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Fussy Eater.. To The Point Of Eating Disorder?


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I gag when I try to taste new foods.

The only vegetable I eat is corn, the only fruits I eat are apples and grapes, and occasionally pomegranates, I don't eat meat at all.

I live mainly off breads and cereals, and even then, only a select few.

I'm way too old for it to still be simple 'fussy eating'.


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Hi there,

I'm new on this website, only joined today in fact.

I was just reading your post and thought I would reply.

Do you mind me asking how old you are, don't feel you have to answer (I only ask though, as you say "i'm way to old for it to still be simple fussy eating).

It certainly sounds as though you have some perculiar eating habits, though whether they would be classed as having an eating disorder i'm not so sure, although obviously i'm not an expert.

I have had anorexia and more recently i've been diagnosed as bulimic. With bulimia I will binge and then purge to try and get rid of what i've just eaten from my body i.e. by making myself vomit, abusing laxatives or excessively exercising. Ask yourself, whether you do any of what I have just mentioned, in order to try and lose weight, maintain your weight or to achieve what you may percieve as "perfection", also ask yourself whether the foods that you do eat, you eat because you are trying to restrict your calorie intake, due to not wanting to gain weight etc - because these are all thoughts/feelings/behaviours that tend to go hand in hand with eating disorders.

I hope what i've put makes some kind of sense so far? Sorry if it doesn't and i've just rambled on.

Have you ever considered that perhaps you may have some kind of intense phobia too food, due to a traumatic event/experience that you may have encountered when you were younger involving food or eating? I could just be clutching at straws here, but then also it may make sense, as you say you gag when you try new foods, other than corn/apples/grapes/pomegranates/breads & cereals. So I was just thinking that perhaps you gag if you have to try any other foods than the ones listed above, because they are outside of your comfort zone/safety net so to speak and subconciously cause you anxiety, which in turn makes you gag?

I would definitely say though that you should visit your doctor and talk things over with him/her, if you haven't already done so.


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