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Do Fairytayles Exist?


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'do fairytayles exist?

does the prince and princess ever get to kiss?

is there ever a happy ending?

or do we just go on pretending?

does he wake me from my sleep...

with a kiss so perfect and sweet.

do fairytayles happen to us in this life?

or does love only bring pain that cuts me with a knife.

will my heart ever be repaired?

or someone show me they actually cared?

do i ever get to walk off into the sunset forever...

do i ever get my fairytayle story together?

why is my book never ending?

why do i go on pretending?

will i ever me rescued and taken away?

or am i stuck at the beginning of this tayle forever to stay.'

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Fairy tales DO exist, they just don't last forever. For me, a 'fairy tale moment' IS the fairytale. It's about that special moment with your partner, or a stranger on the street offering you a smile. It's about the precious 'perfect' moments with our children and it's about those moments that things just 'click' in your life.

Don't look for the fairy tale to be of every minute of every day and don't put so much faith in big gestures. Listen very carefully and you'll see that the 'fairytale' CAN exist all the time, but just like fairytales they can't always be seen. xxx

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