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Need Some Advice


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Hi folks,

I'm currently driving myself mad trying to lose weight and failing dismally. on the one hand, i did good - i went from 18 stone down to 13 stone 7ibs. However i really really want to lose some more weight and get down to about 10st 7ibs as this is a healthy weight for my height (I'm 5'8.) The problem is, I just cant seem to do it. I do really well for a week or two and drop between 1 and 2ibs a week easily, then I just fall off the wagon and start eating more than I need, snacking between meals and not exercising, and going into a self hate spiral because of it. Its driving me nuts! I can't figure out whats doing it, because I have plenty of self discipline in other areas of my life, just not with my food and eating habits. I've analysed myself up one side and down the other trying to figure out what the hell is going around my head, and just cant seem to find the one thing that makes me think 'aha! thats what does it!'

So what I'm asking is, does anyone else here struggle with this? Any idea whats causing it? Any suggestions what I can do about it? I really want to drop some more weight and find this constant struggle with food is exhausting, depressing and demoralising. I know its part of the BPD but still... can't help feeling frustrated at my lack of ability to control myself with this.

thanks in advance, hugs to all who want them :)


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one of the best ways to lose weight is to confuse ur body. so change ur diet to something different. eg. say u eat jacket potatoes all week, it knows what to expect, so change to say meat salads or pasta or something. xx

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Aye I do try and do that. The big problem is that I just can't seem to stop myself from falling off the healthy eating wagon. Eh well, I'll just have to learn to live with it :) Physically I'm in pretty good shape so it could be worse!

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