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Whats The Reputation Thing All About?


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your right, but I am sure people can read too and use good judgement upon whether a person writing a response is giving a good one, even if it disagrees with an OP, and that those that just go around negating reputations for the sake of personal shit can be judged on those actions.

Yeah the voting system is one way of detecting trolls, it isn't perfect and has its flaws but I think we're all old enough to use good judgement also.

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I think we're all old enough to use good judgement also.

You sure about that one? Age and emotional maturity are very seperate entities.

(I'm still going to big your post up cos I like ya)

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i think it will be used when emotions are high in a negative way, its only time i would use it negatively, when i dont understand/get the reply and read it negatively cos i am in crisis/emotional state, so if i have done it to anyone in last few days "sorry" not personal, i know i am reading things wrong, at times, and taking personally.


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It already is.

Your right though it assumes people will vote according to their consciences. I hope some people have thick skins and are not paranoid because if you have a falling out with someone, their gang will start negating your reputation. Smart move on a mental health forum :D

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the whole thing makes me uncomfortable i mean im always worried no one likes me as it is tbh and now i may have proof so i cant just chalk it up to being paranoid it might be in black and white staring at me but i guess i just have to resist looking at it

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EVERY other forum i'm a member of has a very similar system, and i'm a member on a few.

Personally, i don't give a rats who ups me or downs me, or how many 'votes' i get, i don't come here to be popular, or win any competitions...so of course i'd be grateful for anyone who gives me a positive click, but i know that my self esteem, as low as it is, is not going to be affected by it. I offer advice when i feel i can, i offer support when i feel i am able, and i do the best i can, that's good enough for me, and i do like the idea of being able to click the negative if i find someone's post to be particularly antagonistic, or obnoxious, or rude and offensive, without always having to resort to reporting, which often does nothing anyway.

I don't post with the intention of receiving votes or being popular.

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I think were missing an opportunity here, In having this system we are able to see how we are experienced by those around us. In knowing how people rate us we are able to reflect on our own actions.

Yes the system is open to abuse but the same could be said about any system.

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I think were missing an opportunity here, In having this system we are able to see how we are experienced by those around us. In knowing how people rate us we are able to reflect on our own actions.

Yes the system is open to abuse but the same could be said about any system.

I completely agree, and i guess if people choose to abuse, they're showing their truer colours through this system.

I think it's best the votes are anonymous, otherwise it would cause a lot of friction.

Sometimes i don't have the time, with a 2 year old, a husband, and being 30 weeks pregnant to post a long supportive reply, or tell someone how cool i think they are, and this gives people like me the opportunity to show a small amount of support without having to write a lengthy reply, or feel guilty because i've not had time to respond with words. Sometimes i don't feel mentally able to reply with words and like the thought i can hit the positive sign to show a bit of support, ya know.

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Hello everyone

I did think that it might be good for drawing attention to 'personality blindspots', but then I thought, well how many people get told over and again that they upset people, but then retreat further into denial and just blame everyone else? People who really need to have their blind spots explained to them tend to have extremely good defence mechanisms for holding onto those blind spots, and really the only way to get through is via the constant application of 'caring pressure' or empathic confrontation. Tough love if you like.

Maybe if someone gets a lot of bad votes, and then asks "am I really peeing people off?" and is open to constructive criticism, that would be good - but personally for me it took years of therapy and repeated pain to even get to that stage - to opening up to the idea that looking at behavioural blind spots and my 'bad' side might be helpful (that 'bad' side being the one hidden from me - not the stuff I already hated about myself). Mostly I acted out of a sense of depseration and fear, and the negative behaviours I carried out felt like the only option in the world, and everyone else was just being mean or abusive. My behaviour felt justified. It took repeated incidents of the same failures, the same pain, the same types of comment, and finally the loss of my career (i.e. hitting rockbottom), before I could actually genuinely look at myself objectively. Once at that stage, you have to make sure that 'objectively looking' doesnt become 'bashing yourself over the head' - these coping mechanisms, even though often irritating, develop with good reason and normally as a defence against pain. Thats why people dont give them up easily, and why they have to be handled sensitively.

So whilst the idea is a sound one, with the amount of people that suffer personaluty disiorder here, Im not sure the reputation system is going to provide that kind of function. It does not flag up the actual behaviour - the person may be totally unaware of what they have said that caused offence - all they have is a global "this post annoyed me" with that little red "-1". They need to know WHAT they did, and then build up a history of seeing what causes trouble for them.

I do like it though, Im not saying keep it / get rid of it - just that it may not quite provide what we are hoping. Personally I do think its useful to have some system of flagging up peoples 'blind spots', I just dont think an anonymous and slightly cold slap in the e-face is necessarily going to do it. It requires tact and empathy, even if the person is being a total wally.


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But to add an upside from a personal perspective

Whenever I write a reply, I automatically think its going to offend, upset, be flamed etc. Its just a gut thingie that I find hard to shake off, and i tend to come back to the post anticipating a load of angry lol

Coming back to find little green ones is making me feel a bit more 'ok maybe I dont come across as evil as I thought' :)

Little treats, like online Cadburys buttons ...


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27 and excellent! Neat well done.

Lol yayyyyy

The system does sell itself to you when its being nice, I must admit ... :lol:


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Hi, i agree it is prone to abuse.

And i do understand its used on other boards etc, its just that its new here-we are a MH site, and people here are ill to different extremes, at different times. .

I just saw a member with 6 posts- a new member- have a rep of -1. For no reason. That kinda made we want to coomment, and gave me stronger feelings on it.

Will it put off this new member from posting?

Will it put off other new members in the future from posting? It took me 3 weeks to post in introductions- and i was having a panic attack doing it- because i was so scared and knew nobody.

Had there been a voting system, it def would not encourage me to post.

And yea, when i write anything now i'm rewording , etc, - i don't want to edit myself- but i know i'd personally get triggered if i got a load of minus, and the bar on my page went to red.

It reminds me a bit of that Simpsons episode - where they go to see the family therapist and for therapy, administer electric shocks to each other.

But instead of it bein therapeutic, they all shock the livin daylights outta one another...

Something i can see happenning when the waters are not so calm in here.

Just ma 2c, take care all, xoxo , kitteh

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I can also see it could be open to abuse. I am still seeing how it goes. I can see some positives that could come of it, people can see that they are actually say something that people agree with or are feeling supported by a post and can show that. It can also show a post that has affected people and the person who wrote it can see that and maybe able to look back and understand that. The thing is that when someone hits the reputation button we don't know what post has got it so people may not be able to find that post that has upset people easily and so won't understand what they have done. I think its good we don't know who has hit th button tho.

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I can just see it be used as i like that person, regardless of what they wrote.

Me being 0 what does that mean? I would rather have minus instead of not being bothered. You wont get a true reprosentation of what u post, this is same as what i think was tried before, cant remeber properly, but it was about how u are liked or something. Sry cant remeber, even then it didnt show true feeling.

i dont know, im just giving my thoughts on it.

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Hi, I have been thinking exactly the same as a lot of people here, think it is really not a good idea on a mh site. I would be very upset if I got a mark down, it would actually stop me from using the site all together. If someone has a problem with something you have said, they can explain it in a reply and then at least you have the chance to try and smooth things over and you know what you have said wrong. Sometimes if I'm not feeling great I can put things that don't sound perfect or exactly how I ment it... But surely that is the whole point of a site dedicated to people with mh issues, a lot of times we're not going to say the perfect thing but at least we're trying to be there for one another. Xx

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I have come up with an idea

Ppl can print this off on a colour printer and stick it to the corner of their screen :) Then they can line it up with their post

post-12542-052219600 1273572492.jpg

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Yay!!!! So you get a good rep and you get to have fun cutting and sticking!!!!!

It doesn't get much better than this...... :wub:

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I actually got offended by the rep thing, i got negative rep and have no reason why i got one apart from making a post in update forum about how the forum gave me a headache as i dont cope well with unexpected change. A lot of people on other forums had taken it down because it got abused its its not funny especially to me as im a literal thinker.

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I really think this is dangerous ad distressing.. There is room for abuse and it could lead to bullying, pressure to gain points and become popular ..This could surely lead a vulnerable person having an insecure , bad day over the edge. Not to mention increased paranoia. We are not ebey sellers ! We are sensitive humans. I would like to start petition to remove this "feature".

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