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I'm so glad some one started a Thread on this :)

My partner and I are loving the programme, there's so many possibilities that could happen and who could turn out to be a baddie!

I agree with Roses, the one liner from the litte girl at the end sent shivers down my spine too!

Can't wait for the next ep :)

Pink Stars x

Its awesome innit :) I even wondered if the babysitters boyfriend might be a bad guy too :)

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Yeah, we looking forward to that too. We loving all the vampire stuff out there right now.

Here's some stuff on 'Black Swans' Rossie Mc Detective, sink your teeth into this:

The theory was described by Nassim Nicholas Taleb in his 2007 book The Black Swan. Taleb regards almost all major scientific discoveries, historical events, and artistic accomplishments as "black swans"—undirected and unpredicted. He gives the rise of the Internet, the personal computer, World War I, and the September 11, 2001 attacks as examples of Black Swan events.[1][2]

The term Black Swan comes from the 17th century European assumption that 'All swans are white'. In that context, a black swan was a symbol for something that was impossible or could not exist. In the 18th Century, the discovery of black swans in Western Australia[3] metamorphosed the term to connote that a perceived impossibility may actually come to pass. Taleb notes that John Stuart Mill first used the Black Swan narrative to discuss falsification. xxx

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Hey! LOL! I got the whole 'black swan' being a 'paradox' thing. I only went to Wiki-wiki-wiki-wild west-paedia to get the technicalities. Luckily I knew the Greek stuff too as Aran and I are obsessed with Greek Mythology and that. He is playing God of War for the hundredth time on PS2 right now. Hope your brain not exploding yet. Draw the line at theorizing over the babysitter's boyfriend darling. Although I did think he was a bit shifty LOL xxxxxxxxxx

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Hey! LOL! I got the whole 'black swan' being a 'paradox' thing. I only went to Wiki-wiki-wiki-wild west-paedia to get the technicalities. Luckily I knew the Greek stuff too as Aran and I are obsessed with Greek Mythology and that. He is playing God of War for the hundredth time on PS2 right now. Hope your brain not exploding yet. Draw the line at theorizing over the babysitter's boyfriend darling. Although I did think he was a bit shifty LOL xxxxxxxxxx

Hee you see, you have a thirst for knowledge too :) glug glug glug

Have you read Carl Jung stuff? He is very big on Greek mythology too.

Oww got a headache, think I have been over obsessing.


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I haven't actually read any of his stuff although I am aware of the basic ideas of it. Yeah it sounds like it all linked in. There is a thingey on facebook where you can find out your letters - INFJ think I was. At least when I feel down I am like that. When I am feeling OK I am ENFJ so guess that's the flipside of the personality disorder thingey. Ho hum. But yes, I can't wait to see how it goes. I had a sneaky at the outline for the next couple of episodes.. he he he looked good. xxx

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Ooo thanks Mazzerkhan

I will have to catch it on 4oD because that is my bedtime :)

I am gonna buy the Flash Forward bookie tomorrow or whenever it hits waterstones, as they are literally re-releasing it tomorrow. Tis niiiiice. Apparently the book is VERY different, predictably the programme makers had to move it from the books setting of CERN in switzerland to LA because obviously no one would want to watch a show unless it was set in America ... lol. And the flash forward is 21 years into the future, and people see all sorts of cool new technologies and stuff. Characters are all totally different.


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Aha here is something to whet your appetites for the next episode ... a still taken from when Mark and Noh enter the warehouse, and confront the mysterious man! Why would he have a bank vault monitor on the wall?

And here is the man himself ...


He was also playing chess with someone ... implies a second person ...

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I have a little theory ... near the end of episode two, Mark is sitting on the sofa in the house, and olivia comes down the stairs from behind him and says "hey"- in almost an exact replay of the positioning of her flash forward involving Lloyd in the same living room. Even the fact that Lloyd is drinking something is the same, although theres a difference in that lloyd is topless, mark isnt, and the table layout is different. Just wondering if someone inserted 'wrong' memories into Mark and Olivia, so that Mark falls to pieces and so cannot carry out the investigation :) Then her loving feelings would really be about MArk, and not Lloyd - but the 'false' vision can act as a self fulfilling prophecy, as Mark is taking it badly and may oush Olivia away.

Also i think that D Gibbons and his partner in the baseball staidum are 'agents' of some sort, but NOT agents of whoever actually did it. Just like another faction.

I cant watch it tonight cuz I dont have channel 5, and the 5 on demand thing is soooo slow its unwatchable in streaming mode, so will have to watch tomo :(


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I thought the same Ross, that whoever was responsible somehow cut and pasted her memories so that she remembers another man - it was staged the image of him co remember we said he didn't acknowledge her at all which is strange for a man fresh out of bed with the woman he supposedly loves. You'd expect him to greet her with his maximum charm offensive LOL


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The new fragrance pour homme, by Givenchy

**poncey black and white pose**


And I agree about the little girl is going to be the centre of it, ummm charlie. Shes such a good lil actress, when she gets upset seeing the little boy in hospital. Oh and the baby sitter saw some stuff too!! WOW you know I JUST CANNOT WAIT.


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Did you know that crows are ancient mythical birds and the ancient Celts revered them and feared them at the same time. I have a theory. When you finish this episode let's brain-storm! xxxxx

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Hmm I dunno cuz you are the mythology Queen, I dont wanna guess cuz you is more clevered than what me is on the mythologies :) There's lots of symbolism in this int there ... What I didnt understand was, did Geier see the dead crows in his flash forward, or did he see them when he woke up? I guess it was when he woke up, which was why Mark realised he'd been played? I dunno mabbe will go back and watch that again. So what did you find on the symbolism front? Gimme ya theory!!

The tower at the end was interesting. It reminded me of something Nikolai Tesla - dubbed the father of electricity - did in the early part of the 20th century. He apparently discovered a way of channeling electrical energy from the atmosphere, from something called the schumann cavity. It could apparently cause lights to illuminate without being plugged in. It was funded by JP Morgan, the wealthy businessman, and when he realised that this invention basically meant profit free electricity the world over (not reliant on limited fuels but on the endless energy of our atmosphere), he canned the funding. His test facility was at a place called Wardenclyffe, and had this tower:


which reminds me a little of the one at the end there. There is a great deal of supposition and lore about what happened when he test fired it. There are reports that people in the surrounding area enetered a trance like state, and that vast areas of land were destroyed by the huge amounts of energy it channeled. Realising he had basically created a weapon of mass destruction that could ALSO be used for peaceful purposes, he dissembled parts of how to build it to all the governments of the world. If they wanted to use it for peaceful means, they would have to get together with each of their own parts of the evidence. That way, it was far less likely to be used as a weapon. Some people say that this system has in fact been built, in the form of the US HAARP system, which has many cliams around it, ie that it can control weather patterns. Of course, HAARP is seen by most as an ordinary thing caught up in conspiratorial thinking, but from the reports on Teslas Wardenclyffe its possible a tesla device could do these things.

Part 1 of a documentary on tesla and his device, amongst others:


But key to Flash Forward is that it had the capability of changing the consciousness of people - because it amplified the natural resonance of the earth - 7.5 hz, a frequency which can apparently change the consciousness of humans. Perhaps it can also kill crows? I will have a look and see if there are reports of crows dying around Teslas machine .... Perhaps there is a network of them, and when they switch on a couple, a few crows die. When they switch them ALL on ... global blackout!

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Yeah, I only got as far as Ravens/crows (there is some confusion in history bout the two) being mythical birds and if they were totally uber intelligent their brains may have been highly attuned and it basically exploded their brains. I agree about the electrical thing, it's like TV signals floating around but at such a frequency that the human mind is sent into a trance/sleep like state where they predict the future (like a shaman receiving visons from chemicals affecting his brain). Did you know that if the right frequency hits your body you will explode or die like the birds? It would appear the exact frequency needed to affect the human mind is the same as the one that does that kills the crows. xxx

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OO where did you find that? Did you find a 7.5 Hz / crow link? OMG we rock

Ah yes thats what it was about - 7.5 - 8 Hz is apparently the frequency of delta wave or alpha wave sleep or something, and thats why it sent people all wibble.

I guess its not too healthy for crows either ... why only crows? They are meant to be intelligent? Hmm they always creeped me out after seeing The Omen, i dont wanna hear they are also capable of planning world domination ... or coffee mornings.

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I don't know, I just remember it from somewhere *brain wakes up* hee hee...

Um, the crows are capable of so much more than coffee mornings. They had a Sacred Rowan Tree (yeah is prolly where Tolkeein got it) that was situated at a crossroads. I found this text for you:

In Irish Celtic mythology and lore birds were symbols of freedom and tran-scendence, having the power to soar up above the earth into the heavens, and return to bring messages from the gods. They thus symbolised spiritual messengers and mediators between earth-bound mortals and the heavenly world.


healing / protection / prophecy / vision / power

Although its reputation was sometimes dubious, the raven was considered an oracular bird, often representing the upsets and crises of life which were deemed necessary for anything new to be created. The raven is seen as a messenger between the two worlds – this and the next and symbolised the connection between this world and the Otherworld, and the raven was seen as a messenger between the two. The Irish Druids divined according to the flight and cries of birds, and in particular the raven and the crow, and saw them as birds of divination and prophecy and thus lodged raven and crow symbolism firmly in the folk imagination, and in Celtic mythology and lore.

If they are the link between this world and the other realms perhaps they died because the energy was being chanelled through them???? LOL we are good aren't we. xxxxx

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Its funny you should mention other worlds, because in Mark's first flash forward he sees a galaxy. In the book, the main charcter also sees things on a cosmological scale, and there has long been speculation that CERN's LHC experiments could form a black hole, which some see as a portal to other dimensions (even though it isnt, its a weird quantum gravity event but I wont get too dull on you), and so the TV series may borrow some of this from the book, but tie it to another technology. Perhaps the frequencies do two things - make the brain receptive, but also cause some sort of virtual time travel or opening of timelines, which can be picked up by our consciousness in that state. Its a nice link between the scientific and the symbolic / mythological / spiritual, like a cosmic consciousness. Reminds me of the baby sitters words - "I think we're being punished by God"

Id be surprised if the show went this far, for example it has already shown a little contempt for religion when Janice reacts disapprovingly to Didi talking about her church group in episode 1. Also Braga stuidiously avoided talk of gods in his trek writing, because trek dismissed the notion of god and religion, instead replacing them with all powerful beings like the Q, so I dont think that Braga would allow an "its god" explanation.

I like your shamanic idea, and the link with the crows especially because of the way it can fuse with the science part, which is something very Braga-ey. Im tempted to make my next avatar a raven because of this line: "the raven was considered an oracular bird, often representing the upsets and crises of life which were deemed necessary for anything new to be created". Kinna speaks to why we are all here - on BPDw - in the first place!

Perhaps the revelations truly do have a positive message for humanity? Like with the ravens, maybe the aim was to produce the crisis out of which something better could be created. There are SO many shots which linger on the soldiers hanging around, that this must be a hint of what is to come. Its interesting to note that there are many that belive the US is currently headed for martial law, perhaps this is Bragas commentary on it? Perhaps D Gibbons and his mate are people with a vested interest in stopping the 'good thing' from happening, and they somehow are the ones responsible for manipulating our hero's flash forwards, if that theory turns out to be correct? Perhaps the "cosmic consciousness" itself is controlling these events, maybe it feels humanity has lost its way. This would get around 'god' issues, and be something like Quantum Leap where they do not know who is directing the leaps ... another trek link cuz Scott Bakula is in QL and Enterprise ... hee


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follow the linkie and scroll down...

Hmm if it was a radio station, microwave radio transmitters can do that. My dad used to have to work on them, and he said he often found fried pigeons around them! Thats why they are up high, so that people dont get fried :(

Dunno about all the flashing and all that though ... spook.

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I completely agree with you Ross. Throughout all my extensive exposure to the various Treks they do steer away from the 'God' stuff and the 'Q' and the 'Caretaker'. All non-God but so like a 'god'. I totally get the blackhole thing. That in itself is a paradox because if the blackhole consumes space it could not exist because we would not be here - we would be inside the blackhole.

Hubbie and I were talking about it being similar to 'Star gate' possibly. With it being alien technology. Hubbe was saying that Stargate was all about aliens colonising earth and I had to correct him actually (very carefully obviously) and said that I felt it was more about humans trying to discover and connect. Yes, the gods had colonised earth but that was 4000 + years ago and at the time the film was made it was about the humans using their technology to try and work alien stuff. Perhaps this is what is happening in Flash Forward.

Ooohhh yeah get a crow avatar up there. The Crow is also a comic book hero from the 80's.

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Hmm I always wished id got into stargate more, it happened during my "avoid the TV" years ... so I missed most of it :(

I like the idea of it being alien technology, but something about the nature of the show, and this being Braga, suggests to me that he wouldnt do that. Actually who am I kidding, he was always doing cliche things in trek, but they were TREK cliches ... I dunno. I get the feeling he is going to go for something deepey deepey on this, or mabbe that is just what I want it to be. I guess what I want it to be is the tesla device or HAARP, because that was/is 'real' if you like, and it would be exciting to see Braga make it more widely known. That would make it a human invention, but with cosmic importance and connection. So I guess thats what I want it to be, as opposed to me having any proof of it :)

Theres a nice duality to it as well - if the tesla device could be used for good or bad, as in fact was the case, then it could be that govts were trying to harness its power as a weapon. Aware that humanity had reached this stage of technology, this development could be seen as the self limiting zenith of our progress - that by developing this one last weapon, we actually create the one thing that leads inexorably to peace - which would fit with Bryce, the other doctors, vision. Or, it was tech given to us by aliens to bing about the same thing?

Hmmm **strokey chin**

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