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That isn't meant to be facetious although I realise it sounds like it, but when I'm feeling really paranoid about a situation it is the only way that I can manage to contain it.

Quite embarrassing though.

What's up?

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that is a really good question. in all honesty i don't think i do. the paranoia i have is, to me at least, reality. my therapist tells me i overanalyse and do this because i am paranoid, but still i do not think i am. the way i think and the way i behave is normal for me, i do not know any different so i do not have any other experience to go by. if i am paranoid, that is my reality, at least until i change some of my patterns of thinking.



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Everyone tells me I think too much, which is basically the same thing.

It is really hellish because once you've got to the point of interpreting the same set of bad facts 7 different ways you no longer have any way of seeing those facts objectively. I actually don't think that there is any way of telling the difference until you are able to recognise when you are being paranoid, and that is really hard work.

With me though - I feel different when the paranoia sets in, kind of floating but in a really poisonous gas, it's horrible, really horrible, but at that point I do try and find someone to give me some help.

Are you okay?

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Sorry Swan only just saw your reply. I don't think I could ask anybody because think would look really stupid, though I prolly wouldn't if tht makes any sense.

It was wierd, I was at an open day thing and we all had to do a singing warm-up but when we stopped it carried on in my head and so I started to feel really anxious and panicky because i've not had too much noise for a while and it was really strong and like trying to carry some sort of message I dunno. Anyway it could have been that some people hadn't stopped or whatever but I don't know and don't know how to know coz don't wanna look like a loony :(

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omg I'm so slow today sorry!

The way you discribed that feeling of paranoia is exactly the way I feel, and it's so hard to deal with sometimes without acting on it. :(

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hey sweet pea

er, just because you're paranoid, don't mean they're not after you (my amazing startling fantastically intelligent wowing contribution lol)

seriously - the only way to know for sure IS to ask someone what happened, but if you are not prepared to do that and i can understand why, then you are a bit stuck for answers i suppose

has paranoia been getting worse for you as a symptom of late? i dunno. my paranoid shit has never lasted that long so i can get out of it and see it for what it was

well take care - i know what i said didnt help much, but just wanted to touch base with you and tell you i read it and stuff

:bigarmhug[1]: love ya


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if i were you i wouldn't worry about that. you're a musician right? i am a musician and i get that all the time, i hear music in my head, i feel music physically. its bizarre to tell someone who doesn't get it, but when i explained it to my mam i used the way she listens to a cd. the way she hears a cd, that is the way i hear music in my head. when it first started happening it was terrifying because i can see colours with the music and i can feel it on my skin etc. its quite weird even now, but its the part of my 'condition' that i enjoy.



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Beat, It's called 'synaesthesia' and the French poet Baudelaire (I think - it might have been Rimbaud) 'suffered' from it. It's quite common - people speak of 'tasting' colours or 'smelling' textures.

Alex - I've got really good at spying on people out of the corner of my eye, and in extremis, accepting that my role in life is to be publicly humiliated and to try and take it all with a sense of humour - excruciating and difficult but it deflects attention.

Maybe it's time to talk to your therapist about it though, what do you think?

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When I was really ill, I was REALLY sensitive to noise - could hardly go out because it got to me so badly - it made me so anxious that I'd jump at anything and get really angry. It was so frightening.

It did help to keep telling myself that it was just anxiety and it wouldn't hurt me, but I have been taking it gently and I did have a bad anxiety attack on the train the other night during rush hour.

Is there someone in the choir who you can trust to help you with this, if so that might be a good way of getting some help with easing yourself back into it.

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Beat when I was younger I used to 'hear' poetry in my head and it wouldn't go away until I wrote it down.

And I didn't even realise that it wasn't like that for everyone!

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omg swan I do tha too! (the looking out of the corner or ur eye thing)

Losty thanx you, yeah it has been getting steadily worse, but not too bad prolly just stress, dunno.

Beat, yeah that's kinda like it only it's like it's trying to tell me something, bad stuff and don't like it!

And hate the fact that I could be totally imagining it grrrr

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I'm different, when I'm paranoid (which is a lot) I feel quite sleepy and cut off, a lot of my senses are dim actually, ('because you are dim!' I hear you think.) the only sense I really have thats quite powerful is smell. Random info for ya.

I can never tell how paranoid I'm being, but I know I am. I'm always convinced I've irritated someone or that I talk too much, and I do, but people say I dont. See as soon as I confront it I think 'well its true' and I want to delete everything I've written, but I wont, even though its true and I just bug everyone.

argh *shuts up*

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i studied synaesthesia at university, i music at uni, and whilst it sounded familiar to me and i could relate to it, i was no, i couldn't have that. i don't get it when i listen to music oridinarily just when i experience this altered state. punk princess, sometimes the music i hear is hostile and aggressive, angry and that does hurt to hear i angry with you, but i am willing to put up with that for the sublime moments i have. i hear words in my head all the time, but i write all the time. my brain is never switched off and to be honest it really pisses me off sometimes, lol. that is a good point swan, i forget that the way i hear things or see things isn't the same for everyone. this must be why i get funny looks sometimes, lol.


beat xxx

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