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Hello, Im New Here...


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Im only 17, but i just need some help.

I was diagnosed with depression about 2 years ago, but i have a feeling i've had it for much longer.

One of my doctors believes me to be bi-polar.

Some days are bad, some days are good, and others are just unbearable.

I joined to see if i could just talk to someone, ive had counselling and theapy before, but they never seemed to want to help me.

I would just like it if someone would talk to me.

I really need some help to cope.


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Hi and welcome, I too have only just joined this site. The people i have spoken to so far have been fantastic. We all just want to help each other. You must praise yourself for logging in, believe me i know how hard that is. You have made the first step to sharing your experiences, it can only help you.

Anytime you fancy a chat there is always someone willing to listen and advice.

Take care

Amanda x

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Hi. I was diagnosed with depression when I was a teenager too. Some days were good, some were bad, some felt unbearable. I was put on anti-depressants and anti-psychotics. Basically, they ruined that part of my life. It didn't stop until months after I had stopped taking the drugs.

See, the thing is, I never should have been on those drugs. I wasn't clinically depressed, I was just a teenager.

I hope I don't sound like a bitch, but it is something to think about. Hey, if the same is happening to you, there's a good chance things will start looking up.

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i have a friend thats bipolar do you have days that you fell all energized and manic then some days so low and depressed? if so thats bipolar you can talk to me all you want :)

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i have a friend thats bipolar do you have days that you fell all energized and manic then some days so low and depressed? if so thats bipolar you can talk to me all you want :)

yes! thats exactly how to explain it.

For like a week at the most, normally a few days a month, i seem to act all happy and spazzed out, and it never used to happen before. I was told thats because im bi-polar.

When im like all energised and everything, i always think, what the hell? this isnt me. But i feel fakly happy. You know?

Im happy...but im not, when im like that. Its difficult to explain.

and thank you =]

sometimes i really need someone to talk to.


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Hi. I was diagnosed with depression when I was a teenager too. Some days were good, some were bad, some felt unbearable. I was put on anti-depressants and anti-psychotics. Basically, they ruined that part of my life. It didn't stop until months after I had stopped taking the drugs.

See, the thing is, I never should have been on those drugs. I wasn't clinically depressed, I was just a teenager.

I hope I don't sound like a bitch, but it is something to think about. Hey, if the same is happening to you, there's a good chance things will start looking up.

hi there,

thats why i havnt been given any drugs because im a teenager, plus i refused them the first time i went to see a doctor.

I was sent to a child therapist for 'severe childhood depression' they called it, when i was 14/15ish.

I left them, because they just kept changing the therapist and they talked AT me, like a child, they didnt try to understand or anything, i wanted to be looked at as an adult, because quite frankly...most kids i know dont feel like this do they? :/

and that way, it might actually help me ¬_¬

I saw a counsellor at college, but she admitted she had no idea how to help.

And in the past couple of years, my doctor said i would start feeling happier, its just a thing some teenagers go through, but its gotten worse, and according to everyone im a bi-polar sufferer, even a doctor said so, but i only saw her once.

It's difficult to find someone, who actually wants to help me.

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just wanted to get back to ou i eas awy for awhile do you have any questions for me?

does it ever go away?

im finding life very..umm...difficult atm.

Im not much of a talker, i dont even talk to my fiance...thats bad.

No-one seems to want to help me get better.

Its dis-heartening, and very stressful.

im not even sure if i should be replying like this?

is it the right place?

or do i go to your profile?


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welcome to the site...you will get lots of advice here.

well done for making the first step and oming to the site


thankyou very much.

im hoping it might help me a bit if not at all.


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welcome to the site...you will get lots of advice here.

well done for making the first step and oming to the site


thankyou very much.

im hoping it might help me a bit if not at all.


it will dont worry....its good for souding off


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hi there,

thats why i havnt been given any drugs because im a teenager, plus i refused them the first time i went to see a doctor.

I was sent to a child therapist for 'severe childhood depression' they called it, when i was 14/15ish.

I left them, because they just kept changing the therapist and they talked AT me, like a child, they didnt try to understand or anything, i wanted to be looked at as an adult, because quite frankly...most kids i know dont feel like this do they? :/

and that way, it might actually help me ¬_¬

I saw a counsellor at college, but she admitted she had no idea how to help.

And in the past couple of years, my doctor said i would start feeling happier, its just a thing some teenagers go through, but its gotten worse, and according to everyone im a bi-polar sufferer, even a doctor said so, but i only saw her once.

It's difficult to find someone, who actually wants to help me.

lol I spent high school in and out of psych wards, so I don't know how most kids feel.

Your doctor does have a point with the starting to feel happier, but that isn't always the case either. Not to mention, whatever is going on, it would still be a good idea to learn coping mechanisms. Not just be talked at.

From what I've found (and what others have told me repeatedly), the diagnosis isn't the important part. At least not from the information there is now. What is important is what needs to change to have a better quality of life.

It can get easier to deal with.

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hello and :welcomeani:

i have bipolar as well as other things and its a horrible thing to have. im surprised a doctor would tell you that after seeing you once, generally they have to see your behavior before they can diagnose, from what ive been told anyway, took them ages to diagnose me and it was only after a severe manic episode that they did.

anyway this is a great place for advice and support and i hope you find it helpful. i know you said you tried therapy and that but it might be an idea to give it another go, it can take a while to find one that suits you and you get on with and can talk to and when you do it can help so much more.

take care


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ill reply to you here often times it takes meds like lithium to equalize you you can om me and add me to your friends if you like : )

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Hi Vasquez,

Thought I would say hello as I noticed I'm just up the road from you B) *Claire waves to Vasquez*

I don't post a lot here as I'm very shy and can never think of anything helpful to say - stupid I know but that's me :lol: But I am on a few times every day and would be happy to talk with you too. I agree with what some of the others have said, that it may be worthwhile looking into finding another therapist as the right one can be a life saver - I finally found a great one after loads of false starts with others and then I moved down here from Essex :rolleyes: Bloody typical, eh?! I still talk to her on the phone though. Sorry, I'm rambling now, I'll get my coat :D But anyway,



CLW xxx

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Hi Vasquez,

Thought I would say hello as I noticed I'm just up the road from you B) *Claire waves to Vasquez*

I don't post a lot here as I'm very shy and can never think of anything helpful to say - stupid I know but that's me :lol: But I am on a few times every day and would be happy to talk with you too. I agree with what some of the others have said, that it may be worthwhile looking into finding another therapist as the right one can be a life saver - I finally found a great one after loads of false starts with others and then I moved down here from Essex :rolleyes: Bloody typical, eh?! I still talk to her on the phone though. Sorry, I'm rambling now, I'll get my coat :D But anyway,



CLW xxx


and thankyou, i really do need someone to talk to these days.

I really do think i need a new therapist now! but its finding the time.

Im a full time student, and my course is bloody time comsuming, i couldnt even really make time to see the counsellor IN the college!!

Im extremely far behind on my work aswell, and its stressing me to pieces, yet everytime a teacher asks how im doing, i tell them im on top of it.

Im a bit of a perfectionist, and im very independant, so i hate receiving help. Which just makes my life harder.

I broke down in college not long ago, i was a wreck.

And i was totally embarrassed. No ones made much of an effort to be my friend now...its...lame.

I think i may just sob my heart out to my tutor and tell her im on top of everything and that more often than not these days, im sadder than happier. And i cant cope.

Now im rambling! lol

So ill get my coat aswell lol

Vasquez x

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