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Employers Sacked Me By Text


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As you may know, I had issues with my employer in work when he found out I was taking anti-depressants. I was sacked unoffically on friday but this was pending another meeting, which was supposed to be today.

I got a text from my supervisor asking if we could postpone the meeting until tomorrow.

I pretty much knew I wasnt going to get my job back, even though I'd already decided they could shove the job up their ass. After this text I was pretty sure they were going to sack me.

I refused to allow my supervisor to try and postpone my being sacked, so replied;-

"That might not be possible. We arranged this meeting today on the understanding that I may be working on wednesday, if that is not the case then i have other arrangements in place"

to which he replied;

"I've discussed the situation with the owner. I'm really sorry but the decision is that we are unable to offer you work. this is solely based on the fact you were struggling so much last week. I wish you all the best."

fucking SHITHEAD. I had to sit down ONCE for 15 minutes because my meds had really knocked me sideways. I told them these side effects would not last long and had previously explained to them the allowances I was prepared to make in order to make the job work.

How fucking DARE they sack me because I am depressed. how DARE they. And how DARE they do it by text message: fucking cowardly bastards.

I've called up the equality and human rights commission. this is illegal discrimination.

I am SO angry. mad.gif

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they aren't allowed to do that. you need to take legal advice

I've got legal advice, I'm going to follow this up. No way am I letting them get away with this.

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one word - c**nts! absolutly spineless! i thought we were meant to be living in a society that doesn't discriminate against MH.

How long did you work for them?

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too right they unequivically cannot do that. espacially if you had previously explained the situation.id screw em too the wall.

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I was very new, not even a week but I had started the medication during my employment with them. I had explained the situation to them in full, it was all fine until I had to sit down on one occasion. Then the owner of the cafe cornered me after my shift and asked me loads of very intrusive questions about my issues etc. and I discussed with him the allowances I was able to make in order to make the job work. He told me we would 'see how it goes' but I then had a call from the supervisor/manager of the cafe who asked to have a meeting with me the next day, before my shift in the evening. He told me I'd lost my job and tried to sweeten me up by offering me free coffee whenever I wanted. I cried and pleaded they reconsider. He said we would meet on tuesday.... and then this happened!

I don't think "hopping mad" QUITE covers how angry I am.

I came back from uni early and missed all of my end of first year parties for this job. I worked damn hard and they themselves said I was a 'sterling' employee... until the owner found out about my depression.

He obviously left his dirty work to the supervisor, who was too much of a coward to sack me in person.

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Thats terrible. It's discrimination and they are not allowed to do this. I really do suggest you seek legal advice. This is the number for community legal advice. It's free. 08453454345

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OMG!,This is so shocking,How dare they treat you like this,Good on you for seeking legal advice.

Good Luck with it.


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I am offended for you!!!

Good for you for not letting this slide! best thing to do when angry; do something useful with it and that you are doing.Youre helping others too by not letting them get away with this.


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fudgecake, im so sorry this has happened, however, as a former employer myself i have to warn you, you may be setting yourself up for a fall here. i dont want to piss on your parade or anything, but i dont want you to be left disappointed in the coming months.

you havent worked there long enough, and although you were honest with your employers about your MH issues, the fact is that small businesses can no longer afford to take chances on anyone. we are in the middle of an economic disaster and there are people queing up for work, so if you had to take 15mins out because of your meds, then your employer is ovbiously going to be concerned. we all here know how meds can knock you when you first start to take them, but many people arent so enlightened and your employer will be just working on what they have seen.

my advice would be to keep your powder dry, move on and forget about things, no matter how much it sticks in your throat. if your meds have settled down now, go and get something else and keep your head high. best wishes, and sorry if i come over harsh - i dont mean to, but i wanted to say something as i dont want to see you left disappointed. xxx

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you havent worked there long enough, and although you were honest with your employers about your MH issues, the fact is that small businesses can no longer afford to take chances on anyone. we are in the middle of an economic disaster and there are people queing up for work, so if you had to take 15mins out because of your meds, then your employer is ovbiously going to be concerned. we all here know how meds can knock you when you first start to take them, but many people arent so enlightened and your employer will be just working on what they have seen.

my advice would be to keep your powder dry, move on and forget about things, no matter how much it sticks in your throat. if your meds have settled down now, go and get something else and keep your head high. best wishes, and sorry if i come over harsh - i dont mean to, but i wanted to say something as i dont want to see you left disappointed. xxx

I was made aware of those issues when I met with a man who works for the equality and human rights commission.

The amount of time I was employed is irrelevant, and that loophole law for small businesses was closed a few years ago. According to the legislation, they failed to make any reasonable adjustments and they did not even listen to my suggestions on the adjustments I was prepared to make in order to make the job work. (taking my meds at another time for example.)

The only way out of this situation is if they can somehow prove that I do not have a disability... which I don't think they can do. Either way, my supervisor tried to belittle me by saying how his family have "much bigger problems" than me and he insinuated that I chose to sit down for 15 minutes on a whim. They also asked me many personal and intrusive questions. Many of the other staff are allowed to take cigarette breaks during the quiet hours of their shift- why should I not be allowed to sit down for 15 minutes? This is detrimental treatment.

But yes, you did piss on my parade a bit.

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The guy who owns it (the one who made sure I got sacked) is also a bit of a business man. He owns that cafe (Which is very popular and does very well) as well as a bar in a very touristy area of the city in the Millennium Center down Cardiff bay.... its not like he can't afford the expense. He has three staff on at any one time and it takes just about three members of staff to cope with the workload.... when I was working there I did feel we were slightly understaffed.

Oh and a club. He also owns a club.

He's just a profit-driven asshole.

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i got dismissed from my last job for poor work even tho i was suffering from depression and struggling cause my boss was bullyin me. i took it farther, after 2 months they gave me my job back... i fought the nhs and won... if i can do you can, good luck!!! x

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It makes me sad to know I'm not the only person who has been treated like this.

I'm fighting it for myself AND for those who have also been treated in such a disgraceful manner!

I've just written an angry letter- I have to try and address this issue outside of court first as it looks better on me.

S'making me feel good about myself though, I've hardly eaten in ages and now I'm starving and stuffing my face. Hopefully my boobs will come back :P

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