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Support Groups?


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I'm thinking of going to some form of support group for s/h, because i have no-one to talk to about it at all , the people i am close to, my friends, just don't get it at all. Argh.

Has anyone ever been to a support group/currently attends/found them useful?

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im also considering looking for the same thing - although my counsellor is doing a great job with me, i cant help feeling it would be good to have something else. anyone out there have experiences? good luck xip x

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I'm going to need luck sloaneranger, i discovered there's hardly anything near to where i live :( Hope that if you do decide to look for somewhere that you can find something

i like "Xip" by the way :D

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sorry about that - glad u like the shorthand though! *hugs*

i see your location is london....if theres not much there, then im not sure what chance ive got. i imagine with all the secrecy involved with sh issues, it would probably be easier to join the masons than find some kind of group! lol!

sorry im just being flippant....i dont mean to be. im sure someone will be along with something much more constructive to say soon. x

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  • 2 years later...


I go to a depression support group, so it's not BPD. But I find it very useful. It's a self help group, not a therapy group, so people come and just talk about their week or feelings or anything really. Often we sit and have a laugh which is nice, but of course it just depends on what people bring to the group that week. It's very supportive and a great experience. People have often mentiond BPD but it's not specifically for BPD at all. Regardless we all seem to share similar experiences to some extent, e.g. sleep issues, low mood, etc. So we can share experiences and also suggestions on how to heal. The group has some core values which are highlighted at the beginning of each session, including that everyone has the right and time to speak should they want to but that no one has to speak. And that we are all responsible for ourselves so while something may work for one person it may not work for all.. we don't have to take someone's suggestion etc.

Anyway, I hope you're able to find a group near you. Also I'd say to give a group a chance.. in the group that I go to there is no commitment needed to attend weekly so people drop in and out as and when needed. This means that the dynamics of the group change weekly.. so while one week I may go and get nothing out of it, i might go another week and find it great. So give it a chance, if you find one.


Edit - just re-read and see that you're looking for a group for self harm. I wonder whether a depression group would be helpful anyway? It might be a start.. and they may know of other groups in the area too. Good luck!

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thank you Jenny, depression support group is fine No self harm, Im sorry im typing from the phone and might have mislead you. Thank you for the advice. Its helpful and i will await for the details. :)

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thank you Jenny, depression support group is fine No self harm, Im sorry im typing from the phone and might have mislead you. Thank you for the advice. Its helpful and i will await for the details. :)

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