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Cymbalta (Duloxitine)


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Have been on cymbalta 7-8 mths now. I have fibromylgia- basically a lot of nerve pain, and could not lift my arms above my head, found it so painful to get up in the morning , etc etc basically i had no life and was in this awful constant pain for about a year.

Last summerI was off anti-d's, and had a very anti-d mindset at the time, when i read some sucess stories about this drug with helping with nerve pain. I was / am on a v large amount of opiate meds for pain after a rta in 04, plus tramadol PRN. but last summer this crazy amount of meds was't cutting it. I began thinking there was no point, they'd fucking shoot a horse in that much pain... etc. chronic pain= chronic depression.

My gp retired, and i went up to this new (bitch) of a dr. I dont use that word lightly. my old dr used ask me if there was any chance i was preg b4 say, putting me on a med, then put me on it when id say 'no'.

i have been celibate 2 1/2 years, and this dr asks me the same q? i say no, i have not had sex in 2 years, she gives me a preg test on the spot!!! i ask why, she says well, you are an unwed mother, its my policy. (GRRRRRR)

this was bcos i asked for cymbalta. so i got it and within 48 hours my pain had 95?% gone - pfffft!

so cymbalta has helped me more than i ever dreamed possible.

but- in the past few weeks if i wake at 6,7, etc i get the symptoms associated with effexor/ssri withdrawl.

dizziness, electric shock-y feelings in my body, 'washing machine head'- where it feels water is sloshing round n round my brain, esp if i move my head "too fast"= i.e. not very very slowly.

Ok, i know youre thinking - if you've read this far-lol- that i should go back to the dr.

thing is,she hates me. despises my guts. i have seen her twice in just under a year, both times she upset me enough to make me cry. she has this cold, piercing glare, and no sign of human emotion. Maybe she is a future robot doctor on trial, v 1.1??? well whatever, she is downright nasty , and lets her dislike of GMS (free) (social welfare) patients be seen. Damn my old 15 yr brill gp for leaving- you never know how good ya have it till its gone... my old gp saw me every time, now i make an appt with this new one and i am left out a script- i find this v dismissive. also, i cant change drs, when dr x retired all his patients were sent to dr y, and as i dont pay, aint got much choice.

I think maybe i should go up 30mg, i am on 60mg. I have agoraphobia- social anxiety, and the thoughts of going near her make we wanna hide under the bed, have a panic attack and cry!

Has anyone ever had this exp of cymbalta not lasting the full 24 hrs? i feel like my system is gobbling it up, like a furnace, and after 6 months, it stopped working round the clock. Mind you, the pain has not really come back, just a tiny bit, its mostly im getting withdrawl symptoms 18-20 hrs after my last dose, thats my problem, in a nutshell. (why didnt i just write that than this essay? lol.

thanks for your time,

anne marie x

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Hi anna, i am on the same med, i get the same symptoms, but not after 24hrs, but 2 days being off it. All i can suggest is maybe see another doctor in the practice and speak to them.

sry if not much help there, but i know exactly what you mean about the washing machine bit, dam i get that only through the night and it brings bad dreams. horrible.


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hi bones n snow,

thanks for your reply. i dont know if there is time release one available here.

i am not depressed or in so much pain, at all, just jittters electrics and sloshy head. dosent happen every day, just most days!

bones, there are 3 female drs in the practise. one is lovely, one is ok, and then theres the beast i see. I think i am afraid to assert myself- have a big problem w assertion, to ask , no, to INSIST, i see a different one.

cos this one told me that 'i was her patient' and i couldt see the others, who i had seen twice each in 4 mths. I have only seen ms. evil twice in 7 months. My psych is not 'scriping it , its was given to me primarily for nerve pain, but as i mentioned in a post to you snowman it has helped a lot with the depression i get.

i guess you are right, i will have to assert myself, ring the surgery, make an appt and ensure it is with pref the youngest one, shes lovely. Its like me and my gp have a personality clash. Me? having a personality clash with someone- never!

snow- i have taken it at all times of day- from 5am to 4pm, and i still get it running out. i have begun taking it at exactly 8am, when my alarm goes off, in hope that this might work. and by 11am, or sometimes 2-3pm i often still have the s/effects- the shoks, sausage fingers, sloshy head. it happens about 5 days a week.

ok, i will ring them tommorrow and make a appt and try my best to be assertive, im really quite timid in r/l.

take care and thank you for replying to my long winded essay,

anne marie xxx

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