoo! You're one of the first people ive come across that have even heard of it!

Well i've been put on 20mg, decided to put all my trust in the doc, just hope he gets it right, gonna go pick it up from boots tomorrow, not looking forard to it, but hey ho, might as well give it a go


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Hi Crackers

I was on Citalopram for some time - it really helped me at a difficult time. As Lilly said, it does take a couple of weeks to kick in. Good luck wth it!!

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I know its silly, snd i know its a pretty commonly subscribed medication, but the thought of taking that first one tomorrow is making me feel so sick. i can't feel the actually emotion of dread, but i can feel that physical part of the dread ((either that, or ive eaten somthing funny :lol: )).

If i'm feeling this nervous about it should i do it. Tomorrow would be the best day to do it cos im seeing my therapist tomorrow afternoon. but i do have to do a ((very short)) role play court sort of thing im college tomorrow, which means standing up in front of everybody and speaking, and i dont know if its wise to do that just after the medication will be getting round my body.

Bleugh. I think too much about these things.

Rach xxx

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I think just go for it!! Its scary I know but probably you wont feel much at first anyway except maybe some side effects which will probably be mild.

When I started with my med I was so so scared but I am glad I did it because it is of such great help to me now.

By the way I sometimes depersonalize too. It used to be worse its better now. But its not part of my diagnoses it can just be part of BPD symptoms aswell as its a form of dissociation.


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Well, i did it. and i feel bloody awful! Its probably just something i ate, or just a pretty common side effect, but it will pass im sure.



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