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Does Anyone Else Do This? Part 2


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I just read Harmony90 posting regarding listening to the same music repeatedly. It triggered a thought...well experience I have -

I do just what Harmony90 (and others) do, but sometimes I will listen to a particular piece of music that triggers

saddeness and it may even might make me tearful. The question is, any thoughts why I do this? Is it to bring out how I feel

inside do you think?


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When I had a breakdown , I listened to one track . I listened to it for days. It stirred up emotions and made me sad and cry. I needed to cry and the track did it. I wandered aimlessly doing this.

Not sure it was a positive experience for me though

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Ive done it obsessively at times.

I was addicted to nelly furtado "you dont mean nothing at all to me" song - even the video i couldnt stop watching.

And i do it with songs that have sad memories attched to them too x

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Thanks for those replies. I guess it does raise other questions, like why did we need to rely on music to help us through this.

The thing is when I'm sad and listen to more upbeat music it doesn't bring about happiness.....maybe I'll understand it all one day :D

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I listen to the same songs on repeat for hours even days sometimes. Usually sad/depressing songs but sometimes relaxing songs.

I'm extremely music obsessed, can't go even a few hours without music.

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I can also relate

If I'm feeling low I do tend to put on certain songs, one's that make me feel sad and give me lots of thoughts. I dont know why I do it, really when I know I should up on something more up beat to try and lift my mood but at times it seems I 'need' these other songs.


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when i cant feel i have music on , if i am triggered i have headphones in LOUD to shut out the pain. when i feel sad i play songs that will help me cry. whem i am happy i play everything i have

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I do this all the time, listen to the same track over and over again, but for me its like im trying to brainwash away the bad thoughts and replace ethem with a song.......u know a bit like when you hear a record it gets stuck in your head and u cant forget it......so i do this instead of having thoughts from the past circling around in my head...i try to replace it with a song.....but weirdly enough it is usually a bit triggering the record.

My hubby knows when my depressions getting worse cos i tend to shut myself away and listen to music with headphones on all night !!

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God yes, Music is so powerful! When I first heard the 'Morning of the Magicians' by the Flaming Lips I went toally numb and couldn't move for ages because it reminded me of the darkest moment of my entire life, sometimes I listen to it when I want to re-visit that experience again, and like, why, it was really painful? I guess I just needed to get those feelings out and come to terms with them. But at the moment I can't get enough of Lady Gaga - uncomplicated and up-beat - good times - love-it! lol

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Depression cuts you off from feeling.

Anything that brings those feelings back - whether good or bad, you tend to want to cling to.

Sadness validates the pain you feel inside, and breaks through the uncertainty that emptiness brings.


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Really good way of describing it ross.......can relate to those feelings

im doing it right now......listening to music......sort of trying to release how i feel thru music......

its safer than some other options......

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Can relate to all of this.

I tend to listen to really sad, emotional music that reminds me of sad times. I feel that at least this shows me that I still have some emotion inside, negative as it may be. Don't knnow why I do it coz it hurts so much but at least it is a feeling and proves I'm still alive.

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if i am struggling with how i feel, and i know what i want to feel, music is really the only way i can get that emotion out.. weather it be happy, sad, angry..

I have always done this from very very young i have visions as a baby well liring down looking up ( so little) and hearing radio.. later in life i questioned my father on this, he used to put a radio in my cot or pram to settle me.

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I do this, for a long time it was evanessance's my immortal, I was totally obsessed with it, still cannot erase it from my ipod.

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  • 4 weeks later...

yep totally. i like marina and the diamonds numb, obsessions and mowglis road, i am not a robot. When i was in hospital i listened to one track over and over Heavy on my heart by anastacia.

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