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Fluoxetine Makes Me Tremble, Fidget And Jerk


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Always been a bit of a fidgeter but now on fluoxetine was on citalopram but wasn't working, so changed to fluoxetine now I can't stop fidgeting and jerking my legs all the time, is this normal? it's like I have an excess of nervous energy. Not sure if this just a short term side effect as i'm new to it or if it will persist.

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not sure

but i was on seroxat years ago and had v similar (I think they are same sort of drug)

loads jerking, endless yawning, vivid dreams, and waking 5+ times a night -

it got a bit less but never went away so stopped after 6 months

stopped me killing myself tho

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how long have you been taking fluoxeitine? im only asking because citalopram made me agitated amongst other things and it took a few days for it to get out of my system. it does take a few weeks for the new pills to start taking effect but if you are concerned go back and see you doc to be on the safe side *hug*

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Hi Sloane ranger

The doc changed me straight from Citalopram to Fluoxetine, this happened apx one week ago. I spoke to the duty doc but when I saw my GP again he said I should have tapered off. So I guess I may have both drugs in my system now? Maybe the duty doc should have told me to taper off rather than just switch from one to the other.

I'm getting frustrated (and as a BPD can't handle frustration!) cos I was on citalopram for four months and it's made little difference, so I need this one to work!

Kind of thinking will anything make any difference? I mean, I read that they gave the prisoners in guantanamo bay prozac, but suprise suprise they remained depressed because they were locked in cages for 24 hours a day and brought out only to be tortured...

What I'm trying to say is, the antidepressants can only go so far really can't they?

Hi Walker

Seroxat is evil, my dad, who had no history of mh issues, was put on this after his wife left him and within three months he'd had a total personality change and tried to kill himself. Luckily he was found in time. But he remained a nut case until they took him off them, then he reverted back to his normal happy self which he has remained ever since. So I can only blame the seroxat for nearly killing my father

Thanks for your replies

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i was told it would take up to 6 weeks to feel the fluoxetine really starting to work, and 3 months on ive now been told they are wearing off and im going to get assessed so god knows what im going to get next! im still occassionaly pacing around and jumpy on these, but no where near like how i was on the citalopram, so id suggest going back to your doctor and explaining the situation (i was given a low dose of diazapam to counteract the effects and calm me down). antidepressents do work in taking the edge off things but dont make you go around with a permanent smile sadly! ive found counselling helpful...not because ive had a mega tough life experience or anything, but its good to have someone i can talk to honestly who doesnt judge and will point me in the right direction again. combining a seclection of therapies does make a difference, but nothing is going to be ok overnight.

take care hun xxx

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I was ok on the citalopram, no side fx but also no fx either which is why I had to change! ARe you still on the diazepam? Some on here are saying it's bad to take that more than a few times. I've been given diazepam to take at night, but it doesn't touch the sides, still mega insomnia so not sure what to do. Plus not eating either! So I'm not in the best of places really! Seeing my t tomorrow and pdoc thurs so hopefully can sort out

Thanks for the replyh


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hi angi. i only had the diazepam for a week to cover the citalopram that was still in my system. it is pretty addictive apparently, but i didnt notice to be honest - i was glad it calmed me a little, but it was such a low dose. i also was given zopiclone to help with my dreadful insomnia, which did hee-haw for me, and im still up at daft o'clock!! im getting my pills sorted again on wednesday - how did you get on today?

as for the not eating thing, i was worried about that too and actually started a thread in the ED section. it really just is a symptom of depression, and you will find your appetite improve as the pills start to work. i could go up to 4 days before i started to feel hungry, but now i will have a sandwich or maybe some cereal each day....ok, not exactly wolfing the grub down, but i guess its early days! occassionally i will find i crave a curry or something, but its usually when ive had a really good day so i know its just my depression doing this. im hoping that once i get back on top of the black dog, my appetite and sleeping will kinda come back, but until then im just riding the rollercoaster! i know its bloody hard hun, but hopefully your docs will sort you with something asap. *hug*

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