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Bipolar Sister


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My sister is bipolar. I just found out that for the last several months she is totally manic. I haven't seen her in a long time, but I have been looking for her. I found out through a friend where she might be. I plan on trying to find her in where she hangs out.

She is woman who used to articulate in her ways. She raised a wonderful child. There were so many great quailities about her. Now since the first manic episode happened, she became a shadow of herself. Her first manic episode hit her about nine years ago.

When the first episode hit her, her boyfriend took her to the hospital and she stayed there for 3 months. After that 3 mos, she was put on lithium and got back on track again and was the same woman as she once was. Then she did the stupid thing and she stopped taking her meds because she felt she was okay. Of course she had repeated episodes. I used to visit her in the hospital and I would see her in her worst moments. It broke my heart and little did I know about bipolar. When I seen her when she was out of the hosp, she was a wreck. I kept trying to get her back in so she would take her meds. I had even called the mental health crisis team to get her and take her to the hosp. My sister would pull herself back together and she would seem normal. Then I would be made out to be the bad guy. My sis got so bad in her mania that I couldn't let her be around my kids, she scared them. It was awful.

Now that I found out what has been happening to her and I find her. If I find her in such a bad state, I really don't know what to do. I want to help her and I want to be there for her, which I will anyways. I heard that she wanders the streets and gets herself into trouble by hanging out with the wrong people.

I never understood bipolar until I started to show traits of it myself. I am now on meds that keep it in control. I know that if I weren't on the meds, I would be manic too.

How do I get across to my sis that she needs to take her meds too?

Do I force her to go to the hosp?

I am confused on what to do for her and like I said I want the best for her.

I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on what I should do.

Thanks for reading my letter................ :unsure:

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Hi PinkLady,

I am so sorry I can offer no help, but, I wanted you to know that I read your post.

You are in a very difficult position, and one that I don't envy you. She is lucky that she has you to care what happens to her.

I am sure what ever you do it will be for the right reasons.

Best of luck,

Jane :(

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Again its an terrible predicament to be in. Can't offer much advice. Do what you feel needs to be done. But don't feel guilty for it. You may feel responsible for her in some way but people will or won't do whatever they do for their own reasons ultimately.

For what its worth you are very brave and strong to face this, and a kind person for caring. Hope whatever happens goes well for all concerned. Thinking of you.

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Follow your instincts and try to support her in anyway you can. Sometimes its hard to help someone who does not want to be helped however talking to her and supporting her will be enough. Its very hard to step back and watch someone you love go down hill but try not to let it bring you down so much. Just be your kind and compassionate self.

Good luck hun,



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When I read your posting I got a little wierd. It felt as if you were writing about me. Like your sister I have bipolar..........the best thing you can ever do for your sister is tell her "I LOVE YOU". Bipolar tears apart families. She's fortunate to have a caring sister like yourself. I hope that she can see your love when you find her.

Reinforce that you will stand by her. Nothing you can do but encourage her. If she fails at any attempt, stay and reinforce that you love her and won't ever leave or abandon her.

Not much you can do. Bipolar is like cancer. It goes in and out of remission. Initially do not expect much. It'll take awhile to gain trust and establish some sort of treatment options that she can trust. Don't force or preach.

For yourself..........maintain emotional distance. Don't allow her illness to drive you down...... You can't be there if your not feeling well.

Its healing to be loved unconditionally.

Hugs to your sister. My hugs to you.


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