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Faslane Ho!


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In the past week, I've won 500 quid, lost 500 quid, been to London, kicked off in Camden, had a breakdown, got banged up in Bristle nick, went to South Wales, got stranded at Cardiff international, saw some sheep, took flight to Glasgow, got redirected to Prestwick and am now on way to Glasgow. I may or may not go on the lash whilst I'm there.

Next, I'm going up to Faslane to stay at the protest camp. I'm not too sure what my motives are to be honest. A good friend of mine is there so that's a good start. Erm, I suppose I'll be getting back to my Anarchist roots. I'm getting off the Citalopram so where better to detox? But my main motive is to freshen up as well as toughen up as much as possible before I get back to Manchester, back to life and back to reality.

Should be fun.

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Wow certainly sounds busy, oh to be young again, I'd love to have been coming along to be a happy camper.

You take care and remember we are here if you need us.

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'back to your anarchist roots' eh?


We need so many more people to take action in this world of crud.

I have been quite involved in the Anarchy scene here in Dublin, but have had agoraphobia for the past 2-3 yrs, so it has limited what i can do.

I am involved / interested in a wide range of topics, animal rights, free the streets, protests at the americans usin one of our aiprorts (shannon) to re-fuel before going off to blow up some men women and children in a country they probably can't even spell... etc etc.

Anti fur, Anti- McDonalds- i just got re-involved in these in the last week.

Good for you comrade, at least your life does have some direction. and Anarchists are such kind people.

Best of luck!!!

anne marie

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Hi everybody.

Faslane has been put on hold for a day or so. Due to travel malfunctions and a break in communication with my Faslane contact, I've had to stay in Glasgow. Thankfully, things have been set straight and Faslane are expecting my arrival.

So today, after pointlessly blowing money on a horse, I went to Solid Rock and beat everyone there was to beat at pool (yay me). I was on my way to my B&B when something happened.

After getting a couple of pasties from Greggs, I saw a woman begging. I gave her a cigarette and figured that if I can blow 200 quid on a horse, I should at least buy her a meal. So I took her to a pub, bought her tea and a drink and basically kept her company for a bit. She was a truly clean and lovely woman with hope and ambition but she'd simply met too many bad men in her time and was a long way from home. So after the meal, I offered to give her a night off but she needed to be occupied and I knew neither of us would be comfortable with me sharing my accomadation. So I met her halfway and gave her a tenner. At that, she burst into tears, hugged me and told me that there are very few like me in the world. I didn't feel good for this. As a matter of fact, I felt pretty sanctimoneous.

I'm still pretty gobsmacked truth be told so I'm spending the rest of the night in my room because I wouldn't feel right playing out now.

But yeah, long story short, I'm going to spend tomorrow sightseeing with her. Faslane can do without me for another day.

*waves black & red flag for kitteh!*

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Och hi everybody

Well I didn't find that beggar woman today nor was I able to get hold of her which was a bit pish. She could be in bother or I may have been had but either way, I feel a bit naff. It also took me 3 hours to find a laundrette and get my clothes done.

However, I was greatly bouyed by this graffiti scribed on the bog roll at a pub

"Am I supposed to eat

this fishing lure?!

Wank is custard"

I have no idea what it's supposed to mean but it put a smile on my face. Anyways, to Helensburgh and beyond!

Edit- Android has a wee bodder deciphering it's Is from it's Us... poor thing

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Small(ish) world

As I was walking back to my b&b, I passed some dude and his dog playing a whistle. I figured that since I had two Strongbows in my room, I should see if he fancied a can.

I returned to the fellow, had a drink and a chat with him. Turned out he was a new age traveler type who'd actually spent a few years at Faslane in the nineties. He was certainly intriguing company and we've exchanged numbers.

I've left him to finish his shift and after a couple of hours rest, I'll be going for a couple of pints with him whilst he can fill me in on the camp.

I have to admit, as thoroughly depressed I have been for the most part, this getting out thing does have it's moments.

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Thanks Vivien :) Hope you're looking after Manchester for us hun!

Adventure, certainly. Good fun, I'm afraid not. It seems that no matter where I go or what I do, I just can't seem to shake off the diddums.

However, I have been keeping in touch with my dribs and drabs in Manc-town and it turns out that I'm very much loved. So for the duration of my stay on camp, I promise to try and have as much fun as possible for them (and off course, for you peeps)

Anyways, there's a bit of an issue insofar as electricity on the camp is concerned so my site reports will be scant and sporadic (boooo!)

But yeah, lub to you all xxxxx

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interesting travels! i know the solid rock cafe very well and have spent many a happy hour in there, although on the pinball rather than playing pool! lol!

i dont envy you being at the faslane camp, but if it does something for you then fair play and i hope your experience there does you good :)

take care and if you need a good pub recommendation up that neck of the woods, the rhu inn at rhu (oddly enough!) is a great wee bar with a quiz on a thursday night, or the wee pub in kilcreggan which has a pool table! :D

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Hi everybody

Am at the clyde in Helensburgh shooting pool and charging my phone so I figured I'd check in. Insofar as Helensburgh is concerned, I've seen a lot of UVF graffiti around so I'm keeping my hoodie zipped up and my St. Pauli shirt nicely hidden... I'm a bit hard but that hard! On the plus side, I think I'm in love with the barmaid :))

As for the camp itself. I learned very quickly that I will get dirty in no time at all. Also, there are two choices of water temperature, cold and cold.

For things to do, I can wash dishes, hoy some wood around, get bitten by dags, build bamboo walls, bunk in a freezing shack with a man who suffers from night terrors (that dream catcher didnae work for either of us) and go on a beer run. The latter has been by far the most challenging since on returning, I had a choice between waiting two hours for the bus or hitchhiking. I plumped for the latter and settled for the former.

(note for those who flip off hitchhikers - don't bother because we barely notice you doing it, it doesn't faze us in the slightest and it only puts you and your passengers in unnecessary danger)

I'll be back on site soonish so more fun awaits. Apparently, there's a vigil on Wednesday (that'll show 'em!) but getting a team of hippies together for a quiz at Rhu would be a result in itself.

Righty Ho, take care everyone and remember to love eachother and yourselves ;)

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Hey ho

I smell... badly which I'm getting used to. I can shower on site but its so cold that I'm just going to wait until I get to a Glasgow b&b. My body is as sore as heck but at least I can now call myself a woodchuck! Last night was pretty gnarly since the night sky was as clear as crystal. This meant that whilst I had never seen as many stars in all my life which was mindblowing, I had never had a colder night's sleep.

Today's been quite fun so far. After playing peek-a-boo with the M.O.D plod, a Shearing's coach slowed down past the site and I exchanged royal waves with the passengers. I suppose that essentially makes us a tourist attraction! Then I hitched a lift into Helensburgh from some dude who's in the Navy! It was amicable on the whole though I'm sure more vehement tones would have arisen if the journey lasted more than 5 minutes.

That's me for now. Today, I'm shopping for bread and Buckfast before doing that vigil thingy.

Peas and lub :)

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Howdy ho, is my head sore or what! Last night, I learned why Buckfast isn't readily available in Manchester. Because if it was, I would give it 5 days before humanity is wiped off the face of the earth!

Following the largely uneventful vigil, me and this other lad went to the sailors pub. After a few there, we got some buckfast for the walk home. From there, it gets pretty blurry.

What I do remember is getting masked up before running around base, antagonising... *edited for legal reasons* ...How I managed to survive telling drunken squadies to "get proper jobs" will remain a mystery for the rest of my days. Essentially, I lost one of my lives last night.

Today, I'm taking it much easier.

Hi sassy & viv

I'm setting off tomorrow but I'll more than likely return later this year if they'll have me back. Yes, it is certainly something and has it's moments but it's no cure if that makes sense.

Ttfn ppls x

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hi cwp,

your adventures are amusing , in a good way. im glad you 'got out there'.

nice to see another side of life eh? and a bloody good cause too.

*raises a cup of herbal tea* slainte!

a.m x

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lmao!!!!! theres a reason why the scottish government are trying to get "buckie" banned up here....that stuff is nasty!!!

have a safe trip and whenever you decide to return north of the border, gimmie a shout....save ya hitching all the way lol! xxx

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I'm in a B&B, it's warm, there's hot water, a shower, a telly and there isn't a rat in sight! So I suppose that's me done with being a hippy fir noo. Had there been a metal nightclub there, I probably would've stayed a little longer.

So what have I gathered from the experience? Quite a bit to be fair

take away's arrived... tbc

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omfg, that was lush!

Erm yah, so I've learned that Guffy is a term of endearment, I'm the hippy (granted I only played two of them) pool champion, I should give up smoking, eat like a pig from now on and so many other things I can't remember atmit. I've made several good fwends and am looking forward to going there again.

I'm in a bit of a quandary since I have a little more to write which I will lose after I've gone out but I really want to go out now!

Pah... *loves you all*

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