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I am currently on celexa... for my dx of major depression. i have been on prozac, welbutrin, zoloft, more welbutrin, and now celexa . i cant really tell if it helps. my moods are still everywheres.... im still fucked up and im still definately not doing to shabby. while i was in the temp group home/hospital i was at... i asked about mood stabilizers. the psychiatrist looked down on me and laughed. i could see his nose hair. and he looked lke mr rogers...

he would only be there 1 to 2 times a week..and he told me that every time he sees me im depressed...i dont have mood fluctuation problems. well he only saw me a total of 3 times around the place. so hes stupid. and when he saw me...itd be like walking by, going to his office! ugh.

i hate psychiatrists.

but anywho...the mood fluctuations are one of my bioggest problems.... i can not handle it..and it kind of makes sense maybe mood stabilizers would help? but nobody will listen to me.

are people with bpd commonly put of mood stabilizers? ive already had my doctor tell me im bpd... just because i dont have an official dx ... they wont help me/ i dont know... i just am so sick of these moods... they are out of my control, honestly. but of course im not right, because the psychiatrist who sees me once every 6 months knows how i am every day.... or the psychologist i see once a month knows me better than i do.


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Well I'm no psychiatrist and no psychotherapist but I know that the number and types of medications are so varied and BPD so unknown that it often takes a while to find the right combination.

Mood instability is one of the signs of BPD, however unlike that more famous mood disorder, bipolar, it seems to come much more from a reactive, psychological dimension than the more predictable, though no less frightening, mani-depression pattern. This means its is harder to find the right combo. For me, I take 150mg lustral/zoloft in the morning, and the occasional tamazepam (say once of twice every fortnight - its strictly rationed to me) when my sleeping pattern gets knocked out of whack. I have been on seroquel when i was hearing voices but was gradually weaned off of it when the psychosis faded (it was due to not sleeping for over a week).

All that said, some shrinks and psychotherapists use BPD as a diagnosis when they have no ideas and just shrug and say BPD - medicate and hope they grow out of it. My first shrink was like that. But I found another, who put me onto a CB therapist and I have gradually (but not totally) got slowly to grips with it. I am by no means a happy bunny but now the moods are less all encompassing and I recognise where they come from and how to distract myself.

For me the meds just allowed me to stabalise enough to take therapy properly. They ulitmately weren't the cure - I was.

All of that probably doesn't help - just to say, keep at it, don't ever lose hope, listen to your shrink but don't treat them as god, and keep strong.


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as far as I know most BPD's are commonly put on mood stabilizers - they are usually anti convulsants like tegretol or Epilim - obviously different brand names in different places - sodium valproate (epilim) is very common.

I think you should talk to your GP about this - if you are having problems force the issue and you might get a bit further....

Good Luck

Ginny :)

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i have known i was BPD for 3 years. its not really easy to get people to listen...when i am currently 15 years old. but my therapist and i have been talking and we both agree its kind of obvious. hes not just saying that to shrug me off. i still dont have the dx yet because he says my personality might not be fully developed... and also that he doesnt want to label me or soething. but to tell you the truth..... the dx would make me feel so much better..... like maybe he understood me. and knew the complexity of how i really am. how im not doing a very good job at all in functioning in every day life. how im miserable, actually. he seems scared to dx it... because of my age.... the reactions he might get. but he has told me it is there...and it isnt just normal teenage behavior and moods. i hate it when people say its normal teenage stuff. normal teenagers dont hae 9473939573929 moods per hour.

ok im shutting up now.. i just kind of probably reacted to your post the wrong way... feel belittled or siomething. sorry

. sensitive


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s'okay sweetie - I didn't realise your age. Most Doctors wont dx BPD in teenagers cos the symptoms are similar to those of adolescence. But, if you are having problems, of course, talk about them and listen to your Docs advice. Take care...

Ginny ;)

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No worrise scott, and sorry if what was said upset you. No one wants to belittle you in any way.

I completely understand - my post was meant to be about fighting through the system to find relief. Sorry if it came over differently. Be strong, trust what you feel, listen to others but you don't have to accept what they say. But also, there is no magic pill to make this go away. Something that worked for someone else will probably not work for you or me or anyone else with our own separate set of circumstances./problems/issues.

But keep at it. Being true and strong will make people listen. And that means continuing to be honest to yourself and others.

Take care

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i was just gonna add that my psych is resistant to me going on stabilising drugs and reckons anti-depressants or SSRIs are most effective in treating bpd.

i think if you have tried ssris and they didnt work then it is reasonable to try stabilisers. i think the main reason ssris are tried first is tha they carry less risks than the stabilisers which tend to have more extreme side effects etc and need regular check ups.

i dunno about the bpd and being a teenager thing - what was i like at 15? its hard to remember actually. yeah i was prolly more up and down than i am now i think. but i acted out less. i think i has my mum there to adequately punish me so i didnt have to self harm, if that makes sense.

lol, anyway. you know you best and they are pretty stupid. its a shame.

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