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Question: After some derogatory begging finally got 14 Zopiclone from the GP. Way hay I thought, sleep at last only it didn't quite happen that way.

He advised every third night so I followed orders and have taken one each night since I got them 4 days ago lol. If he honestly believes that giving me the all important sleep remedy and then telling me I can only take them every third night then I am not the only one in la la land.

I'm a bit confused though are they not meant to make you sleep cause it's not working (7.5mg dosage). It's quite strange in that my eyelids look and feel heavy so much so that I have to close my eyes but I'm not asleep if you get what I mean. My mind is still doing somersaults only difference is that I can't keep my eyes open and my body loses all strength so it appears I'm sleeping but it doesn't feel that way to me. Is it just me sabotaging myself or is this how they work?


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Hi Amanda,

Well I have pretty horrendous insomnia and zopiclone really work for me (as long as i have a break from them every so often. When I was in hospital they would give me my 7.5 zopiclone with an anti-histamine (not sure about that spelling!) because they also make you drowsey. Also zopiclone dont work straight away as soon as you take them. Tou've probably been told these things before but I usually dont feel tired after taking one, so I read or watch a dvd/tv, that way my mind focusses on that and doesn't overthink. I lie down in bed watching a dvd, feeling like i'll never get to sleep and then usually get to the point where i have to switch it off or more often i wake up with the tv still on, not remembering even getting sleepy!

Hope thats helpful x

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you have to give them time to work. used to take me about an hour. and if you fight them they won't work.

but they didnt slow my brain but i still got sleep

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take them about an hour before you go to bed and you may find that they work that way. I got addicted to Zopiclone and in the end just had to go cold turkey! I had been taking them for about 3 months and so when I didn't take one it took me 3 days before I could get any sleep at all! That's why your gp will have told you to take them every third day. They should be more for getting your body used to going to sleep at a certain time so that it gets your body clock back ticking so do be careful for how long you take them for! I didn't find coming off them a pleasant experience at all so do be careful!

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Perhaps you should look at an alternative to the drugs- as it seems to me its your mind thats constantly on the go- and not your body. zoplicone is a chemical- so can help your body sleep- but not your mind. Perhaps get hold of a meditation cd or try some yoga to learn how to relax your mind and banish all those thoughts clouding your mind- as it sounds like that is what is stopping you sleep. I find it extremely useful. i used to take zoplicone- sometimes it worked but often if i had too much on my mind i found they didn't help- i even doubled up the dose to see if it would make me sleep but didn't!! i find learning to push ur thoughts away- either writing them all down in a notepad before you go to bed... or by listening to a madeitation cd works much better than drugs.

have a go and see if it works- as zoplicone wont be a long term fix even if it did work for you!

good luck and hopefully- sweet dreams!


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Zoplicone did help me sleep, but i had to stop taking them because i was unable to get up in the morning to go to work and would spend half the morning in a daze



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do they calm you down or just help you sleep, daytime can be a bit hectic as can evening but i,m wary of all drugs these days. whether prescribed or sreet.

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Zopiclone!! <<<SCREAMS>>> and then Runs for the hills ;)

helped with sleep but after being on the stuff everynight for over a year it was pure evil trying to come off. In a bizarre way your Dr is probably tryin to protect you from having to go through that.

I know what Ingrid was on about. I just couldnt function in the mornings on that stuff.

I hope you are able to find a better way of sleeping but in the meantime dont go too overkill on the Zopi's.

Take care

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Zopiclone!! <<<SCREAMS>>> and then Runs for the hills ;)

helped with sleep but after being on the stuff everynight for over a year it was pure evil trying to come off. In a bizarre way your Dr is probably tryin to protect you from having to go through that.

I know what Ingrid was on about. I just couldnt function in the mornings on that stuff.

I hope you are able to find a better way of sleeping but in the meantime dont go too overkill on the Zopi's.

Take care

thanx as i said i,ve not taken any and i dont think i will, i told my gp i didnt want them! i,ve enough problems with drugs as it is, gp didnt listen, i,m going back again cause prozac making me suicidal or am i anyway! it all gets abit confusing, has anyone had problems with prozac, been on them before didnt help!

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Thats interesting because prozac was also the thing that made me sui and put me in hospital.

thanx i am convinced they are, so i,ve stopped these doctors know shit, now i,ve got tell him. its hard work making them listen! thanx again :rolleyes:

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good luck pinky. it can be so hard to find the right medication for you. each person responds to different things in different ways. The zopiclone isn't really for use to calm you down during the days. Diazepam or something like that I think is better for that. Zopiclone is a sleeping tablet. It shouldn't hurt if you just take one now and then when you really can't sleep. If you've had a few sleepless nights take one about an hour before going to bed and hopefully it'll do the job. As others have said it can be hell coming off them if you take them for any length of time.

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good luck pinky. it can be so hard to find the right medication for you. each person responds to different things in different ways. The zopiclone isn't really for use to calm you down during the days. Diazepam or something like that I think is better for that. Zopiclone is a sleeping tablet. It shouldn't hurt if you just take one now and then when you really can't sleep. If you've had a few sleepless nights take one about an hour before going to bed and hopefully it'll do the job. As others have said it can be hell coming off them if you take them for any length of time.

thanx fast fish, i,m ok taking zopliclone if its gonna help me sleep, as i need help sleeping, i dont want to get addicted to any more drugs tho, been on diazepam befoer they were a bitch to come off! thanx for your help x

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hiya hope you dont mind me adding here...i just joined tonight and saw this thread and im a little bit worried and could use some advice too

i got diagonsed with emotionally unstable personality disorder 2 years ago..but last november i stopped sleeping altogether (possibly from the effects of starting my divorce last september from the man who pushed me away emotionally and physically when i got ill again and made me end the marriage!)

anyway my doctor put me on zopiclone 3.75mg about 19 days ago, i've probably had 2 nights on them where ive slept more than 5 hours and i woke up at 3am and couldnt get back to sleep, most nights i literally get about an hours worth because my mind wont shut off, soooooooo im so drained of energy and believe me running around after 2 kids doesnt help matters either!

i went back to the doctor today and he advised me to double up on them. My concern is after reading other peoples comments about taking them every 3 days, why was i advised in the first place to take them every night before i actually got into my pj's and went to bed? have i now got addicted to them? or will i get addicted if i double up on the dose? my daughter was already late for school this morning as i had finally got off about 5am and didnt wake up till half 8!

i feel like a zombie on them as it is, i get lightheaded all the time and some times i feel like im gonna faint

so just wondered if anyone could advice me too



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I take zopiclone 100mg at night and doslupin 75mg one in the morning and three diazipam during the day. Sleep is no longer a problem, i used to survive on three hrs a night and be buggered for the rest of the time. Now i am chilled but do get anxious around the midday time until i take the evening doses.

Not sure how long i will be on this latest concocktion as my meds seem to change as frequently as the weather.

Scally xx

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Hi AngelGeri,

I think everyone was has a different experience. For me zopiclone really helped on 7.5mg. I was on them for 4 months (which is a lot longer than reccommended) and then came off no problem. So I guess like any drug it depends on the person, i do know of people who've struggled though. You really have to see zop as a short term sleeping aid.

I wouldn't panic but maybe research it on the internet, so that you're aware of all the facts :) x

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I've been told by both my GP and Psychiatrist that Zopiclone act differently to benzos such as Diazepam and the like. They will help you drift off, but they wont keep you asleep.

He probably told you to take them every third night because he doesn't want you to become reliant on them. Also they tend to stop working after about a week or so of every night use. They kind of lose thier strength because your body gets used to them.

Originally they were penned as a non addictive version of sedatives like Diazepam. But have since been found to be quite addictive after prolonged use. So GP's are reluctant to keep you on them for longer then say a week or two.

Aurora :)

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