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Do I Have An Ed?


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I have Purged 3 times, but attempted many more then that

Have Seen a Distorted Body image 1 time.

Have attempted to cut calories, but LOVE food

Constantly check food lables

I usually have Mini Binges everyday after school, i maybe consume 500-600 calories, then feel VERY VERY Guilty

I always am thinking about what to eat next

I think im fat and disgusting even though my BMI is exactly 20

I have cut myself 9 times

I go on websites about anorexia, and look up thinspiration all the time

I know no one here can TRUELY diagnose me, but from your knowledge, do you think I have an ED, or am i just cautious of my weight? PLEASE TELL ME

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Whilst waiting for someone with more knowledge than I, to come along, I would say, from your post, you have control issues over food, and an overly low self image.

I am no expert though, and have not experienced eating disorders, but I know many who have, and they have all had hard lives, and fought a great fight.

I share the self hurting issue, but mines more scraping, and other stuff, no cutting. That's just me, the way I go.

I bet you are a lovely person.

Anyone who comes online to seek help deserves respect in my book, because, you know what, most out there don't have the courage to.

Please see your GP and ask to be referred to a community mental health team.

I did this for my SH and depression/amxiety.

Print off your post and give the GP it, that's what I do, when I see my doc, as I go mute.

good luck, and go easy on yourself, and so will I

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Hiya. I have suffered with anorexia/bulimia for 20 years now. I think it sounds like you are having some ed symptoms definately and that you are having control issues with your food. Whether you have an ed or not I wouldn't like to say as we are not able to dx people on here just give advice, reassurance and share our experiences with you. If you want to talk about your concerns I am here for you but I urge you that if you have any worries about your eating habits that you mention it to your doctor as they will be able to advise you fully. xxx

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Whilst waiting for someone with more knowledge than I, to come along, I would say, from your post, you have control issues over food, and an overly low self image.

I am no expert though, and have not experienced eating disorders, but I know many who have, and they have all had hard lives, and fought a great fight.

I share the self hurting issue, but mines more scraping, and other stuff, no cutting. That's just me, the way I go.

I bet you are a lovely person.

Anyone who comes online to seek help deserves respect in my book, because, you know what, most out there don't have the courage to.

Please see your GP and ask to be referred to a community mental health team.

I did this for my SH and depression/amxiety.

Print off your post and give the GP it, that's what I do, when I see my doc, as I go mute.

good luck, and go easy on yourself, and so will I

im scared they are going to try and make me eat when i do, i just starve myself usually until i get home from school, and then eat enough for the day.

i dont want them to make me eat and have my parents watching over me, because they probably wont let me exercise, and i gained a few pounds because i binegd the other day and couldnt purge, nothing would come up

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So, if you are eating a days' worth of food over a few hours they will probably help you learn how to re-structure you 'food day'. There is a charity called "Beat" which was formerly known as the eating disorders association and they are really good. I used them and used their pen friend service as well. As long as you are eating enough and maintaining a healthy weight they will not put you on build-up drinks or intervene too much. They will most likely test for anaemia and refer you for some counselling. The best advice I got was to sit down to a 'meal' for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Even if you eat two stucks of celery for each meal you will be building up a routine and over time can (in your case) learn to distribute the food more evenly over the day instead of starving during the day and bingeing during the evening. How does that sound to you? If you eat small amounts regularly the theory is you are less likey to want to purge as well as you won't feel so full all at once. xxx

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So, if you are eating a days' worth of food over a few hours they will probably help you learn how to re-structure you 'food day'. There is a charity called "Beat" which was formerly known as the eating disorders association and they are really good. I used them and used their pen friend service as well. As long as you are eating enough and maintaining a healthy weight they will not put you on build-up drinks or intervene too much. They will most likely test for anaemia and refer you for some counselling. The best advice I got was to sit down to a 'meal' for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Even if you eat two stucks of celery for each meal you will be building up a routine and over time can (in your case) learn to distribute the food more evenly over the day instead of starving during the day and bingeing during the evening. How does that sound to you? If you eat small amounts regularly the theory is you are less likey to want to purge as well as you won't feel so full all at once. xxx

thanks, and that sounds good to me, but im so scared to tell anyone, i dont think they'd beleive me because im a healthy weight, it seems like i cant get help because you cant see anything wrong on the outside, and i'll just fall through the cracks.

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Well, everybodys body is different. When I was at my worst I was on the line of malnourishment and size 10's were falling off me (I'm 5 ft 7) but when it switched to bulimia I would range from a healthy weight to slightly underweight so it doesn't always go hand in hand that ed's mean you are underweight. Ed's are an unhealthy relationship with your diet. Bulimia or binge eating can end up with you being overweight. As can compulsive ed's. Currently I am a stone overweight (in my eyes) due to my new tablets but I am trying my hardest to lose it sensibly and eating lots of veg. I have body dysmorphia so it is very hard to judge when I am actually overweight or not sometimes. Are you going to go to the doctors about this? It sounds a bit unfair of your parents not to let you exercise, is there a reason for this? xxx

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Well, everybodys body is different. When I was at my worst I was on the line of malnourishment and size 10's were falling off me (I'm 5 ft 7) but when it switched to bulimia I would range from a healthy weight to slightly underweight so it doesn't always go hand in hand that ed's mean you are underweight. Ed's are an unhealthy relationship with your diet. Bulimia or binge eating can end up with you being overweight. As can compulsive ed's. Currently I am a stone overweight (in my eyes) due to my new tablets but I am trying my hardest to lose it sensibly and eating lots of veg. I have body dysmorphia so it is very hard to judge when I am actually overweight or not sometimes. Are you going to go to the doctors about this? It sounds a bit unfair of your parents not to let you exercise, is there a reason for this? xxx

my parents let me exercise, im just scared when they find out, they wont let me anymore

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OK. So where do you want to take it from here? How do you see the future? xxx

i have no clue, i want to be happy and for the depression to be gone, and 15lbs lighter, but i dont want to feel guilty when i eat either.

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I do like the idea of printing your post. Sometimes its hard to come up with the words in diff situations. I think that's a splendid idea. It might make it easier when your trying to share such things. Hugs for you, and keep us updated on how you're doing!

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I do like the idea of printing your post. Sometimes its hard to come up with the words in diff situations. I think that's a splendid idea. It might make it easier when your trying to share such things. Hugs for you, and keep us updated on how you're doing!

aweful, i know i dont want to be like this, but i lost 5lbs, in 1 1/2 weeks, and gained it ALL back in 3 days, and now am super upset. how are u?

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Hi honey, I know you feel terrible and that you want to lose weight but you are heading down a slippery path and I think anyone here who's been in the ED trap will tell you it's not worth it. The sooner you get a hold on things the better.....

I can't speak for everyone, but I know that if I could turn the clock back and have stopped things in their tracks before they got a grip on me that I will probably never shift I would....

Thinking of you x

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