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Even In Light Of All The Recent Crapola..


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I'm feeling rather enlightened, my dears.

Ordered a book off amazon - You Can Heal Your Life by Louise. L. Hay - and it arrived a few days ago.

At the start, she recommends that you read through the book once first, and then go back and start again and do the exercises within it. So i'm off reading, and subtly at first, very subtly, the words on the page make sense. Not make logical sense. Something deeper.

As i'm reading further, it feels not as though i am learning something, but i am realising something... i am simply remembering something.

It has brought about the feeling/thought of 'of course i know that!! how could i have forgotten?! oh how silly of me!'.

It's beautiful.

Now, Rox has sent me a few links and things of these sites which are, ultimately, explaining how we have the ability to create our own realities, but i rejected them, rejected the idea, sometimes quite aggressively.

And i am aware that this book is exactly that - about gaining that self-awareness which is necessary for us to better ourselves, to heal ourselves, and to basically have a happier, healthier life.

So why have i accepted this book and not the links that were shared with me?

It's simple. The wording.

It's in real layman's terms in the book, whereas the sites were all using these really long words that i dont understand, or really care to understand - i have a very intense fear of the unknown. I was uncertain about the meaning of the words, and so instead of investigating further, i rejected them, i ran.

This book is just amazing. I love it. I really do.

I feel alive.

And i am not ignoring the pain i feel, but rather - maybe im just beginning to see it in a new light. Maybe i just have a smidgen of a more productive view of it.

This can only be a good thing, surely?

Just wanted to share.

Oh boy does this feel good.

I feel like im waking up.

Onwards and upwards!!

Love to you all, as always.

Crip xxx

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Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh !!!!!!

And im even actually really, really excited about having to go to my auntie's house soon for a 'family thing'. It's some sort of celebration for some relative doing something good, apparently.

Any excuse to throw a party, really.

And im feeling in such a good mood, that maybe i'll even be able to avoid fighting with my witch of an auntie-who-isnt-really-my-auntie-but-i-have-to-call-her-that-or-she'll-cry at this one!!!!!

Whoop! Go me!!

Lots of love and hugs to you all.


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really great that you have found something that reaches out to you and i really hope it keeps on doing so. sometimes we are not ready for certain things but when we are then the right thing comes along and that opens us up to the possibilities that we had to turn away from before, gives us new eyes to see.

take care and hope the party soon goes well :)


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Hi Rael! Thanks for replying!!

How're you doing hun?

The party was a bit of a disaster!! My auntie-who-isn't-really-my-auntie decided that she was going to start hurling insults at me - focusing around the fact that i had Logan when i was only 15 - so you can probably guess the words. Oh, and she used the lot!! Fully went at it, at me. I just told her that i pity her, and walked out and phoned for a taxi to bring me home. Was no big deal, really. It upset me, sure. And i cried a bit in the taxi, but it's okay.

The strangest thing for me is that she has a daughter in her twenties now, who has, well, a lot of kids. and she had her first at 13/14. So i dont really know who this 'auntie' of mine thinks she is, to be honest. But oh well.

I'm not even angry with her. i just feel saddened to think that she obviously is in a lot of pain for her to resort to attacking me to feel better. Also, i'm fully aware that i have done the same, and probably will do again.

Oh well.

This is a strange world. A strange world indeed.

I'm ever so restless.

It's strange to have something like this happen and be only mildly affected by it, while knowing that if it had occurred only yesterday it would have had me looking for a rope to hang from.


I'm gunna go try to sleep.

Night night xxx

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Argh!! Double post! Whoopsies!

Forgot to mention, though, that i did manage to turn today around - faced some fears and walked down to the local shop on my own - and got some wine and some choccy and some Tropicana (REDUCED TO CLEAR!! LOVE IT!!) and watched a couple movies with The Mother. Was swell.

Anyhoo, night my lovelies.

I hope you are all well

Love C xxxx

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it does sound like she is having a go at you because she probably blames herself for her daughter having kids so young and being horrible to you makes her feel better about herself. shame she cant see what a lonely person it will make her if she treats people that way. im glad it hasnt affected you too badly, being upset about it is understandable but its good that you havent let her get to you too much.

awesome that you got out to the shop on your own, well done, and glad that you had a good time watching movies :)


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