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Physical Symptoms Of Depression


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evening folks, how are we xxxxxxx

What, if any, physical symptoms do peeps get when they are depressed? Low, devastating moods aren't my only clue. I get a range of physical symptoms, obvious ones like no appetite, plus aches and pains, and also over-tiredness and most odd of all a wierd, general....feeling. I'm almost itchy on the inside, an awful restless feeling all over.

As everyone knows, cos I've gone onnnnnnnnnnnn and onnnnnnnnnnnn and onnnnnnnnnnnnnnn about it ( :rolleyes: ), my new job is keeping me stupidly busy and last night I was in bed, about to drop off and the itchy feeling came on and I properly 'felt' depressed...i.e. I physically felt it.

Aaaaargh its hard to explain! Anyone relate? xxxxxxxxxxxx

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I guess my physical symptoms would be:

Head aches (probably from the lack of sleep)

Restless legs (I feel like I should be moving even when Im in bed)

Teeth clenching/sore jaw (I tend to bite my teeth together when depressed/anxious)

The best one isnt really physical but I become majorly DOPEY :) I will fall over things, walk in to door frames (still have a sore eye socket from the last door frame lol) Im a nightmare for dropping things too :S

oh well, what doesnt kil us and all that.

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Palpatations for me too. I had to have a 24 hour heart monitor for it. It comes when i'm feeling very low or very stressed

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Baggy eyes - lack of sleep.

Poor skin - lack of nutrients.

Weight loss - lack of food.

Stomach ache - lack of food.

Sore fists - concrete walls are harder than skin and bones.

Bad breath - smoking too much and not eating.

Overgrown facial hair - can't be arsed shaving that often.

This weird aura thing hovering around my back - dunno.

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I get that same inner pressure / nooginess / need to be moving all the time

Ive been sort of trying to understand what its asking me for, it seems to be driving me to seek some compulsive soothing. When I get that noogy feeling, I want to go online and seek approval, play computer games, or eat choccie or something. I also find I am more compulsive about wanting 'shy glances' .. lol.

Its the feeling that lets me know I am compulsively seeking soothing of any description. As trying to break my maladaptive coping habits is an aim of therapy, Im trying to use that noogy feeling as a clue I need to talk to someone who understands, so I will like come on here and waffle about me feelings, or email me T.

Im trying to break the cycle of instantly going to my 'surrogates'

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I get all the usual - rapid weight loss, no sleep, nightmares, walking in a dream world, not being safe to cross roads etc.. when really bad and needing 24/7 care.... bla bla bla.... but the one that bothered me the most was when I thought my toe was broken. I know it's strange, but I had x-rays and everything and as I got better so did the pain. It was the 2nd in from right on my left foot. Weird or what! I have since read though about people not feeling their body or feeling too much pain or whatever.

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heavy body

unexplained aches and stuff specially shoulders and back


loss of appetite

sleeplessness and then being constantly tired

racing pulse

memory loss & lack of concentration (is that physical hmmm)

bad eyesight - takes ages to focus from short to long distance and vv

listlessness and lethargy

excess of energy and like restlessness

then of course you get run down and are more susceptible to whatever illness is going round - colds and flu and stuff

innit a bitch :(

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Wow, we'd all be better off in a tin of Chum! :D

Seriously, as if we didn't have enough to be going on with. I find my unexplainable feeling in my chest....different, UTTERLY different to anxiety symptoms (they have special symptoms all on their ownsome, aww bless :angry: )more a really heavy feeling.

Ooh and I feel like i need to be coiled tight like a spring, tensed up....but I have no energy to do it. Bizarre.

No wonder i've ended up in A&E countless times, loudly complaining to poor, far-too-busy receptionists 'look I know you know me by name now and you'll probably get a Chrimbo card off me, but this time i'm DEFFO dying'.

Hugs and snogs everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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i know that "heavy" feeling fedup....like theres a 20stone person sitting on your chest, stopping you from getting up :(

i also get/got headaches, weight loss, feeling very cold, palpitations, general aches, memory loss, sleepy all the time, but unable to sleep and probably more that i cant remember (thats the memory loss!!). i agree with you suggesting we should be in a tin of chum - partly cause my head feels liks one! lol!


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am i the only person that over eats? i get stressed unhappy i go to the fridge...it makes me feel a little better...then i feel guilty for the eating.. a no win situation!!!!

i get the teeth clenching

the tiredness

the moodswings

the tears

the not being able to concentrate on anything

the mind wandering

the list goes on

ps. im new nice to meet you all x

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I can relate to that "itchy inside" feeling. It's a tough one to describe. It's mostly on my left side. I can feel it inside my hand, forearm, chest, and foot. I sometimes associate it with feeling restless or impatient, but I also notice it when I'm just sitting around feeling really bored. It's a cringing sensation, sort of like the feeling I get when someone runs their fingernail on the chalkboard, only without the sound. I HATE IT. :wacko:

When I'm really tired and depressed I get this heavy weight right behind my eyes. It feels like I have a lead gyroscope lodged in the front of my brain, like when I turn my head to the side my brain "resists" the movement. This feeling literally SUCKS all the positive energy right out of me so that it's almost too hard to fake a smile.

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cant sleep

constantly tired

loss of appetite (havent eaten a proper meal since 20th may)

on edge


memory loss

constant voices in my head

short tempered


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get really tired and just sleep.

get clumsy and lose co-ordination

become really slow in how i speak and move

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I get really strange mood swings and completely flip my weight goes up an down and I constantly split up with my boyfriend because im convinced he lies when I think about it when im normal he hasn't really done much wrong. Im on anti depressants but they don't seem to work any more but I could do with more support from my boyfriend which I don't think im going to get so Im going to be on my own because when you have depression I think you need time on your own sometimes.

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