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Anxiety And Sleep.


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I have a question...maybe its just me because I am strange but when I slip into a depression and I become anxious I do not sleep well at all. Instead of sleeping I usually find myself in this weird state like half awake and half asleep. I am awake enough to hear the TV or I am aware that I am not asleep. I can open my eyes any minute but my body feels dead. I also start dreaming although I am still awake. I cannot sleep in the daytime either so if I try and nap I find myself in this weird state. For example, I was laying down, my eyes were closed and I dreamt that my friend sent me an e-mail. I wanted to talk to her all day so I went downstairs at like 1:00am and she had sent me an e-mail. I went to bed around 3:30 am before my dad woke up to go to work...I laid in bed half awake and half asleep until 6:00am. My body was dead but I started to have images of going downstairs into the computer room. In my dream I had phoned my T at 3:30 am and some other person picked up the phone is this raspy voice so I hung up the phone. I heard my dad wake up and so I walked upstairs...I felt like I could not get up the stairs though. Then I laid back in my bed and heard footsteps walking up and down the hall way. I then opened my eyes and realized that I had been in bed. I feared that I had slept walked or something. I checked my cell phone to make sure I did not call my T. Thank God I didn't.

Anyway do any of you experience this?

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yes, yes... feeling like that leaves me feeling so anxious, that i cannot relax enough to sleep properly and kind of stay half awake, half asleep... sort of on the edge, waiting, alert... sort of hanging in an inbetween state.

it feels weird, like i'm not quite in this world, but somewhere else..

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I call it a hypnogogic state...after reading a post here about hypnogogic hallucinations. I wonder if its a form of disassociation that feeling of being somewhere else...hmm...quite interesting

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yeah, i get that a lot. i have been an insomniac since about age 12. i do not sleep well at all. not sleeping is so painful, my body aches because i am not resting and i float around all day in this stupor, it is almost like drunkeness. i have the red, bloodshot eyes, mmmm very attrsctive. when i can't sleep all i can think about is sleep. the worse thing for me is lying in bed when i can't sleep, i go insane so i get up, sit on the roof or go the beach or look at the stars. at the moment i am hooked on sleeping pills, i do love them and i sleep but like the dream you were describing, really vivid i get them a lot. they tend to seep into reality and then i get confused. so...in short, you are not alone.


beat xxx

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Lady I get that all the time! And I love it! Not when I'm depressed or anxious though, when I'm depressed I just sleep all day and when anxious not at all, which is prolly why I value that "hypnogogic" state so much :)


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It is acutually kind of interesting isisn't it? But, I am not getting my REM sleep. Just the "hypnogogic sleep. I dare not tell my T about my knowledge of this word :lol: But, I am going to ask her about it when I see her cause its weird. I actually told her that I see things in my mind before I fall asleep. She fired back "Its normal!" :lol:

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