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Disturbing Act.


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I live on a housing estate with a large park in the middle, last night someone put a dead cat with It/s head and tail cut off in the middle of the park. Police took photo/s and stuff.

I have 5 cat/s so I/ve been frantically rounding them up, going to keep them inside, they don/t like it though and keep trying to dash out the door when the kid/s come and go, It/s terrible and chaotic. What a sick fuck to do that do the lady/s pet!

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Hey -

Oh no, that terrible! How could someone do something like that. Hope they get

the person who did this. Yes you are correct in keeping your pets safe with you.


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I don't know how peop;e can do such things. It kind of confirms my paranoia yikes. I hope they get the person if they can be called that .

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That's pretty scary! I hope your kitties stay safely inside with you. It makes me so incredibly sick to think that someone could do such a thing to another living being. Poor thing!

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omg that is sickening.. def keep your kitties indoors til they catch the twisted fuck who did that.. that is truly awful u must be really frieaked its in your area. hugs to u and your kitties x

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From what I've researched, it something that people like me do. Not all of them, but some. And yes, people like me are people even if you have different things in your head than us.

Basically, what I have found out is that we still don't know where the urge to kill people comes from. What has been found out is that it tends to stronger and stronger and ways of dealing with it have to adapt. Some people eventually try to deal with it by acting it out on animals.

So yes, it is disturbing. Personally, I feel sorry for the cat. But I strongly suspect it's also an attempt to control something that most of the population finds much worse.

I'm sorry if I've offended anybody, but the fact of the matter is there aren't that many options for people who do get urges that strong.

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Peope who are cruel to animals are a bit psychopathic in my view.

How can anyone not feel bad after carrying out suxh an act, otherwise?

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From what I've researched, it something that people like me do. Not all of them, but some. And yes, people like me are people even if you have different things in your head than us.

Basically, what I have found out is that we still don't know where the urge to kill people comes from. What has been found out is that it tends to stronger and stronger and ways of dealing with it have to adapt. Some people eventually try to deal with it by acting it out on animals.

So yes, it is disturbing. Personally, I feel sorry for the cat. But I strongly suspect it's also an attempt to control something that most of the population finds much worse.

I'm sorry if I've offended anybody, but the fact of the matter is there aren't that many options for people who do get urges that strong.

I do understand this. I am sorry that ppl feel so bad and don't get help when they need it. I'm sure they are very pained. But I am such an animal lover. Maybe I'm strange, but I can see killing a person (adult), but not an animal or child. I even catch moths and let them out the door!!!

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It is truly horrible and hopefully the sick fucker/s that did that will get caught.

I second that comment!

My cat/s hate being kept in but what choice to do I have?

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It is a hard decision to keep the cats in. Perhaps they could go for half an hour in the garden or something? Could you watch them whilst they get a bit of fresh air or would they just wander away immediately they outside? xxx

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thats horrible and reinforces why i cant bear to let my cat outside (plus she gets lost/stuck/beaten up all the time). i really hope they catch whoever did it. its one of my (few) no goes on bad things to do, never hurt an animal.


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its one of my (few) no goes on bad things to do, never hurt an animal.

I'm with you on this one:) I love those little critters!!! :wub:

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I do wish people would look at it as the act is horrible, what can we do to stop this stuff from happening, and stuff like that. I love cats. I hate what some people do to animals. But I also understand how hard it can get to have coping mechanisms stop working and having to find others with very few options.

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that is a sick and horrible thing to do! :o reminds me as to why i always had house cats though. animal cruelty has always been one of my big bug-bears and i hate reading about things like this happening :(

ive always been of the opinion that the people who do these acts to defenceless animals should have the same treatment dealt back to them to see how they like it

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I think it is truly disgusting what those sick fucks did to that poor animal. I don't know whether the people that killed the cat were mentally ill or just had no morals at all. I hope the police catch them soon anyway. It is a good idea to keep a closer eye on your kitties, you must be so worried.

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Erm, turn/s out It was a fox, according to the police.

very very unlikely, foxes are scavengers and rarely hurt animals unecessaryily. iv seen dog foxes in the wild marh or defend their territory for another make by unecessrily killing lambs or chickens but never cats and i would think itd be much less likely for a town fox to do that. foxes eat alot more berries and rubbish than they do meat. foxes are only the same size as cats and i doubt they would attack a cat because they can fight back (unlike a lamb or mouse) i guess its possible, but unusual.

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I thought It unusual too, but that It what there telling us.

We have heard fox's in the evening/s and early hour/s, we are semi-surrounded by woodland.

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I used to sabotage hunt/s with people when I was young and Into animal right/s. (pissng off the tally ho brigade)

Thing Is with fox's Is, If they get Into a chicken pen, they won/t just kill one and eat It, they kill the whole dam lot.......same with lamb/s.

They are vicious bastard/s. So there number/s do need to be controled.

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So let me get this straight. You think killing a fox is ok, but killing a cat makes someone a sick fucker? That's pretty hypocritical.

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I understand the whole fox hunting arguement but personally feel there should be a more humane method to limit the fox population. Fox hunts are cruel and the animal is ripped to shred by dogs whilst being terrified out of it's wits. It is in no way acceptable as a means of reducing their population. Whether it was a fox or a cat the issue is that someone/some people have deliberately killed an animal and left it for all to see. This is clearly a very disturbing and triggering action.

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So let me get this straight. You think killing a fox is ok, but killing a cat makes someone a sick fucker? That's pretty hypocritical.

It/s not as black and white as that! :rolleyes:

As I said I used to sabatage hunt/s so the hunter/s couldn/t catch the fox.

But Im not as ignorant as I used to be.

A cat Is not a vicious predator. A fox Is.

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