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Has Anyone Ever Taken Zopiclone For Sleep?


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My doc gave me 7.5mg, one to be taken each night. Last night took one, fell asleep then woke up about 3 hours later n couldn't sleep the rest of the night.

Tried again tonight......Can't at all so I've taken another one. How long do they usually take to take effect?

Can anyone else tell me there experiences with the drug?

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I only used them in hossie, but they were quite instant that when u take it, u need to be in bed straight away, and settle down, sadly they only help u drop off, not stay asleep :( also if u fight through it, it can actually have a reverse affect... xx

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hey 1st had them in hossie and had no effect. then put on temazepam until i became immune to them, my body got 2 used to them. now back on zopliclone, it does help, and while its supposed to be instant like piuma says it takes a long time for me to drop off. and sometimes i still struggle to slepp, others times they work well. with out them i dont sleep, but not allowed to take evry nite so dont become too reliant, not that i care.


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I use zopiclone but sometimes it doesn't work think I am to used it now. Take it anyway. In Hossie i was still getting up four times a night and wandering corridors, If i'm having trouble now it take 50mg of fast acting quetiapine and olanzapine, that usually does the trick. Bxx

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Hi there

Im currently on melatonin for sleep. I take one at about 8pm, and i am reliably sleepy by about 10:30 - 11 pm. I need to be on it for ages cuz its meant to reset your body clock hormonally, so I do still wake up, but what with the mindfulness I use and possibly the tablets, I find I can get back to sleep nice and quick.

Had to go to a sleep specialist before anyone suggested melatonin (which in UK you can only get on prescription) but maybe ask your doccie doc. Its only got anecdotal evidence behind it, but it makes me feel reliably knackered each night :) I drop off in 10 - 15 mins instead of the usual 40 mins - 1 hour.

Defo recommend learning mindfulness skills too though - they really help in getting back to sleep if you wake up. I also find having a LOT of drinks next to my bed helpful as I seem to dehydrate badly overnight. I get through 3 large glasses of orange. I think it also helps stabilise my blood sugar too, all stuff that seems to help me sleep. me doc said all that stuff is related to the hormones being out of whack as well, so hoping the melatonin will do the job eventually. If not dont mind having drinkies by me bed :) Co-op high juice is yummy

Nothing to do with zopiclone, but if you get fed up with it maybe ask for melatonin :)


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Hi Rich,

I was prescribed zopiclone 7.5mg for a month a so about 6 months ago.

I found that they sent me to sleep pretty quickly in the first place, but then once i woke up, which is quite a lot as i have nightmares, i couldnt get back to sleep. Felt like i was awake and no matter what i did could not fall off again.

I explained this to her and in the end she took me off her becuase i was getting even less sleep than before. I now try doing something relaxing before i go to bed like reading a funny book or haing a bath.

Emmie xx

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zopiclone works for me usually a 15mg dose sends me right off, but im not allowed it, its sooo addictive even tho they say its not it bloody is!! plus its only meant to be used for short term insomnia, like a max of 2 weeks, which is why pdocs tend to prescribe anti p's now... as people have said you really dont fight it otherwise you get rebound insomnia, and as rossie said take drinks to bed with you...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi well yes ive tried zopiclone but found it affected my breathing unfortunatly soes i had 2 stop taking it! felt like my breathing was slowing down, didnt like it at all ! :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

zopiclone.... very addictive, as a drug user i like them... doc wont prescibe me no more (good job)

they work well, but if you have trouble sleeping i find wants the,ve worn off i wake up!!!!! i think its best to phyically try to be as active as you can through out the day... if your bodies tired then your mind tends to get tired too... x

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My doc gave me 7.5mg, one to be taken each night. Last night took one, fell asleep then woke up about 3 hours later n couldn't sleep the rest of the night.

Tried again tonight......Can't at all so I've taken another one. How long do they usually take to take effect?

Can anyone else tell me there experiences with the drug?

Hi and yes

I found them awful, woke up feeling terrible, but saying that they did get me off to sleep. One side effect of them is they exacerbate anxiety. As I have a severe anxiety disorder I was surprised they were prescribed to me, only after noticing my anxiety getting even worse, I read the leaflet inside which states basically do not take this medicine if you are experiencing anxiety! Doctors for you eh. I was given Temazepam instead which really helped me through a bad time. Zopiclone I would not recommend to many.

>>>> Lawrence

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Zopiclone aren't your a typical sleeping tablet, they work to shut off your thoughts to help you get to sleep, sort of transindental. They put you into a meditative state. They won't work for people with insomnia they work better for people who just can't drop off because of thoughts running through their heads.

They don't suit everyone. And anyone who is used to stronger sedatives probably won't find them effective.

If they haven't worked for you yet they probably never will.

Speak to your doc about it.

Take Care Holly x

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I take zopiclone and have done for about a year. I have got used to them though and they don't work as well as they did as I seem to be waking earlier and earlier but they do help me to get off to sleep. I didn't know that about them stopping thoughts. That's probably why I get on well with them because I couldn't s;eep before because of all the bad thoughts.


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I've used them when my anxiety has given me trouble in getting to sleep (7.5mg) - they work for me, i doze off and I usually sleep better and longer.

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I've used them when my anxiety has given me trouble in getting to sleep (7.5mg) - they work for me, i doze off and I usually sleep better and longer.

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i take these when im too anxious and wound up to sleep, one or two 7.5mg ones, they do tend to knock me out until dinner time teh next day though

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Yeh i use them but i am on quetiapine too so they help get me to sleep but quetiapine keeps me asleep. I have a hangover every morning tho. :(

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I take most nights and have now for over a year .It helps me fal asleep but it doesn't keep me asleep I still end up walking all around the house at 3.30 to 4.00 in the morning.

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Yh I have used zop's before they are quite good they just knock you out like tranquilizers but sometimes when they don't work properly expect to feel restless and ravenous.

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