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i have never been so humiliated in my whole life it feels. im sure thats not true, but it definitely rates up there with the top five...

had to call this line about benefits and the guy was a complete shit, what a complete little shit he was. everything i said he was like, turning around, and initimating i was lying.

like he asked if i had been working in the last 6 months. i said no. i said i was working for a year but that ended like 8 months ago. he says, so you have been working in the last six months. i was like hey what? so i explained again and he still didnt get it. so i explained it AGAIN and finally he got it, but the way he spoke to me was as if i was lying and had been caught out that really pissed me off.

then he said he couldnt help me, and i was like well what am i supposed to do then to organise benefits cos i was told to call this number. he fluffs, and then says hold on, and then asks, why aren't u available for work. at this point i freeze and have to force myself to say that its cos i have a mental illness. fuck that was hard to say, man. really intensely hard. and humiliating. and he says well have u got medical evidence for that, again in this tone of voice as if to say u freakin phony u sound fine.

i said yeah i have a psych with documents that state i have BPD etc etc. so he goes and sets me up for an appointment which is 4 days away, and im supposed to have like four different forms and medical evidence ready for then. so i had to say i would have to take a longer appointment, and he got pissed at me, saying i had said that i had evidence.

fuck these people dont have a brain between them, have no idea how the medical system works. HA, as if i could get a letter from them in four days, yeah right. look there goes a pig flying.

i will sort all this for next week yeah im on the right track for it and know what i have to do now, but the way these people speak to you, well, i cant wait for the interview whenever that will be. hold me back!

im pissed. he should not speak to people like that. little shit.

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He sounds like a TT!!! (Total Tosspot!)

He's probably got so many insecurities of his own that it makes the little arse feel all powerful on the end of the phone.

Don't let him get to you - he's no-one. But HOW DARE he speak to you like that!! It's disgusting! He's not worth your sweat though - he's a tiny spec in the great scheme of things and probably is a very sad person.

Did you get his name? If I were you, i'd try to get hold of his name and write a letter complaining about what he did, demanding a response from his superior. Make HIM feel small, and see how he likes it!



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yeah im tempted. i wish he'd just have come out with it and called me a big faker.

they really do make it hard for people to claim nowadays. its all like pressure pressure pressure, fast track interviews and if you dont turn up you're blacklisted. all your calls are recorded. im surprised they didnt hook me up to some telephonic lie detector, hell, i probably was, and i bet its pre-set to LIE. anyway. clearly becoming more deranged and suspicious by the second (dont open a window, you cant REALLY fly) lol...

ag. its all wrong. what has our society become? lordy. bring on the revolution...

i appreciate the support janey...


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Lost, i can't believe it you poor love...what an asshole!

I will say that I work in benefits and there was a woman I used to work with who thought EVERYONE was a fraudalent claimant. But as for asking why you aren't available for work- you do't have to say any of this over the phone, like, no way! This is sensitive personal information that if you have to disclose it you have the right to do so how you want, when you want and in the manner you want. There are ways round this mate, benefits have visiting officers to see people who are not well enough to deal with the system by themselves. Don't let this asshole make you feel bad- he don't even know what life is and he certainly shouldn't be trying to advise others.

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I agree with Janey...he sounds liek a right toss pot...you should have told him to get that stick surgically removed from his ass. We have a bunch of wankers like that over here as well who lilke to treat people like shit...I think they need to release their sexual tension or something or atleast find a job with no contact with the outside world...I agree you shoud complain about the bastard...! :angry:

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I agree with Janey...he sounds liek a right toss pot...you should have told him to get that stick surgically removed from his ass. We have a bunch of wankers like that over here as well who lilke to treat people like shit...I think they need to release their sexual tension or something or atleast find a job with no contact with the outside world...I agree you shoud complain about the bastard...! :angry:



Sorry! but Lady, you are soooo funny!! can you imagine telling someone to "get that stick surgically removed from his ass"?!!!

That just made me laugh...


When my ex (BASTARD) b/f first moved into my place and signed on, they asked him what i was earning. Like it's any of their bloody business!!! He told them it was nothing to do with what I was earning and that I'm a single mum.

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I can really get fired up where I start crying or telling them where to stick it. I may seem to be sweet an innocent but I do have that BPD bitch side hidden in me...but only when I have been pushed to that limit especially after being treated like shit and walked on by people most of my life. :lol: :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Most of the benefits advisers i've spoken to have been great, apart form this one who clearly thought i was guilty when i said it wasn't me that had cash my order book as i hadn't received it.

It had in fact been stolen from my communal postbox by the smackheads upstairs :(

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what benefits are you trying to get?

you can get DLA and i think incapicity benefit depending on your national insurance contirubtions

Income support if you get DLA

try the DWP site thats good

pm me if i can help i have been through all the form filling :wacko:



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here in america my son gets Supplementary Security Income, because he didn't work long enough to get Disability income. He has a genetic brain dissorder that will never get any better. He is classed as permanently disabled. Yet every 3 years we have to prove he is still permanently disabled. What about permanent don't they understand? stupid F'ers.


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I am having problems with my DLA (((((Lost)))) people who dont know u decide stuff without looking into it or anything! I hope u get it sorted soon. Just ignore the guy, he prolly just having a bad day!

Take care

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They refused my application so now i have to appeal. :( My dr doesnt see y it was refused at all, as far as i know they didnt even ask my dr anything. Thanks for asking :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was warned my application is more than likely going to be automatically turned down- but I should be entitled to the higher rate care and lower rate mobility if and when I eventually get it.

I've got to check with my psychiatrist tomorrow that it's ok to put him on the form and try and get him to do the statement thing at the back of section 2- my partner's doing the statement in Section 1, since he's my carer.

I got this fantastic booklet to help me fill in the forms from Pathways, who have helped me loads here. I've got only one section to do (I've been doing it in stages) but it's probably the worst bit (the more about how your Illnesses and Disabilitys affect you section). How do you put down you need someone with you 24 hours a day, and you cannot be left alone for any length of time? Bah.

APPEAL!!! They automatically turn down so many applications, and although it's a pain it should be worth it, especially if you've got your doctors support. My GP doesn't see why I'm claiming it, but hopefully my psychiatrist will when I see him tomorrow.

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I was warned my application is more than likely going to be automatically turned down


you can get it on grounds of mental health, higher is hard to get but you should get middle



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Because they automatically turn down a lot of claims... to try and save money. At least that's what happens in my area.

Since I have problems in the middle of the night as well as during the day, I should be entitled to higher, but I'd be happy with anything really. I guess I'll find out soon enough though what happens. (I also have physical problems that aren't serious enough for DLA in themselves, but when combined with my mental health problems basically make my life hell.)

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Dont all the claims go to the same place?

I am waiting to hear back on mine as well.

It was really emotionally draining filling in the forms and I keep thinking of things I left out.

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just wanted to say it takes a while to process applications for dla,i know here it can take 3 months plus but that could be cos Northern Ireland has the highest rate of people claiming benefits in Britain.

I did eventually get dla after a long wait but it was backdated,i get the higher rate of care and lower rate of mobility.


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In CAnada here, we have what they call Disability Pension for people who can't work. The employees in their office can be real pricks. I have encountered one and believe it or not, I have to see him again in a few weeks. Getting the pension is really hard. They can turn you down I don't know how many times and you have to keep on appealing.

Sometimes they act like their shit don't stink. All they are are govt employes in their zoot suits. They sometimes think that they are better than us disabled people because they have a job and some of us don't. If I didn't need the money, I'd tell them to fuck off and get another job where they don't have to deal with people, like a job at a dildo factory. That is what they can be...dildos.

Don't worry it's hard over here too and I hear what you are saying..Good Luck eh?

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