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A Sudden Rush Of


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it's like, i just cant feel anything. stuff i know i should feel - love, happiness, contentness (?) - stuff like that and i dont. then all of a sudden theres a huge rush of everything and it hits me so hard i can't even stand up and i cant cope with it. and even the smallest little thing hurts me. a word said in a wrong way, a look, it hurts like i'm being stabbed and the only way i know of dealing with it is to release it all

and when i feel numb it's cos it's easier to feel physical pain than anything else.

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When you think about it, sh is actually quite a logical process. You feel too much or don't feel enough so you look for a elease or a way to stop the other pain with physical pain and the urge to sh is born. The way forward is to examine your process and what triggers you and try and get to the bottom of it and put in place positive coping strategies or the recent "safer self harm". I help run a sh group and have had cbt for sh so if you wanna talk more I am here. xxxxx

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Hey roses whats "safer self harm"....I have always defended my SH ~ I really only do it when I am way waaay down, and when I get the feeling I need to it really smacks me in the face and I realise "fuck, things have gotten really bad I need to read my "what to do in a crisis" prompts""............but if i do do it it's really just to release the pressure and i honestly think it helps stop me doing something even more stupid like going out and taking huge quantities of drugs which i think is worse.

Anastasia ~ you sound like you are really hurting at the moment but you haven't posted a reply to roses, please keep posting and talking it through, don't disapear and try and do it on your own, you don't need to people are here for you. ((((((((((()))))))))))))))


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sh is very misunderstood as a coping mechnism. It has been proven that people prohibited from sh as a coping mechanism are more likely to try and commit sui or engage in more damaging activities. Safer self harm is quite contraversial but it is about harming in a 'less' damaging area. So if you usually cut around major veins/arteries it is about harming away in more fleshy areas where you are lesslikely to cut a tendon or artery. Or it is about using icecubes or elastic band or something to replace that pain with some other type of less damaging pain. xxxxx

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i turned everything off last nihgt. laptop, phone, just needed time. didn't sleep wonderfully. my arms are too sore and my legs. it's not deep there's just a lot right on the bed of my elbow and leg.

i dont really have much else to say.

i know i should call cmht but i know i wont.

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