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Add In Bpd- Anyone Here Take Meds For Both?


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When I go to therapy lately, one of the most problematic things is that I just have so much to say. In fact, all of the time my head is SO FULL, and all of this constant thinking and feeling is exhausting. I can't seem to turn it off, and it keeps me from focusing , and from taking a break from it all.

Years ago I was diagnosed with ADD. I took meds for a while, but then ended up taking them just occasionally. WHen I was working, for example, I was able to stay focused and busy and not need them. So then came the BPD dx, after years of being "treated" for depression/maybe bipolar". And basically we stopped talking about the ADD.

Yesterday, after another overwhelming therapy session, my T asked about the ADD meds, and was wondering if maybe I should try taking them on a regular basis, since I appear to be all over the place etc.. As you might know, adderall/ritalin are controlled substances, so you can only get 1 perscription per month, which means you have to go back to the doctor every time, which means another hefty payment.

So.. I am thinking this may be worth a try, anyone, since I have never really tried to take them consistantly.. saving them for once in a while.

Just wondering of anyone else here takes meds for ADD, and if you see that it makes a difference when dealing with your BPD? Thanks. (By the way, I am taking a mood stabilizer- Lamictyl, as well)

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I have adhd and took stimulants on top of anti depresants as a teenager. try asking about strattera now thats all I take, its a non stimulant and minimal side affects plus v calming. I feel no different from how I was before, but my head comes together better, where as no matter what stimulant I was on I felt edgy and ended up over tierd.

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