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I didn't expect religion in the suicide post.

It is my most powerful trigger and I just barely slid past a phase of inertia.

Small things, like a few words, I can usually handle, but not preaching type things. Just mentioning it or thanking one's higher power or that kind of natural mentioning I can keep in it's place. But whole paragraphs only about that get me to fall to pieces.

Can we please have a different forum for purely religious posts. For me, it's crucial, I can't read here anymore if I don't know if there suddenly will be preaching.

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I'm sorry for the trigger befuddled -

I don't know if I'd consider the way I talk about my faith "Preaching" - but I do respect that it effects you negatively.

I also requested a religious - actually, a Christian forum, but at this time, they can't grant that.

I try to follow the guide lines, and Josh assured me that if I crossed a line unintentionally, he's absolutely let me know.

I'll be more than happy to keep my responses as trigger-free as possible -

I will withhold from responding to your posts if you'd like.

Other than offering that, I can advise you maybe to avoide reading my posts.

But I will absolutely do what ever necessary to prevent hurting anyone on here or messing with anyone's comfort zone. Maybe we should have a trigger post and everyone can warn everyone else with a list of their own?

I, myself, am just learning about triggers - so I was surprised to find out that my words caused a negative reaction. I'm very sorry for that.


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Maybe it is better if I don't come here. It wasn't you anyway - someone else posted there but I ran off so fast I didn't catch who it was and it doesn't matter either anyway.

I know these things are well meant - but I just cannot bear them.

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well, I do understand, but I hope you'll stay.

You have so much to offer us.

I know you've really helped me understand more =0)



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I am sorry it is your trigger, it is my stronghold. So it is no surprise to find it under suicide really. I am sorry it triggers u, really. :unsure:

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Befuddled, can you please email BPDWORLD if you have problems regarding this, as many people are getting worried on what to write which isnt fair. Please email me anytime and we will try to come to a solution.

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