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Im not sure whats happening to me lately but since starting new meds i just hate food! The thought of it, the taste even the sight or smell of it!!! I have felt like this before and i lost a couple of stone in weight over it. But the thing is....im happy! Im happy im going to loose weight, im just under 10stone and a size 10 atm and i would love to have the flat belly i used to have, ive constant issues with my size i always feel i dont look nice and clothes look awful so much so that my mum has to dress me and not let me look in the mirror, else i wont be able to leave the house!!

I dont think i want help im just curious to know if i have a problem or if everyone feels like this. I havnt eaten a meal in days now, im just constantly smoking and drinking tea....but im happy about it.....is that ok???

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Have posted on your other food thread, I think it could be a combination of a lot of things, when we are stressed and down the last thing we want to do is eat.

When I initially become depressed I lost a stone in a month, because I was just never hungry.

We only eat when we are hungry, if you aren't, then you aren't going to eat.

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I think Sioux is correct but there are also a lot of meds that can suppress your apetite. If you are on meds it might be worth having a good read through the leaflet that comes with it to see what it says.

One of the meds I was on a while back suppressed my apetite and I quite enjoyed it :)

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