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"blogs" Before I Submit As Ticket?

Saharah Blue

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Okay since I have received zero feedback on surrounding the changes in the blog section of the forum. I am going to see what is up?

But before I submit a ticket and bog down the volunteers, who are overwork and under appreciated, as we are often told. Again, does anyone know if the format changes in the Blog section are going to be fixed? Returned to more like they were, or is this just suppose to be the new wave of future?

I have posted about this a few times before and no one seems to know, or it didn't involve chat so the audience attention span was immediately reduced. Feed back much appreciated.



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Hi there

Having missed your previous comments, would you be so kind as to detail what problems you are having in their entirety?

It may be they are just glitches that can be ironed out, or it could be that a further site update may sort your concerns out at a later date.

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Thanks for your response, you are the only one who has made any comment at all. I have been blogging here for the last 4 years and it has been so helpful in my recovery, I want to just be able to continue doing what work well for me. Below are some of the issues I have tried to raise, if there is absolutely no resolution, I will submit a ticket, it will mostly likely just be a copy/paste of this though.

I was hoping that viewing and navigating your own blog would be back to a format where it was before. It is really helpful to be able to scroll down and see how your moods have been shifting through the week etc.... this is the main function I use on the site for my own self awareness. Since people with BPD are encouraged in T to keep a mood diary, I would think its function would seem obvious?

Is there anyway to change your settings other than just adding more blog folders? So far I have not found a way to preview what I write and scroll through it with ease, like I use to. The 2 column thing is just not useful.

It is just way to big, the text, heading is the size of my head, how to get back to a more practical blog world again? The columns and the hidden previews are not just off-putting and frustrating, Standard western culture reads from left to right in a paragraph fashion. Can we possibly go back to this? Rather than this column journal style

The blogs are fickle on preview, sometime they do, sometimes they don't. Recently, I have no longer been able to edit my blog without this deleting words happening:

a hard time recovering, my fatigue running so high, turning itself into tears sharp emotions. I managed to

[/ Went straight up to the ice sheet and skated for an hour and a half.

[/ Stopped at the track and walked and reflected for 3 laps, it was so beautiful today, I could be mindful of it.

[/ Exchanged my clothes for the right sizes and feel great having things that fit properly.

[/ Bought a pair of Speedo goggles.

[/w that I am back home I am feeling better if not tired. I think the best thing I can do for myself it to meditate and sleep.

[/ditating I came across a very open loving heart which I am so grateful to find still inside me, it renews my hope, which has been so taciturn. I also realize that nothing needs to happen; simplicity teaches much.



I don't need a rant as much I need formatting options. An a way to reflect and reread what I write. Is there a good reason it doesn't look like the rest of the site anymore?

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This is exactly what I am talking about with zero feedback, I have gone ahead and submitted a ticket on the subject. I started asking these questions the day the changes took place, I am flat getting disgusted about dysfunctional nature of it.


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sorry Sah, I didn't reply cos I don't use blogging at all and only replied in there a couple of times, hope you get it sorted x

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