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anyone else hate lables and pigeon holes or is this just me

i never think of anything in terms of set definintions, even the most obvious things most would automaticly put in boxes. male/female for example, even though im the most typically girly girly imaginatble i just dont think in simplistic terms. was reading bout did recently and one person saying how difficult it is to find acceptance especially for parts that have different gender from the body and to me it wasnt surprising despite not being did cause i just have never seen anything in such terms. even sexuality and again im completly straight but to me i just think if people fall in love then ace i just dont see the need for labels and definitions and i freak if nayone pigeon holes me and i guess im just woundering where this comes from with me and if this is less unusual than i think just curious

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I think you are who you are, and choices you make in life or how you percieve things is just that, I don't think it warrants a label, to the extent that I don't even like being diagnosed as I feel it is more detrimental to me than non diagnosis. I think what is important is treating everyone as individuals, accepting people for who they are and if they have symptoms that impact negatively on their lives you treat the symptoms individually not based on diagnosis.

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They annoy me because I don't understand them. This black/white, either/or, good/evil, girly/tomboy, etc thing just seems idiotic to me. Although that could be because I don't understand it. I also don't understand (maybe someone can explain it for me please?) why some people claim they don't do it either and then refer to something as "evil" and then doesn't understand that someone "evil" can be nice. I mean, I know when I do it and I'll admit off the bat when I do it and why (it's on purpose). But I don't understand how anyone can see things in that manner by accident. Especially when it's only a few minutes after they claimed they don't do it.

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Erm... if you were referring to me, I'm not aiming anything at anyone. Well, maybe some people I've met before, but no one specific. You asked if anyone hates pigeon holes and labels and I answered that I do because I can't understand them or why people use them without even realizing it.

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