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A Chameleon.


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I'm so tired of trying to find out who I am.

I think I find my true self and it turns out to be other me I've made up to try out. As if i were trying out a new car: "i'll give this one a spin, and if I like it I might just buy it".

Sometimes I invent a me based on someone I see in Film, TV or Books. Sometimes I'll try and remember how I was as a little girl,"where did I go so wrong?" I ask myself. Then I'll try to find out how to go back to before that. Sometimes I'll meet a person, then create myself based upon what I think the person would like me to be like. Then when this person is done with me, i'll simply shed the skin and then grow a new one. I'm sick of making up all these people on the inside and the outside it's making me so tired. I feel like I have no control over this. I don't know me any more. I change colours to suit my environment, and the people in it. Initially I used this as a coping mechanism but now it's just making feel incredibly lost in a blend of colours. :unsure: i feel so terrible.

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Hi Foiled,

I can really relate to this. I've worked so much on creating this person I want to be seen as that i don't know who I am anymore. Several different personalities to fit different company/situations. If two of my worlds collided, like my parents coming to eat in the pub I used to work at, I'd hate it because my head would be so confused about who I was supposed to be then. Am I supposed to be sammi the barmaid or sammi the daughter??! There's not really an inbetween.

Since I got much worse I rarely come into social situations so now I'm just this 'ill person'. I miss being the old sammi but then when I think about it I'm not even sure thats me so I don't know what or who I am. I'm just an ill person, I'll feel like I don't have a personality, I'm just a nothing, just an existance, just a physical body who's personality has gotten lost and can't be found.

Its the same for me... it used to be a coping mechanism.

I'm sorry you're feeling this way too and I'm sorry for rambling!

sammi x

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Wow, I wish was as articulate as the 2 previous posters, I feel exactly the same, but don't have the words to explain, I'm going to print this off and take to my cpn. I have various different incarnations of Mark, all can be changed to fit into the environment I'm in. I don't know who I am anymore.



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i compartmentalise my life

work, cricket, relationships, friendships, family etc etc

they usually dont mix

i am several different people depending one where i am, but i see that as a safety thing, cos if one thing breaks down then the rest stay stable. this is important for work as i need to work and need to stay healthy at work in order to do this. so yeah t'is a coping mech for me too...

i am currently in t figuring out who i am so that i can meld these things together and let the real me out across the board... but slowly...

like i took a friend to cricket last week. this is a first for me and it went ok.

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I dig what you mean. Often I find myself even adopting someone elses accent, mannerisms etc. Most of the time I am not aware of mimicking. I wonder if this is because I don't have my own identity and/or whether I want to be accepted. Wish I knew my identity and just be me. Sometimes I find my adopting someone elses character can be embarrassingly obvious. If I was good enough to do impersonations in order to make a living then it might just be worth it.

Not sure what to suggest as I am working through this and other stuff myself. Although, your post has brought this trait to my attention again so that I can make a note of it in my 'book of rants' and show the doc. Thanks


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Thanks for the support everyone who posted.

It's validating when people just reply to a post of mine because I felt like a major head case before I wrote it and then after I wrote it as well. But when I returned to the forum today and saw that some people had replied I felt both relieved and comforted that people understood what I'd written and could relate to it. So thank you all for the support




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