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Well, recently I have become abit 'depressed' and have not been very sociable with my mates, making excuses when asked to go out with them (I just have had enough of them bitching and stuff).

So I was just wondering if anyone has any advice for me as to how to get rid of my 'thunder thighs'.......*lol*

Also I was thinking, how much weight could I lose in about a week with me not eating or just having a few calories to get me through the day, and would it get rid of my fat !!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi DressageGal,

I know what you are going through - I rarely go out anymore because I feel too fat and ugly in comparison to all the skinny, beautiful girls out there.

I don't know what the answer is in terms of getting rid of weight - god I wish I did! But I do know from experience that not eating is only a temporary weight loss; the weight piles back on once you start eating normally again. And if you are anything like me, you make it a couple of days without eating and then binge. Also, when you dont eat, your body holds onto the fat that it has stored - so it takes even longer to lose weight than say just a week without eating.

Always here if you need to talk! XX

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You never lose it where you want it to first. Unfortunately by stopping eating altogether or just having a few calories, you might lose weight quickly but it won't stay off.

If you want it to stay off, you need to eat less around 1200 calories a day, and exercise more.

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