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Maintaining Recovery From Bpd


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Today my Mental Health Helper hands me this, but half cut by beer I wonder about this:

For People to maintain recovery from BPD, they need to:

be treated as unique and important

be treated as a human being with goals and dreams

have the freedom to make choices and descions about their lives

be treated with dignity and respect

accept that their unique journey through life has taken a different path

regonise that recovery is the potenetial to becaome free of symptoms by following an indivdualised treatment plan

acknowledge that relapse is a common and expected part of recovery ,but does not mean they have "failed" or that previous gains are lost,rather ,it is a chance to learn and move forward again

Have hope about their future

engage in meaningful relationships with others who care and do not stigmatise

have a routine and structure to their day marked by meaningful activities that may or may not include work (paid or volunteer)

recieve a reliable and steady source of income

live in stable, clean and comfortable housing, whether it is an independent living situation or supportive housing

accept that recovery may require a structured community day treatment program or other links to proffessional mental health and addiction systems of care

recognise pets may be important

recognise that spirituality or religous beliefs and practise may be important

well a lot of points just thinlk that even if you dont have BPD these criteria would be hard to have.

Dunno this was just meant as food for thought.


oh and the cat is gettting his balls chopped off today and the dog has been sick on the carpet. Sorry for the long post.,

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