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To Others Who Had Ect


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If you have ECT, how much did you have and how badly has it affected your memory? How do you deal with the loss?

I had over 50 treatments, and for the most part 1994-2001 is missing, I have a handful of memories, but nothing to speak of. My short term memory is messed up too. It's really frustrating to have people talk to you about things you did with them, or show you pictures and have no memory of what they are talking about.


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I had 2 series of 9 many years ago. It affected my memory but am an not sure to what extent. One of my problems is memory. When my illness is raging i really have a hard time with short term memory, organization, and staying in touch in general. Sometimes when someone is on the phone I cant track with them because i cant see them.

memory is something i have always had problems with... my sis will mention things and when she gives detail sometimes i can remember and have an ah ha moment... other times i just say oh yeah i remember that .... don't remember but trust her memories... better than having none. i dont think this was shock treatments... just how my brain evolved to protect the living.

anyway... i would never willingly submit again to shock therapy. i dont think they can force it on you. back when i had them they had given up all other hope, i was on a nut cup of meds (litterly my little paper cup was full to the top and they werent helping) and my next step was forced incarceration in the local state mental institution. i was a young mother with 2 children i couldnt care for and i dont think anyone wanted to do this.

i dont know if this speaks to any of your issues. i know the main effect of those treatments only lasted about 6-9 months. it didnt help my memory but i am not sure that it made it any worse in the long run.

I did forget how to write for about a month... that came back (lol as you can see here!)

I feel for you in the land of memories lost... i dwell there also... look for me sometime!


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Hi Morn, I know just what u mean about the memory thing, its horrible. Earlier this year I had about 12 treatments....it didn't help my depression at all which is why they stopped at 12. It was kind of the last resort cos meds etc hadn't worked but when the ECT didn't work they decided I had 'resistant depression'...great! So nothing works.

As for memory problems, the drs told me I may suffer a SMALL amount of short term memory loss. Ha! What a joke. I couldn't remember who I was, what I was doing there. Its wiped most of my memories from the last couple of years and a lot of earlier stuff too. Friends contacted me and I asked them who they were....needless to say they were upset and offended but it wasn't that I didn't care about them, I just couldn't remember!

It is really hard, like u say, when people say you've done things and u have no memory. I find it hard in day to day life, apparently I have seen this film, and read that book but I have no memory. One good thing, I can watch films again and its like watching them for the first time lol!

So the period before the ECT is pretty blank but my memory is gradually getting better for stuff happening at the mo. I have to write everything down though. Its embarrasing sometimes, especially when I can't remember people. I moved into a flat a few months ago and I bumped into an ex boyf in the entrance hall....I remembered him but said to him ' what are you doing here??' He said 'I live here!'...very embarrasing seen as I had spent many an hour in that flat with him...he thought I was crazy... :wacko: ..I guess I am lol!!!

Sorry I've gone on a bit! Its just an issue I feel strongly about and very peed off about. Morn, did the 50 sessions help? I hope they did, I hope it was worth it. (((HUGS))) :)

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i think it will get better for u as you go along. mine seemed to improve over the first year.

like i said ... memory was never my strong suit so maybe i shouldnt be giving my oppinion

hope it does for both of u


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