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What My Bpd Looks Like Today


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These days my BPD looks somewhat diminished although many aspects of it do still plague me greatly. What I have not done in the past 128 days is shoot crystal meth , drink alcohol, or run away and hop on a plane or bus to a new city or country , or ended up in the Emergency room or Psych ward, or had to sleep on the street. What I do a lot less these days is cut, throw things, and have uncontrollable crying spells. There are some things that have not gotten better and they make my life a mess and crazy still, I still get angry and resentful at people that have more money, material possessions , or relationships than I do, I get angry at people that reject me, tell me what to do or don't do what I think they should do. I still am shy and afraid of females, I still feel empty much of the time, think I am a loser and cannot accomplish my dreams, I still feel entitled, abandoned, and alone. I still feel unique and different and like I don't fit in. I still have many issues associated with my diagnosis but do my best to work on them in therapy.

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